[oracle@rac1 admin]$ rman target /
allocate channel c1 device type disk connect 'sys/welcome123@IRAC1';
allocate channel c2 device type disk connect 'sys/welcome123@IRAC2';
backup AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET incremental level= 0 Database format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/full_%U_%T' tag='fullbackup';
sql 'alter system archive log current';
backup archivelog all tag='arc_bak' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_%U_%T' delete input;
backup current controlfile tag='bak_ctlfile' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/ctl_file_%U_%T';
backup spfile tag='spfile' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/spfile_%U_%T';
release channel c2;
release channel c1;
released channel: c1
released channel: c2
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on c1 channel at 08/25/2017 17:19:41
ORA-00245: control file backup failed; target is likely on a local file system
RMAN>show snapshot controlfile name;
2、將rac環境的rman備份複製到單機(注意需要從rac的節點二上複製一部分來)。並就rac環境pfile copy到單機,根據單機主機資源,修改叢集引數,例項名,檔案路徑以及sga和pga等引數。修改如下:
[orapre@ouc backup]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Aug 27 19:06:40 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup nomount pfile='/u01/backup/1.ora';
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 417546240 bytes
Fixed Size 2228944 bytes
Variable Size 134221104 bytes
Database Buffers 272629760 bytes
Redo Buffers 8466432 bytes
4、restore 控制檔案。
restore controlfile from '/u01/backup/ctl_file_18sd1hv3_1_1_20170828';
[orapre@ouc backup]$ rman target /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Aug 27 20:48:13 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: IRAC (not mounted)
RMAN> restore controlfile from '/u01/backup/ctl_file_18sd1hv3_1_1_20170828';
Starting restore at 27-AUG-17
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
output file name=/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/control01.dbf
output file name=/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/control02.dbf
Finished restore at 27-AUG-17
5、restore 資料檔案、歸檔。
alter database mount;
catalog start with '/u01/backup';
allocate channel c1 device type disk;
allocate channel c2 device type disk;
set newname for datafile 1 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/system.dbf';
set newname for datafile 2 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/sysaux.dbf';
set newname for datafile 3 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/undotbs1.dbf';
set newname for datafile 4 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/users.dbf';
set newname for datafile 5 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/undotbs2.dbf';
set newname for datafile 6 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/example.dbf';
restore database;
switch datafile all;
release channel c1;
release channel c2;
RMAN> list backup of archivelog all;
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Size
------- ----------
35 4.81M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 35
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 41 3183645 28-AUG-17 3209549 28-AUG-17
2 30 3183649 28-AUG-17 3209517 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 35
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 35 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
35 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_14sd1hv1_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 35
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 35 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
44 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_14sd1hv1_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
36 1.68M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 36
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 42 3209549 28-AUG-17 3216276 28-AUG-17
2 31 3209517 28-AUG-17 3209519 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 36
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 36 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
36 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_15sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 36
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 36 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
43 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_15sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
37 1.85M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 37
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
2 32 3209656 28-AUG-17 3216272 28-AUG-17
2 33 3216272 28-AUG-17 3216288 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 37
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 37 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
37 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_16sd1hut_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 37
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 37 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
47 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_16sd1hut_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
38 2.00K
List of Archived Logs in backup set 38
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 43 3216276 28-AUG-17 3216284 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 38
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 38 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
38 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_17sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 38
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 38 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
42 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_17sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
RMAN>restore archivelog sequence between 30 and 33 thread 2;
RMAN>restore archivelog sequence between 41 and 43 thread 1;
SQL> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;
ORA-00279: change 3216190 generated at 08/28/2017 11:38:07 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /u01/oracle/archive/1_42_951416315.dbf
ORA-00280: change 3216190 for thread 1 is in sequence #42
Specify log: {=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
>recover出現報錯,直接常識open resetlogs
open resetlog之前需要對redolog重新命名
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_2.264.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo01.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_2.265.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo02.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_1.262.951416315' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo03.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_1.263.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo04.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_3.268.951416437' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo05.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_3.269.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo06.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_4.270.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo07.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_4.271.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo08.dbf';
alter database open resetlogs;
create temporary tablespace temp1 tempfile '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/temp1.dbf'size 20M;
alter database default temporary tablespace temp1;
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ rman target /
allocate channel c1 device type disk connect 'sys/welcome123@IRAC1';
allocate channel c2 device type disk connect 'sys/welcome123@IRAC2';
