In this section, you define the number ranges for the objects which have automatic number assignment in the Warehouse Management system. These are:
In this section, you define the number ranges for the objects which have automatic number assignment in the Warehouse Management system. These are:
Transfer requirement 轉儲申請
Transfer order 轉儲訂單
Quant 份
Posting change notice 過賬變更通知
Group 組
The maintenance of the number range objects for the area "Inventory" is described in the chapter "Maintain Inventory Number Ranges".對存貨物件的編號在“維護存貨編號範圍章節”
Transfer order 轉儲訂單
Quant 份
Posting change notice 過賬變更通知
Group 組
The maintenance of the number range objects for the area "Inventory" is described in the chapter "Maintain Inventory Number Ranges".對存貨物件的編號在“維護存貨編號範圍章節”
If you are using Storage Unit Management, you must take the following objects into account:
Number range for storage units 儲存單位編號
The number ranges for the storage units cover all the warehouse numbers. 覆蓋所有倉庫編號的儲存單位的編號範圍
Type of number assignment for storage units 儲存單位型別的編號
Default settings
The number ranges for the storage units cover all the warehouse numbers. 覆蓋所有倉庫編號的儲存單位的編號範圍
Type of number assignment for storage units 儲存單位型別的編號
Default settings
In the SAP standard system, the number range intervals are preset for warehouse number 001.預設的倉庫單位編號為001
SAP Recommendation
Once you have defined your number ranges, it is extremely difficult to change them afterwards when the objects concerned are filled with data. 一旦設定了編號範圍,如果物件已經產生的資料,再修改編號是非常麻煩的。
Bear in mind that you will be entering data on a long-term basis. Create your number range intervals accordingly.
1. Decide which number ranges you require for assigning the document numbers in the Warehouse Management system.
2. Create the number range intervals.建立文件編號的範圍
The following action is only required if you are using Storage Unit Management:
2. Create the number range intervals.建立文件編號的範圍
The following action is only required if you are using Storage Unit Management:
3. Create the number range LE for assigning the storage unit numbers and the respective assignment type (column VA). Via the assignment type, you can define per warehouse number whether, for example, external or internal storage unit numbers are to be managed.
4. Conversion of the storage unit number 裝換儲存單位編號
In Warehouse Management, you can determine per client (!) how the storage unit number is to be converted. For information on the different input options, refer to the field documentation.
4. Conversion of the storage unit number 裝換儲存單位編號
In Warehouse Management, you can determine per client (!) how the storage unit number is to be converted. For information on the different input options, refer to the field documentation.
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