轉貼:上週ORACLE RAC培訓時的安裝RAC的詳細步驟(一)
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Oracle. All rights reserved.
VMware 4.5.2 installation & Setup: Last Update: 28NOV04
Comments: Saar.Maoz@oracle.com
To upgrade an existing installation, first remove VMware via add/remove
software. Install new version (reboot if needed) and finally fix the
subnet of the VMNet8 interface see step# 14 in this file.
1. Boot Windows 2000 and log in.
2. In order for RHEL3 to install correctly in VMware, change your Windows
Desktop settings to 16-bit color.
3. Insert the "T3 Disc 8" CD into the CD-ROM drive. This script uses
drive letter "E:" to refer to the CD-ROM drive.
4. To install the VMware Workstation software, run:
5. Screen: "Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for VMware Workstation"
a. Click "Next".
6. Screen: "License Agreement"
a. Click "Yes, I accept the terms in the license agreement."
b. Click "Next".
7. Screen: "Destination Folder"
Note: This is only where the VMware software will be installed.
It is not where the files that make up the actual VM will
be created. The default (C:Program Files...) should be ok in
most cases, only 100MB of free space is required in this directory.
a. Click "Next".
8. Screen "Ready to Install the Program"
a. Click "Install".
9. Dialog box: "Your machine currently has CD-ROM Autorun enabled... Do
you want to disable Autorun now?"
a. Click "Yes".
To re-enable review FAQ1.19 on Internal
"Oracle on VMware - Linux Implementation Guides" website.
10. Dialog box: "Beginning with VMware Workstation 3.0, the filename
extensions... Do you want Workstation to search for
virtual disk and suspended state files that are using
the old extensions now?"
a. Click "No".
11. Screen: "Registration Information:
a. User Name: Enter your name.
b. Company: Enter "Oracle Corporation"
c. Serial Number: Enter the serial number provided by the instructor.
d. Click "Enter".
12. Screen: "InstallShield Wizard Completed"
a. Click "Finish".
13. (Optional) Dialog box: "You must restart your system... Click Yes
to restart now or No if you plan to restart later."
a. Close any other running applications or save any open files.
b. Click "Yes" to reboot.
14. Configure network settings for VMWare:
a. Launch VMware from the icon on the Windows Desktop.
b. Select "Edit" --> "Virtual Network Settings..."
c. Click the "Host Virtual Network Mapping" tab.
d. Find the entry labelled "VMnet8".
e. Click the "..." button at the far right edge of that line.
f. Select "Subnet..." from the menu that appears.
i. IP Address: Enter "".
ii. Subnet Mask: Enter "".
iii. Click "OK".
g. (Optional) Repeat d. to f. for "VMnet1", use IP: "" and
mask ""
NOTE: In this screen if you don't see a GREEN network icon mapping
to vmnet1 & vmnet8 you are hitting a vmware bug (SR# 160374) so
any change here you'll have to reboot to make effective. Also
due to this bug you can not create a Host-Only network adapter.
Currently there's no fix so our scripts include the workaround,
which is to use a second NAT NIC and all works with no problems.
g. (Optional) If you want to enable external network access to
your VM (keep using NAT), enable port forwarding as follows:
i. Find the entry labelled "VMnet8".
ii. Click the "..." button at the far right edge of that line.
iii. Select "NAT..." from the menu that appears.
vi. Click "Port forwarding..." on the top right
v. Click "Add..." center window
vi. Host port is incoming port on Host OS. Forwarding IP should
be: and following it is an empty square, enter
exact same port number from above. Use chart below for popular
21 - ftp 1810 - EM Application Server Control
22 - ssh 4889 - EM Grid Control
23 - telnet 5500 - EM Console
1521 - SQLNet 5560 - iSQL*Plus
2049 - NFS Server (UDP) 7777 - HTML DB/Apache
8988 - JDev Embedded OC4J 8888 - Standalone OC4J (Toy Store)
Port forwarding is only needed when trying to connect to the Linux
Guest OS from outside the laptop. In that case, external users
should use the IP address of the laptop Host OS (ipconfig on Windows
shows it), VMware will route the connection to the Guest OS (Linux).
