xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SiteCreation.xsd"> auth_news pt_newsDetail [all authenticated portal users] anonymous portal user Default_News Default_News auth_news txt_headline Headline for default Content rtf_body Body for the default Content Default_News Default_News auth_news txt_headline Headline for default Content rtf_body Body for the default Content Default_News auth_news pt_newsDetail [all authenticated portal users] anonymous portal user
級別: 中級 Hebba Soliman, 高階軟體工程師, IBM Ahmed Khairy, IT 專家, IBM
2009 年 12 月 29 日 瞭解一種使您能夠以自動化方式在 IBM® Lotus® Web Content Management 中定義站點結構的簡單解決方案。這個解決方案使您能夠節省花在既耗時又沉悶的任務上面的時間。
編輯注:您很精通這個主題嗎?希望分享您的經驗嗎?請馬上加入到 IBM Lotus 軟體 wiki 專案。
果您使用 IBM Lotus Web Content Management
的話,一個經常出現的任務就是定義站點結構。這個任務本身是重複的並且十分耗時;您必須採取 10
由於構成單一站點結構的站點和站點區域數可能會達到數千個,因此您需要一種方法來自動化完成站點結構的定義並使它易於遷移、匯出和匯入。在本文中,您將學習一種簡單的方法來將站點結構定義為一個 XML 檔案並進行相應的部署。
- IBM WebSphere® Portal V6.0 和更高版本,以及它的管理和元件
- IBM Lotus Web Content Management
了演示如何在 Lotus Web Content Management 中建立站點結構且無需手動建立所有站點和站點區域,本文使用 Lotus
Web Content Management API 和一個包含站點結構的 XML 檔案。您可以通過針對本文下載部分提供的 XML
模式對包含站點結構的 XML 檔案進行驗證來建立它。XML 模式將驗證結構和必要欄位來預防執行時錯誤。
您可以定義許多站點、站點區域和預設內容來在包含完整站點結構的 XML 文件中建立站點結構。首先,建立下面這些必要部件:
- Lotus Web Content Management 庫
- 將在站點結構中使用的編寫模板
- 將在站點結構中使用的演示模板
- 將在安全設定部分中使用的使用者
- 將在編寫模板中使用的工作流、工作流操作和工作流階段
後,以 XML 檔案的形式定義站點結構,指定庫、站點、站點區域等等。為了確保提供的資訊足夠用於在 Lotus Web Content
Management 中建立站點,XML 檔案根據本文下載部分提供的 XSD 檔案中定義的模式進行構建。XSD
您可以建立一個 JSP 元件來解析 XML 檔案並建立其中定義的站點區域。
在這個小節中,我們將描述實現解決方案所需的步驟。我們首先將討論如何建立 XML 檔案和 XSD 檔案,隨後討論用於解析檔案的 JSP 元件。
XML 建立
XML 檔案包含建立站點結構的所有資訊。它包含庫名、站點結構、站點區域結構和預設內容。需要在與您的需求相對應的結構中建立一個 XML 檔案。參見清單 1 中的 XML 示例,它與圖 1 所示的站點結構相對應。
圖 1. 站點結構
清單 1. 建立站點結構所使用的 XML 示例
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SiteCreation.xsd"> auth_news pt_newsDetail [all authenticated portal users] anonymous portal user Default_News Default_News auth_news txt_headline Headline for default Content rtf_body Body for the default Content Default_News Default_News auth_news txt_headline Headline for default Content rtf_body Body for the default Content Default_News auth_news pt_newsDetail [all authenticated portal users] anonymous portal user
圖 2 展示了 XML 元素和實現解決方案後生成的輸出之間的樣例對映。
圖 2. XML 與 Lotus Web Content Management 物件和區段之間的對映
如您所見,實際站點結構與 XML 檔案之間的對映非常簡單,具有一個表示庫的根元素。這個根元素隨後包含另一個與站點對應的元素,定義它的名稱並顯示名稱。站點區域以巢狀方式在 XML 檔案中定義,用於獲得必需的站點結構。
內容安全設定和工作流被新增到編寫模板元件中,而不是 XML 檔案中的預設內容區段中。
通過定義預設內容的名稱,預設內容可以在多個站點區域中重用。當您在 XML 檔案中定義了完整的預設內容元素後,您可以通過定義一個只包含名稱元素的預設內容標記來使用它。如果預設內容已經存在於庫中,也可以使用在多個不同位置重用預設內容這一特性。
XML 模式驗證
如前所述,為了避免丟失 Lotus Web Content Management 用於站點建立的資料,您需要使 XML 檔案遵從一個 XSD 檔案。這種遵從性可以保證表 1 中列出的驗證是有效的。
表 1. XML 模式元素/屬性驗證
元素 | 元素/屬性 | 型別 | 有效範圍 | 值 |
Library | Sites
| 元素 | 0..n | NA |
Library | Name | 屬性 | 必要 | 字串 |
Site | SiteArea | 元素 | 0..n | NA |
Site | Name | 屬性 | 必要 | 字串 |
Site | DisplayName | 屬性 | 可選 | 字串 |
Site | Settings | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
SiteArea | SiteArea | 元素 | 0..n | NA |
SiteArea | Name | 屬性 | 必要 | 字串 |
SiteArea | DisplayName | 屬性 | 可選 | 字串 |
SiteArea | Settings | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
SiteArea | DefaultContent | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
DefaultContent | Name | 元素 | 必要 | NA |
DefaultContent | DisplayName | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
DefaultContent | AuthoringTemp | 元素 | 可選(如果已定義了項的話) | NA |
DefaultContent | TextComponent | 元素 | 0..n | NA |
DefaultContent | RichTextComponent | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
TextComponent | FieldName | 元素 | 必要(像在編寫模板中一樣引用 Lotus Web Content Management TextComponent 欄位名) | NA |
TextComponent | TextComponent | 元素 | 必要 | NA |
