WM Activate Storage Bin Type Search(十四)
Activate Storage Bin Type Search
The Warehouse Management System (WMS) can manage different sizes of storage bins within a storage type. The storage bins are determined during the storage bin search:
1. It is generally known which loading equipment ( storage unit type) is required to place the material into stock. This information is either entered manually OR can be found in the material master.
In this case, the SAP System suggests the relevant storage unit type for the putaway as a default.
2. Then the WMS checks if the storage unit which is to be placed into stock may be put away in the storage typed determined by the storage type search.
The table "Allowed storage unit types per storage type" contains details on which storage unit types (SUTs) may be used in which storage types.
This table defines which storage unit type may be used within each storage type. Up to 10 storage units may be assigned per storage type.
If more than 10 storage units are required per storage type, it is possible to activate the weak SUT check.
To do this, enter *** in this table as the allowed SUT. This has the effect that, in theory, all SUTs are allowed for this storage type. The system then searches for a bin that matches the storage unit type according to the allowed storage bin type per SUT.
3. Then the system searches for a suitable storage bin using the putaway strategy.
For this purpose you have assigned a storage bin type to each storage bin in the master data.
Via the table "Storage bin type search" the WMS finds information on which SUTs match which storage bin types.
The search for a subsequent storage bin type is restricted to the permitted storage bin types which are run through sequentially according to the sequence of entries in this table.
4. If you manually enter the storage bin during putaway, the WMS checks if the SUT may be used on the relevant storage bin.如果你需要手工輸入儲存BIN在上架時.系統檢查SUT中允許使用的儲存BIN.
The storage unit type check parameters must be activated. This check is independent of a particular strategy. You can use it for all putaway strategies.
If you wish to implement the above weak SUT-check, check your table options exactly as performance problems may arise if the customizing option is not properly set.
The following example should illustrate these problems and their solution:
Storage bin types P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 are allowed for storage unit type E1. E1 is to be placed in stock in storage type 001. Here there are only storage bins of type P0.
儲存BIN型別P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 是在儲存單位型別E1下允許。E1是在儲存型別001下。然而這裡的儲存BIN型別是P0.
Normally E1 would not be included in the storage unit types allowed for storage type 001. The WMS recognizes this and searches for a bin in the next storage type.通常E1不允許包括在儲存型別001下的儲存單位型別下。系統建議下一個儲存型別的查詢BIN位。
A weak SUT check is when the database is accessed 5 times unsuccessfully. This number increases depending on how many different storage sections you work with at one time.弱檢查一般發生在5次未成功的情況下。這個號增加依賴於一次工作中有多少不同的儲存區。
You can check the Customizing options via the storage bin determination log (transport order management). Multiple access to the database does not greatly impair performance. The number of times the database is accessed in this way can be decreased using an optimized storage type search.
Set the parameters for bin type search in the following sequence:
1. Bin types
Divide your storage bins into groups (for example, large bins, small bins).
2. Check your warehouse master data and, if necessary, fill in any missing storage bin types.
3. Storage unit types
Classify your storage units (for example, by palette type).
4. Check your material masters and add palletization data, if this has not already been done.
5. Allocation of storage unit types / storage type 分配儲存單位型別到儲存型別
For each storage type, define which storage unit types may be placed into stock in this storage type.
6. Allocation of storage unit types / storage bin types
For each storage bin type, define which storage unit type may be put away.
7. Activate the storage unit type control function in the putaway control parameters for the desired storage bin.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29829936/viewspace-1595647/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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