

在分析github.com/hpcloud/tail 這個包的原始碼的時候,發現這個包裡用於了一個另外一個包,自己也沒有用過,但是這個包在tail這個包裡又起來非常大的作用

當時並沒有完全弄明白這個包的用法和作用,所以又花時間找了這個包的使用和相關文件,其中看了https://blog.labix.org/2011/10/09/death-of-goroutines-under-control 這篇文章整理的挺好的,自己對這個文章進行了簡單的翻譯,下面這個文章中的使用是gopkg.in/tomb.v2

Death of goroutines under control

很多人被go語言吸引的原因是其非常好的併發性,以及channel, 輕量級執行緒(goroutine)等這些特性


Do not communicate by sharing memory;

instead, share memory by communicating.


What I address in this post is an open aspect we have today in Go related to this design: the termination of background activity.(不知道怎麼翻譯了)

作為一個例子,我們構建一個簡單的goroutine,通過一個channel 傳送


type LineReader struct {
        Ch chan string
        r  *bufio.Reader

func NewLineReader(r io.Reader) *LineReader {
        lr := &LineReader{
                Ch: make(chan string),
                r:  bufio.NewReader(r),
        go lr.loop()
        return lr

The type has a channel where the client can consume lines from, and an internal buffer
used to produce the lines efficiently. Then, we have a function that creates an initialized
reader, fires the reading loop, and returns. Nothing surprising there.


func (lr *LineReader) loop() {
        for {
                line, err := lr.r.ReadSlice(`
                if err != nil {
                lr.Ch <- string(line)


也許channel接受的那一方忙於其他處理,而導致其會阻塞。 這個簡單的例子對於很多go開發者應該非常熟悉了









type LineReader struct {
        Ch chan string
        r  *bufio.Reader
        t  tomb.Tomb

func NewLineReader(r io.Reader) *LineReader {
        lr := &LineReader{
                Ch: make(chan string),
                r:  bufio.NewReader(r),
        return lr



hen, the previously loose error is now returned, 標記這個goroutine終止的原因,


A Tomb has both Dying and Dead channels returned by the respective methods, which are closed when the Tomb state changes accordingly. These channels enable explicit blocking until the state changes, and also to selectively unblock select statements in those cases, as done above.



func (lr *LineReader) Stop() error {
        return lr.t.Wait()


自己終止返回。 即使由於內部錯誤,groutine已經死亡或者處於死亡狀態,此過程也會正常執行,因為只有第一次用一個實際的錯誤呼叫Kill被記錄為goroutine死亡原因。 

The nil value provided to t.Kill is used as a reason when terminating cleanly without an actual error, and it causes Wait to return nil once the goroutine terminates, flagging a clean stop per common Go idioms.



The tomb package handles clean goroutine tracking and termination.

The zero value of a Tomb is ready to handle the creation of a tracked goroutine via its Go method, and then any tracked goroutine may call the Go method again to create additional tracked goroutines at any point.

If any of the tracked goroutines returns a non-nil error, or the Kill or Killf method is called by any goroutine in the system (tracked or not), the tomb Err is set, Alive is set to false, and the Dying channel is closed to flag that all tracked goroutines are supposed to willingly terminate as soon as possible.

Once all tracked goroutines terminate, the Dead channel is closed, and Wait unblocks and returns the first non-nil error presented to the tomb via a result or an explicit Kill or Killf method call, or nil if there were no errors.

It is okay to create further goroutines via the Go method while the tomb is in a dying state. The final dead state is only reached once all tracked goroutines terminate, at which point calling the Go method again will cause a runtime panic.

Tracked functions and methods that are still running while the tomb is in dying state may choose to return ErrDying as their error value. This preserves the well established non-nil error convention, but is understood by the tomb as a clean termination. The Err and Wait methods will still return nil if all observed errors were either nil or ErrDying.




package main

import (

type foo struct {
    tomb tomb.Tomb
    wg   sync.WaitGroup

func (f *foo) task(id int) {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        select {
        case <-time.After(1e9):
            log.Printf("task %d tick
", id)
        case <-f.tomb.Dying():
            log.Printf("task %d stopping
", id)

func (f *foo) Run() {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        go f.task(i)
    go func() {

func (f *foo) Stop() error {
    return f.tomb.Wait()

func main() {
    var f foo
    log.Printf("calling stop
    log.Printf("all done

在關於tomb這個包的說明上,說的也非常清楚,tomb包用於追蹤一個goroutine的宣告週期,如:as alive,dying or dead and the reason for its death

關於v1 版本官網的說明

The tomb package offers a conventional API for clean goroutine termination.

A Tomb tracks the lifecycle of a goroutine as alive, dying or dead, and the reason for its death.

The zero value of a Tomb assumes that a goroutine is about to be created or already alive. Once Kill or Killf is called with an argument that informs the reason for death, the goroutine is in a dying state and is expected to terminate soon. Right before the goroutine function or method returns, Done must be called to inform that the goroutine is indeed dead and about to stop running.

A Tomb exposes Dying and Dead channels. These channels are closed when the Tomb state changes in the respective way. They enable explicit blocking until the state changes, and also to selectively unblock select statements accordingly.

When the tomb state changes to dying and there`s still logic going on within the goroutine, nested functions and methods may choose to return ErrDying as their error value, as this error won`t alter the tomb state if provided to the Kill method. This is a convenient way to follow standard Go practices in the context of a dying tomb..



可以從上面的文章以及使用例子上看出,tomb包是一個非常實用的一個包,後面會繼續整理一下關於tomb v1版本的原始碼,看看人家是如何實現的,學習學習