TextComponent | FieldName | 元素 | 必要(像在編寫模板中一樣引用 Lotus Web Content Management RichTextComponent 欄位名) | NA |
TextComponent | TextComponent | 元素 | 必要 | NA |
Settings | TemplateMapping | 元素 | 0..n | NA |
Settings | SecuritySettings | 元素 | 可選 | NA |
TemplateMapping | AuthoringTemp | 元素 | 必要(引用 Lotus Web Content Management 編寫模板名) | NA |
TemplateMapping | PresentationTemp | 元素 | 必要(引用 Lotus Web Content Management 演示模板) | NA |
SecuritySettings | AccessRight | 元素 | 0..n | NA |
AccessRight | Type | 屬性 | 必要 | addReadAccessMembers/
addDeleteAccessMembers |
AccessRight | Access | 元素 | 1..n | NA |
JSP 元件
已經在一個遵循 XSD 的 XML 檔案中定義了您的站點結構,現在需要建立一個 JSP 元件來處理對 XML 檔案的解析,並使用 Lotus
Web Content Management API 將站點結構匯入到 Lotus Web Content Management
庫來執行實際的 Lotus Web Content Management 站點建立工作。
選擇 New - JSP
元件。使用名稱 jsp_createSiteStructure 建立 JSP 元件,然後將其指向路徑為
/jsp/html/createSiteStructure.jsp 的 JSP 檔案。將您的 JSP 元件儲存在本地 Rendering
portlet 中。這個 JSP 檔案的物理路徑位於一個目錄中,類似清單 2 中的程式碼。
清單 2. 物理路徑目錄
\installedApps\ WCM_Local_ng_Portlet_PA_dvme0nk.ear\PA_dvme0nk.war\jsp\html\ createSiteStructure.jsp
JSP 檔案建立了一個稱為 Create Site
Structure 的按鈕,單擊此按鈕時將開始解析 XML 檔案,首先將解析每一個站點。XML 檔案的路徑現在可以進行編輯。清單 3
中的檔案被認為位於與 JSP 檔案相同的位置。程式碼將進入工作空間並連線到檔案中的定義的庫。參見清單 3 中的程式碼。
清單 3. 建立新的評論內容的 JSP 檔案
這裡使用了一個實用類,它包含了 JSP
程式碼中用來建立站點結構的所有 helper 方法。基於本文的目的,可以建立一個名為 wcmUtil.jsp 的 JSP
元件來包含所有這些方法。這個 JSP 元件被包含在 createSiteStructure.jsp 中,如清單 3 所示,使用其中的
清單 4 - 20 展示了在 helper 類中用於建立站點結構的方法。
清單 4. 連線到工作空間和庫
private Workspace workspace; /* *Connect to Lotus Web Content Management workspace with current user if *logged in or anonymous if user is not logged in * *Set the Lotus Web Content Management document library to aLibraryName */ public Workspace openWorkspaceLibrary(HttpServletRequest request, String aLibraryName) throws ServiceNotAvailableException, OperationFailedException { // Connect to WCM Workspace if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null) { workspace = WCM_API.getRepository().getWorkspace (request.getUserPrincipal()); } else { workspace = WCM_API.getRepository().getAnonymousWorkspace(); } //set library to the passed library name if (workspace != null) { DocumentLibrary docLib = workspace.getDocumentLibrary (aLibraryName); if(docLib != null){ workspace.setCurrentDocumentLibrary(docLib); } } return workspace; }
清單 5. 解析和建立站點
/* *Parse site element *If site already available, retrieve the site object, edit the site *If site not already created, create a new site and set the name and *display name and its settings *Save the site to the workspace */ public Site createSite(Element aSiteElement){ String siteName = aSiteElement.getAttribute("Name"); String siteDisplayName = aSiteElement.getAttribute("DisplayName"); Site site = null; try{ DocumentId siteId = getWCMDocumentByName(siteName, DocumentTypes.Site); if (siteId != null){ site = (Site)workspace.getById(siteId); } else{ site = workspace.createSite(); site.setName(siteName); } site.setTitle(siteDisplayName); site = (Site)retrieveAddSettings(site, aSiteElement, false); workspace.save(site); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } return site; }
清單 6. 解析和建立站點區域