To connect to your Linux Guest OS from the laptop itself just
telnet/ftp/ssh/sqlplus to the IP address assigned to your Guest OS,
which is (In this case, no port forwarding is needed).
h. Click "OK".
15. After rebooting Windows 2000, log in again (newer VMware software may not
require a reboot)
NOTE: You can skip all the steps below if you download and unzip:
RHEL3-U2-Step1.ZIP otherwise, proceed for manual VM creation:
16. Click "New Virtual Machine" in the center of the main window.
a. Screen: "Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard"
i. Click "Next".
b. Screen: "Select the Appropriate Configuration"
i. Select "Custom".
ii. Click "Next".
c. Screen: "Select a Guest Operating System"
i. Select "Linux" from radio buttons.
ii. Verify "Red Hat Linux" in the pulldown menu.
ii. Click "Next".
d. Screen: "Name the Virtual Machine"
i. Virtual machine name: Enter "RHEL3u2-10g" (or something similar)
ii. Location: Select a directory on a drive with 5.5GB free space.
iii. Click "Next".
e. Screen: "Memory for the Virtual Machine"
i. Change the value to 70% of the amount of physical RAM installed in laptop.
Note: The amount of RAM installed in the laptop can be seen in task manager
on windows. Do not go beyond the blue arrow (Max for best performance)
If your laptop has 1GB of physical memory, change "Memory for this
machine" to 720MB.
ii. Click "Next".
f. Screen: "Network Type"
i. Select "Use network address translation (NAT)"
ii. Click "Next".
g. Screen: "Select I/O Adapter Types"
i. Verify "Buslogic" is selected
ii. Click "Next".
h. Screen: "Select a Disk"
i. Verify "Create a new virtual disk"
ii. Click "Next".
i. Screen: "Select a Disk Type"
i. Verify "SCSI"
ii. Click "Next".
j. Screen: "Specify Disk Capacity"
i. Change "Disk size" to 6 GB.
ii. Verify "Split disk into 2 GB files"
iii. Click "Next".
k. Screen: "Specify Disk File"
i. Change disk name to: "rhel3-u2-0-OS.vmdk"
ii. Click "Finish".
17. Click "Edit virtual machine settings".
a. Click "Add...".
i. Screen: "Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard"
1. Click "Next".
ii. Screen: "Hardware Type"
1. Verify "Hard Disk".
2. Click "Next".
iii. Screen: "Select a Disk"
1. Verify "Create a new virtual disk".
2. Click"Next".
iv. Screen: "Select a Disk Type"
1. Verify "SCSI".
2. Click"Next".
v. Screen: "Specify Disk Capacity"
1. Disk size (GB): Enter "2.0"
2. Verify the "Split disk into 2 GB files" checkbox is selected.
3. Click "Next".
vi. Screen: "Specify Disk File"
1. Disk file: Enter "rhel3-u2-1-swap.vmdk".
2. Click "Finish".
b. Repeat step 'a.', but using the following parameters:
Disk size (GB): "8.0" GB
Disk file: "rhel3-u2-2-oracle.vmdk"
c. Repeat step 'a.', but using the following parameters:
Disk size (GB): "8.0" GB
Disk file: "Linux-3-ocfs.vmdk"
d. Repeat step 'a.', but using the following parameters:
Disk size (GB): "8.0" GB
Disk file: "Linux-4-raw.vmdk"
e. Click "Add...".
i. Screen: "Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard"
1. Click "Next".
ii. Screen: "Hardware Type"
1. Select "Ethernet Adapter".
2. Click "Next".
iii. Screen: "Network Type"
1. Select "Host-Only"; if that option is greyed, choose: "NAT.."
Greyed out "Host-Only" is due to VMware bug (SR#160374) the
"NAT.." workaround is just fine!
2. Device status: Verify "Connect at power on" is checked.
3. Click "Finish".
f. Click "OK" (on the "Virtual Machine Control Panel" dialog box).
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Oracle. All rights reserved.
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