- 安裝SQL Server 2016的硬體以及軟體要求
Component |
Requirement |
.NET Framework |
SQL Server 2016 RC1 and later require .NET Framework 4.6 for the Database Engine, Master Data Services, or Replication. SQL Server 2016 setup automatically installs .NET Framework. You can also manually install .NET Framework from Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 (Web Installer) for Windows.
For more information, recommendations, and guidance about .NET Framework 4.6 see .NET Framework Deployment Guide for Developers.
Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 require KB2919355 before installing .NET Framework 4.6. |
Network Software |
Supported operating systems for SQL Server 2016 have built-in network software. Named and default instances of a stand-alone installation support the following network protocols: Shared memory, Named Pipes, TCP/IP and VIA.
Note: Shared memory and VIA are not supported on failover clusters.
Also note that the VIA protocol is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
For more information about Network Protocols and Network Libraries, see Network Protocols and Network Libraries. |
Hard Disk |
SQL Server 2016 requires a minimum of 6 GB of available hard-disk space.
Disk space requirements will vary with the SQL Server 2016 components you install. For more information, see Hard Disk Space Requirements later in this topic. For information on supported storage types for data files, see Storage Types for Data Files. |
Drive |
A DVD drive, as appropriate, is required for installation from disc. |
Monitor |
SQL Server 2016 requires Super-VGA (800×600) or higher resolution monitor. |
Internet |
Internet functionality requires Internet access (fees may apply). |
- ESC的Windows server 2012 R2 預設安裝.NET4.5 版本。另外,請在控制皮膚->程式->程式和功能->已安裝更新 裡面查詢是否已經安裝了KB2919355, 如果沒有安裝,請在控制皮膚->系統和安全->Windows更新中進行檢測安裝,或者去Microsoft官網KB2919355下載。
注: PolyBase配置(like DRDS)要求安裝Oracle JRE 7.51或者更高版本,可以到http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html進行下載,更多詳細資訊參考https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt163689.aspx。
- 開啟SQL Server 2016安裝介質,點選安裝,選擇全新SQL Server獨立安裝或向現有安裝新增功能
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