/* *Parse site area element *If site area already available, retrieve the site area object, edit the site area *If site area not already created, create a new site area and set the name *and display name and its settings *Add a default content to the site area if available *Save the site area to the workspace */ public SiteArea createSiteArea(Element aSiteAreaElement, DocumentId parentId){ String siteAreaName = aSiteAreaElement.getAttribute("Name"); String siteAreaDisplayName = aSiteAreaElement.getAttribute("DisplayName"); SiteArea sa = null; try{ String parentPath = workspace.getPathById(parentId, true, true); String siteAreaPath = parentPath+ "/"+ siteAreaName; DocumentId siteAreaId = getWCMDocumentByPath(siteAreaPath, Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL); if (siteAreaId != null){ sa = (SiteArea)workspace.getById(siteAreaId); }else{ sa = workspace.createSiteArea(parentId, null, 1); } sa = (SiteArea)retrieveAddSettings(sa, aSiteAreaElement, true); if (sa != null){ sa.setTitle(siteAreaDisplayName); sa.setName(siteAreaName); workspace.save(sa); sa = addDefaultContentToSiteArea(sa, aSiteAreaElement); if (sa != null){ boolean saved = saveToWorkspace(sa); System.out.println("site area = " + sa.getName()); if (!saved){ return null; } //checking if site area contains any other site area children NodeList SiteAreaNodeList = aSiteAreaElement.getChildNodes(); for (Node node = aSiteAreaElement.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals("SiteArea")) { Element siteAreaEL = (Element)node; SiteArea childSA = createSiteArea(siteAreaEL, sa.getId()); if (childSA != null){ System.out.println("childSA for = " +sa.getName()+ " = " + childSA.getName()); } else{ return null; } } } } else{ return null; } } return sa; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
清單 7. 解析和建立預設內容
/* *Parse the default content element *If content already available, retrieve the content object, and edit it *If content not already created, create a new content object and set the *name and display name and its settings *If authoring template provided, overwrite if already set *Add text components and rich text components to the content *Save the default content to the site area */ public SiteArea addDefaultContentToSiteArea(SiteArea aSiteArea, Element aSiteAreaElement){ DocumentId defaultContentId = null; Element defaultel = getChildByName(aSiteAreaElement, "DefaultContent"); String contentName = getElementValueByTagName("Name", defaultel); defaultContentId = getWCMDocumentByName(contentName, DocumentTypes.Content); Content content = null; String contentDisplayName = getElementValueByTagName("DisplayName", defaultel); String authoringTempName = getElementValueByTagName("AuthoringTemp", defaultel); DocumentId defaultAuthId = null; if (! authoringTempName.equals("")){ defaultAuthId = getWCMDocumentByName(authoringTempName, DocumentTypes.AuthoringTemplate); } System.out.println("defaultAuthId = "+ defaultAuthId); try{ //if content already existing in the library, re-use it if (defaultContentId != null){ content = (Content)workspace.getById(defaultContentId); //if authoring template provided in the file, overwrite the existing one if (defaultAuthId != null){ content.setAuthoringTemplateID(defaultAuthId); } } else if (defaultAuthId != null){ //if content not available, create a new one content = workspace.createContent(defaultAuthId, aSiteArea.getId(),null, ChildPosition.START); defaultContentId = content.getId(); content.setName(contentName); } else{ System.out.println("Exception = Authoring Template for default content "+ contentName + " is missing"); return null; } if (! contentDisplayName.equals("")){ content.setTitle(contentDisplayName); } content = retrieveAddTextComponentToContent(content, defaultel); if (content == null){ return null; } content = retrieveAddRichTextComponentToContent(content, defaultel); if (content == null){ return null; } while(!content.isPublished()){ content.nextWorkflowStage(); } workspace.save(content); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("defaultContent for = " +aSiteArea.getName()+ " = " + defaultContentId.getName()); aSiteArea.setDefaultContent(defaultContentId); return aSiteArea; }
