【例項3-1】使用recon/domains-hosts/baidu_site模組,列舉baidu網站的子域。具體操作步驟如下所示:本文選自Kail Linux滲透測試實訓手冊
- [recon-ng][default] > use recon/domains-hosts/baidu_site
- [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > show options
- Name Current Value Req Description
- -------------- ---------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------
- SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details)
- [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] >
- [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > set SOURCE baidu.com
- SOURCE => baidu.com
從輸出的資訊中,可以看到SOURCE選項引數已經設定為baidu.com,本文選自Kail Linux滲透測試實訓手冊。
- [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > run
- ---------
- ---------
- [*] URL: %3Abaidu.com
- [*] map.baidu.com
- [*] 123.baidu.com
- [*] jingyan.baidu.com
- [*] top.baidu.com
- [*]
- [*] hi.baidu.com
- [*] video.baidu.com
- [*] pan.baidu.com
- [*] zhidao.baidu.com
- [*] Sleeping to avoid lockout...
- -------
- -------
- [*] 9 total (2 new) items found.
- [recon-ng][default] > use reporting/csv
- [recon-ng][default][csv] > run
- [*] 9 records added to '/root/.recon-ng/workspaces/default/results.csv'.
從輸出的資訊可以看到,列舉到的9個記錄已被新增到/root/.recon-ng/workspaces/default/results.csv檔案中。開啟該檔案,本文選自Kail Linux滲透測試實訓手冊如圖3.1所示。
圖3.1 results.csv檔案
- root@kali:~# dmitry -h
- Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
- "There be some deep magic going on"
- dmitry: invalid option -- 'h'
- Usage: dmitry [-winsepfb] [-t 0-9] [-o %host.txt] host
- -o Save output to %host.txt or to file specified by -o file
- -i Perform a whois lookup on the IP address of a host
- -w Perform a whois lookup on the domain name of a host
- -n Retrieve Netcraft.com information on a host
- -s Perform a search for possible subdomains
- -e Perform a search for possible email addresses
- -p Perform a TCP port scan on a host
- * -f Perform a TCP port scan on a host showing output reporting filtered ports
- * -b Read in the banner received from the scanned port
- * -t 0-9 Set the TTL in seconds when scanning a TCP port ( Default 2 )
- *Requires the -p flagged to be passed
- root@kali:~# dmitry -s google.com
- Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
- "There be some deep magic going on"
- HostIP:
- HostName:google.com
- Gathered Subdomain information for google.com
- ---------------------------------
- Searching Google.com:80...
- HostName:
- HostIP:
- Searching Altavista.com:80...
- Found 1 possible subdomain(s) for host google.com, Searched 0 pages containing 0 results
- All scans completed, exiting
從輸出的資訊中,可以看到搜尋到一個子域。該子域名為,IP地址為173.194.127.51。該命令預設是從google.com網站搜尋,如果不能連線google.com網站的話,執行以上命令將會出現Unable to connect: Socket Connect Error錯誤資訊本文選自Kail Linux滲透測試實訓手冊。
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