backup AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET incremental level= 0 Database format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/full_%U_%T' tag='fullbackup';
sql 'alter system archive log current';
backup archivelog all tag='arc_bak' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_%U_%T' delete input;
backup current controlfile tag='bak_ctlfile' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/ctl_file_%U_%T';
backup spfile tag='spfile' format='/u01/app/oracle/backup/spfile_%U_%T';
release channel c2;
release channel c1;
released channel: c1
released channel: c2
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on c1 channel at 08/25/2017 17:19:41
ORA-00245: control file backup failed; target is likely on a local file system
RMAN>show snapshot controlfile name;
2、將rac環境的rman備份複製到單機(注意需要從rac的節點二上複製一部分來)。並就rac環境pfile copy到單機,根據單機主機資源,修改叢集引數,例項名,檔案路徑以及sga和pga等引數。修改如下:
[orapre@ouc backup]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Aug 27 19:06:40 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup nomount pfile='/u01/backup/1.ora';
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 417546240 bytes
Fixed Size 2228944 bytes
Variable Size 134221104 bytes
Database Buffers 272629760 bytes
Redo Buffers 8466432 bytes
4、restore 控制檔案。
restore controlfile from '/u01/backup/ctl_file_18sd1hv3_1_1_20170828';
[orapre@ouc backup]$ rman target /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Aug 27 20:48:13 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: IRAC (not mounted)
RMAN> restore controlfile from '/u01/backup/ctl_file_18sd1hv3_1_1_20170828';
Starting restore at 27-AUG-17
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
output file name=/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/control01.dbf
output file name=/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/control02.dbf
Finished restore at 27-AUG-17
5、restore 資料檔案、歸檔。
alter database mount;
catalog start with '/u01/backup';
allocate channel c1 device type disk;
allocate channel c2 device type disk;
set newname for datafile 1 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/system.dbf';
set newname for datafile 2 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/sysaux.dbf';
set newname for datafile 3 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/undotbs1.dbf';
set newname for datafile 4 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/users.dbf';
set newname for datafile 5 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/undotbs2.dbf';
set newname for datafile 6 to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/example.dbf';
restore database;
switch datafile all;
release channel c1;
release channel c2;
RMAN> list backup of archivelog all;
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Size
------- ----------
35 4.81M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 35
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 41 3183645 28-AUG-17 3209549 28-AUG-17
2 30 3183649 28-AUG-17 3209517 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 35
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 35 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
35 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_14sd1hv1_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 35
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 35 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
44 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_14sd1hv1_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
36 1.68M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 36
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 42 3209549 28-AUG-17 3216276 28-AUG-17
2 31 3209517 28-AUG-17 3209519 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 36
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 36 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
36 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_15sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 36
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 36 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
43 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_15sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
37 1.85M
List of Archived Logs in backup set 37
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
2 32 3209656 28-AUG-17 3216272 28-AUG-17
2 33 3216272 28-AUG-17 3216288 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 37
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 37 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
37 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_16sd1hut_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 37
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 37 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
47 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_16sd1hut_1_1_20170828
BS Key Size
------- ----------
38 2.00K
List of Archived Logs in backup set 38
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 43 3216276 28-AUG-17 3216284 28-AUG-17
Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 38
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 28-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 38 Copy #1
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
38 1 EXPIRED /u01/app/oracle/backup/arch_17sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 38
Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
----------- ------------ --------------- ---------- ---
DISK 00:00:00 27-AUG-17 NO ARC_BAK
List of Backup Pieces for backup set 38 Copy #2
BP Key Pc# Status Piece Name
------- --- ----------- ----------
42 1 AVAILABLE /u01/backup/arch_17sd1hv2_1_1_20170828
RMAN>restore archivelog sequence between 30 and 33 thread 2;
RMAN>restore archivelog sequence between 41 and 43 thread 1;
SQL> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;
ORA-00279: change 3216190 generated at 08/28/2017 11:38:07 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /u01/oracle/archive/1_42_951416315.dbf
ORA-00280: change 3216190 for thread 1 is in sequence #42
Specify log: {=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
>recover出現報錯,直接常識open resetlogs
open resetlog之前需要對redolog重新命名
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_2.264.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo01.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_2.265.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo02.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_1.262.951416315' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo03.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_1.263.951416317' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo04.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_3.268.951416437' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo05.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_3.269.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo06.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_4.270.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo07.dbf';
alter database rename file '+DATA/irac/onlinelog/group_4.271.951416439' to '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/redo08.dbf';
alter database open resetlogs;
create temporary tablespace temp1 tempfile '/u01/oracle/oradata/IRAC/temp1.dbf'size 20M;
alter database default temporary tablespace temp1;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29135257/viewspace-2144224/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- 將RAC備份集恢復為單例項資料庫單例資料庫
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