清單 8. 解析文字元件
/* *Parse DefaultContent element *Search for text component elements *Looping over all text component child elements *Calling method addTextComponent to add the *text component to the content */ public Content retriveAddTextComponentToContent(Content aContent, Element aContentElement){ NodeList texttnl = aContentElement.getChildNodes(); for (Node node = aContentElement.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals("TextComponent")) { Element textCompel = (Element)node; String textField = getElementValueByTagName("FieldName", textCompel); String text = getElementValueByTagName("Value", textCompel); aContent = addTextComponent(aContent, textField, text); if (aContent != null){ System.out.println("adding textField = "+ textField+" to content " +aContent.getName()); } } } if (aContent == null){ return null; } else{ return aContent; } }
清單 9. 解析富文字元件
/* *Parse DefaultContent element *Search for rich text component elements *Looping over all rich text component child elements *Calling method addRichTextComponent to add the rich text *component to the content */ public Content retrieveAddRichTextComponentToContent (Content aContent, Element aContentElement){ NodeList richTexttnl = aContentElement.getChildNodes(); for (Node node = aContentElement.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals("RichTextComponent")) { Element richtextCompel = (Element)node; String textField = getElementValueByTagName("FieldName", richtextCompel); String text = getElementValueByTagName("Value", richtextCompel); aContent = addRichTextComponent(aContent, textField, text); if (aContent != null){ System.out.println("adding richtextField = "+ textField+" to content "+ aContent.getName()); } } } if (aContent == null){ return null; } else{ return aContent; } }
清單 10. 建立和新增文字元件
/* * Get text component from the content according to *the text component name * Set the text component with the value sent * Add the text component to the content */ public Content addTextComponent (Content aContent, String aTextField, String aValue){ try{ TextComponent txtComp = (TextComponent) aContent.getComponent(aTextField); txtComp.setText(aValue); aContent.setComponent(aTextField, txtComp); }catch(ComponentNotFoundException ex){ System.out.println ("Exception: "+aTextField+" is not a valid TextComponent"); return null; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); return null; } return aContent; }
清單 11. 建立和新增富文字元件
/* * Get rich text component from the content according to the RTF name * Set the rich text component with the value sent * Add the rich text component to the content */ public Content addRichTextComponent(Content aContent, String aTextField, String aValue){ try{ RichTextComponent richTxtComp = (RichTextComponent) aContent.getComponent(aTextField); richTxtComp.setRichText(aValue); aContent.setComponent(aTextField, richTxtComp); RichTextComponent rtf = (RichTextComponent)aContent.getComponent(aTextField); }catch(ComponentNotFoundException ex){ System.out.println("Exception: "+aTextField+" is not a valid RichTextComponent"); return null; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); return null; } return aContent; }
清單 12. 解析設定元素
/* *Parse site area or site element *Search for settings element *call method retrieveAddTemplateMapping to add template mapping to site or site area *call method addSecuritySettings to add security settings to site or site area */ public Object retrieveAddSettings(SiteFrameworkContainer aWCMObject, Element aObjectElement, boolean isSiteArea){
