About Daily Routines(頻率副詞)
My days are very busy. I usually get up at six o'clock, but on the weekend I occasionally get up later, at seven o'clock. I leave for work at 7:30.
I often make dinner when I get home from work at five o'clock. After dinner, I always do the dishes. I hate having a dirty house, so I often do the housework in the evening. After that, I usually surf the Internet for an hour, but sometimes I watch TV if something good is on. I rarely play music in the house because my neighbors don't like noise.
I go to bed early most nights, but on the weekends I sometimes stay up late. It's also the time when I see my friends, and we occasionally have parties, but I never really enjoy them because I have to clean the house after my friends leave.
I often make dinner when I get home from work at five o'clock. After dinner, I always do the dishes. I hate having a dirty house, so I often do the housework in the evening. After that, I usually surf the Internet for an hour, but sometimes I watch TV if something good is on. I rarely play music in the house because my neighbors don't like noise.
I go to bed early most nights, but on the weekends I sometimes stay up late. It's also the time when I see my friends, and we occasionally have parties, but I never really enjoy them because I have to clean the house after my friends leave.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29254281/viewspace-776535/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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