1. DB_NAME 表示資料庫名稱,DB_NAME 會保持在資料檔案頭、控制檔案、REDO檔案裡,所以更改DB_NAME不能僅僅修改spfile ,還需要用nid 來進行更改,並且更改後還需要手工做些工作,使其生效。
DB_NAME 最長 8 個字元。
2. 在 DG下,主庫和物理從庫的 DB_NAME 是一致的,主庫和物理從庫的DB_UNIQUE_NAME 不同,DB_UNIQUE_NAME 用於標識主從庫。
修改 DB_UNIQUE_NAME 需要修改 spfile 並重啟資料庫;
由於 DB_NAME 記錄在資料檔案頭、控制檔案、REDO檔案裡,所以修改 DB_NAME 一般有兩種方式:
(1)備份控制檔案到trace,修改 spfile,重啟資料庫,resetlogs 開啟資料庫
(2)或者透過 nid 命令修改
3. SID:System Identifier
The SID identifies the instance's shared memory on a host, but may not uniquely distinguish this instance
from other instances
sid可以透過如下語句在庫中查詢: select instance_name from v$instance;
1. Backup the database
2. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db
5. Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter
file to the new database name
7. Create a new password file
8. Startup of the database with open resetlogs
1. Backup the database
2. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2 SETNAME=Y
- the value of DBNAME is the new dbname of the database
- SETNAME must be set to Y. The default is N and causes the
DBID to be changed also.
5. shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter
file to the new database name
7. Create a new password file
8. Startup of the database(without resetlogs)
1. Backup of the database.
2. Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2
- the value of DBNAME is the new dbname of the database
5. After DBNEWID successfully changes the DBID,Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter file to the new database name.
7. Create a new password file.
8. Startup of the database with open resetlogs
(IV):如果你只更改了資料庫名,而沒有更改資料庫id,那麼你開啟資料庫就不需要open resetlogs了。
ORA-16047: DGID mismatch between destination setting and standby
其實就是主從庫上配置的 db_unique_name, log_archive_config 引數是否匹配導致的。
DB_NAME 最長 8 個字元。
2. 在 DG下,主庫和物理從庫的 DB_NAME 是一致的,主庫和物理從庫的DB_UNIQUE_NAME 不同,DB_UNIQUE_NAME 用於標識主從庫。
修改 DB_UNIQUE_NAME 需要修改 spfile 並重啟資料庫;
由於 DB_NAME 記錄在資料檔案頭、控制檔案、REDO檔案裡,所以修改 DB_NAME 一般有兩種方式:
(1)備份控制檔案到trace,修改 spfile,重啟資料庫,resetlogs 開啟資料庫
(2)或者透過 nid 命令修改
3. SID:System Identifier
The SID identifies the instance's shared memory on a host, but may not uniquely distinguish this instance
from other instances
sid可以透過如下語句在庫中查詢: select instance_name from v$instance;
1. Backup the database
2. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db
5. Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter
file to the new database name
7. Create a new password file
8. Startup of the database with open resetlogs
1. Backup the database
2. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2 SETNAME=Y
- the value of DBNAME is the new dbname of the database
- SETNAME must be set to Y. The default is N and causes the
DBID to be changed also.
5. shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter
file to the new database name
7. Create a new password file
8. Startup of the database(without resetlogs)
1. Backup of the database.
2. Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2
- the value of DBNAME is the new dbname of the database
5. After DBNEWID successfully changes the DBID,Shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter file to the new database name.
7. Create a new password file.
8. Startup of the database with open resetlogs
(IV):如果你只更改了資料庫名,而沒有更改資料庫id,那麼你開啟資料庫就不需要open resetlogs了。
ORA-16047: DGID mismatch between destination setting and standby
其實就是主從庫上配置的 db_unique_name, log_archive_config 引數是否匹配導致的。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29135257/viewspace-1989004/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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