Element settingsel = getChildByName(aObjectElement, "Settings"); if ( settingsel!= null){ if(isSiteArea ) { aWCMObject = (SiteArea)retrieveAddTemplateMapping (aWCMObject, settingsel); aWCMObject = (SiteArea)addSecuritySettings (aWCMObject, settingsel); } else { aWCMObject = (Site)retrieveAddTemplateMapping (aWCMObject, settingsel); aWCMObject = (Site)addSecuritySettings (aWCMObject, settingsel); } } return aWCMObject; }
清單 13. 將 SecuritySettings 新增到 Lotus Web Content Management 物件
/* *Parse settings element *Search for SecuritySettings element *For every SecuritySettings element, find the AccessRight element *loop over the AccessRight elements and get the type of the access *According to the access type, a specific method in Lotus *Web Content Management *will be called to add the access rights */ public Object addSecuritySettings (SiteFrameworkContainer aWCMObject, Element settingsel){ for (Node node = settingsel.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals("SecuritySettings")) { Element secel = (Element)node; NodeList accessRightsnl = secel.getChildNodes(); for (Node accessRightNode = secel.getFirstChild(); accessRightNode != null; accessRightNode = accessRightNode.getNextSibling()) { if (accessRightNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && accessRightNode.getNodeName().equals("AccessRight")) { Element accessRightsel = (Element)accessRightNode; String accessType = accessRightsel.getAttribute("Type"); NodeList accessnl = accessRightsel.getChildNodes(); if(accessnl != null ) { for(int y = 0 ; y < accessnl.getLength();y++) { Node accnode = accessnl.item(y); if (accnode.getNodeType() == accnode.ELEMENT_NODE && accnode.getNodeName().equals("Access")) { Element el = (Element)accnode; String access = el.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (accessType.equals("addReadAccessMembers")){ aWCMObject.addReadAccessMembers(new String[]{access}); System.out.println("addReadAccessMembers for bject = "+aWCMObject.getName()+" members = "+access); }else if(accessType.equals ("addEditAccessMembers")){ aWCMObject.addEditAccessMembers(new String[]{access}); System.out.println("addEditAccessMembers for bject = "+aWCMObject.getName()+" members = "+access); }else if(accessType.equals ("addDeleteAccessMembers")){ aWCMObject.addDeleteAccessMembers (new String[]{access}); System.out.println ("addDeleteAccessMembers for bject = "+aWCMObject.getName()+" members = "+access); } } } } } } } } return aWCMObject; }
清單 14. 解析和新增 Template Mapping SiteArea
/* *Parse settings element *Search for TemplateMapping element *For every TemplateMapping element *Get the authoring template and presentation template names *Retrieve the Lotus Web Content Management object from the names *If item already contains a template mapping with the same authoring template, *remove it and add the new one *Else, add the new template mapping *Save the object, either the site or site area */ public Object retrieveAddTemplateMapping (SiteFrameworkContainer aWCMObject, Element settingsel){ DocumentId authId = null; DocumentId presId = null; NodeList tempnl = settingsel.getChildNodes(); for (Node node = settingsel.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals("TemplateMapping")) { Element tempel = (Element)node; String authoringTemp = getElementValueByTagName("AuthoringTemp", tempel ); String presTemp = getElementValueByTagName("PresentationTemp", tempel ); authId = getWCMDocumentByName(authoringTemp, DocumentTypes.AuthoringTemplate); presId = getWCMDocumentByName(presTemp, DocumentTypes.PresentationTemplate); if (authId != null){ try{ if (aWCMObject.hasTemplateMapping(authId)){ } if (!aWCMObject.hasTemplateMapping(authId)){ aWCMObject.addTemplateMapping(authId, presId); } else{ DocumentIdIterator docIt = aWCMObject.getAuthoringTemplateIds(); if (docIt.hasNext()){ DocumentId dids = (DocumentId)docIt.next(); aWCMObject.removeTemplateMapping(dids); aWCMObject.addTemplateMapping(authId, presId); } } System.out.println("TemplateMapping authName = "+authoringTemp+" and presName = "+presTemp +" added to object " + aWCMObject.getName()); workspace.save(aWCMObject); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception ="+e); e.printStackTrace(); } }else{ return null; } } } return aWCMObject; }
清單 15. 將 Lotus Web Content Management 物件儲存到工作空間
/* * This is a helper method that receives a Lotus Web Content Management * document object and adds it to the workspace */ public boolean saveToWorkspace(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Document wcmDocument){
try{ String[] errors = workspace.save(wcmDocument); for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++){ System.out.println("Error while saving "+ wcmDocument.getName()+ " : "+errors[i]); } if (errors.length > 0 ){ return false; } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }
清單 16. 按路徑檢索 Lotus Web Content Management 物件
/* * This is a helper method that retrieves a Lotus Web Content Management * object by its path and returns the DocumentId */ public DocumentId getWCMDocumentByPath(String wcmPath, int workFlowStatus) { DocumentId wcmDocumentId = null; try{ if(wcmPath != null){ DocumentIdIterator docIdIter = workspace.findByPath(wcmPath, workFlowStatus); if(docIdIter != null && docIdIter.hasNext()){ wcmDocumentId = docIdIter.nextId(); } } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } return wcmDocumentId; }
清單 17. 按名稱檢索子元素
/* * This is a helper method that gets the child element according to * its name of another element if * it contains only one child with that name */ private Element getChildByName(Element element, String name) { Element rEl = null; for (Node node = element.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals(name)) { rEl = (Element)node; break; } } return rEl; }
清單 18. 按名稱檢索元素值
/* * This is a helper method that returns a string value of the given element */ public String getElementValueByTagName(String aTagName, Element aElement){ String elementValue = "";
NodeList nodeList = aElement.getElementsByTagName(aTagName); if(nodeList != null && nodeList.getLength() > 0) { Element el = (Element)nodeList.item(0); elementValue = el.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } return elementValue; }
清單 19. 按名稱檢索 Lotus Web Content Management 物件
/* * This is a helper method that returns the DocumentId of a Lotus Web * Content Management object based on its name */ public DocumentId getWCMDocumentByName(String wcmName, DocumentType documentTypes){ DocumentId wcmDocumentId = null; try{ if(wcmName != null){ DocumentIdIterator docIdIter = workspace.findByName(documentTypes, wcmName); if(docIdIter != null && docIdIter.hasNext()){ wcmDocumentId = docIdIter.nextId(); } } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception = "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } if (wcmDocumentId == null && ( (documentTypes.equals (DocumentTypes.AuthoringTemplate)) || (documentTypes.equals (DocumentTypes.PresentationTemplate)) )){ System.out.println("Exception: "+wcmName+" could not be found in the Repository"); } return wcmDocumentId; }
清單 20. 關閉 Lotus Web Content Management 工作空間
/** * Closes the Lotus Web Content Management workspace */ public void closeWorkspace() { WCM_API.getRepository().endWorkspace();
helper 類給出一些重要警告:
- 使用者將收到一條警告訊息,表示出現一些錯誤並且建立無法成功完成。
- 錯誤被記錄到 SystemOut.log 檔案中,因此您可以從該檔案獲得更多有關錯誤的訊息。
- 當在儲存庫中沒有找到使用者時將出現錯誤,這將導致一個錯誤被記錄到日誌中,但是也會為使用者生成一條 Creation Completed 訊息。