CentOS 6.3下快速安裝MongoDB 3.2.1
是一個介於關係資料 庫和非關聯式資料庫之間的產品,是非關聯式資料庫當中功能最豐富,最像關聯式資料庫的。他支援的資料結構非常鬆散,是類似json的bson格式,因此可以儲存 比較複雜的資料型別。Mongo最大的特點是他支援的查詢語言非常強大,其語法有點類似於物件導向的查詢語言,幾乎可以實現類似關聯式資料庫單表查詢的絕大 部分功能,而且還支援對資料建立索引。
MongoDB 是目前在IT行業非常流行的一種非關係型資料庫(NoSql),其靈活的資料儲存方式備受當前IT從業人員的青睞。MongoDB很好的實現了物件導向的 思想(OO思想),在MongoDB中 每一條記錄都是一個Document物件。MongoDB最大的優勢在於所有的資料持久操作都無需開發人員手動編寫SQL語句,直接呼叫方法就可以輕鬆的 實現CRUD操作。本文介紹瞭如何快速安裝mongodb供大家參考。
useradd mongodb
Step 1: 設定系統環境及確保預設埠27107可用
cat /etc/issue
# vi /etc/selinux/config
Step 2: 下載安裝檔案
curl -O
Step 3: 解壓下載的檔案
# pwd
# tar -xvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.1.gz ###注,本文直接從網站下載,所以檔案為.gz
Step 4: 複製解壓檔案到執行目錄
[mongo@mysql ~]$ pwd
[mongo@mysql ~]$ mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1 mongo
[mongo@mysql ~]$ ll
total 55108
drwxrwxr-x. 3 mongo mongo 4096 Jan 11 13:05 mongo
-rw-r-----. 1 mongo mongo 56419937 Jan 21 2016 mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1.tgz
[mongo@mysql ~]$
Step 5: 設定環境變數
[mongo@mysql ~]$ vi .bash_profile
export PATH
Step 6: 建立資料目錄
# mkdir -p /data/mongodata
# mongod --dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data
[mongo@mysql ~]$ mongod -dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data/
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=12579 port=27017 dbpath=/home/mongo/mongo/data/ 64-bit host=mysql
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.2.1
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: a14d55980c2cdc565d4704a7e3ad37e4e535c1b2
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment:
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { storage: { dbPath: "/home/mongo/mongo/data/" } }
2016-01-11T13:08:33.725+0800 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=1G,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0),
2016-01-11T13:08:33.828+0800 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/home/mongo/mongo/data/diagnostic.data'
2016-01-11T13:08:33.829+0800 I NETWORK [HostnameCanonicalizationWorker] Starting hostname canonicalization worker
2016-01-11T13:08:33.844+0800 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
###停止mongo,直接使用ctrl + c
f^C2016-01-11T13:09:46.734+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] got signal 2 (Interrupt), will terminate after current cmd ends
2016-01-11T13:09:46.734+0800 I FTDC [signalProcessingThread] Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] now exiting
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 5
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 6
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down
2016-01-11T13:09:46.781+0800 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.781+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] dbexit: rc: 0
# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
# mongod --dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data &
# ps -ef|grep mongo
# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1
> help
db.help() help on db methods
db.mycoll.help() help on collection methods
sh.help() sharding helpers
rs.help() replica set helpers
help admin administrative help
help connect connecting to a db help
help keys key shortcuts
help misc misc things to know
help mr mapreduce
show dbs show database names
show collections show collections in current database
show users show users in current database
show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
show logs show the accessible logger names
show log [name] prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
use set current database
db.foo.find() list objects in collection foo
db.foo.find( { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1
it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x set default number of items to display on shell
exit quit the mongo shell
> db.getCollection("version");
> exit
# more /usr/local/mongodb/README
Welcome to MongoDB!
bin/mongod - The database process.
bin/mongos - Sharding controller.
bin/mongo - The database shell (uses interactive javascript).
bin/mongodump - MongoDB dump tool - for backups, snapshots, etc..
bin/mongorestore - MongoDB restore a dump
bin/mongoexport - Export a single collection to test (JSON, CSV)
bin/mongoimport - Import from JSON or CSV
bin/mongofiles - Utility for putting and getting files from MongoDB GridFS
bin/mongostat - Show performance statistics
For command line options invoke:
$ ./mongod --help
To run a single server database:
$ mkdir /data/db
$ ./mongod
$ # The mongo javascript shell connects to localhost and test database by default:
$ ./mongo
> help
Client drivers for most programming languages are available at mongodb.org. Use the
shell ("mongo") for administrative tasks.
# --help
# mongod --help|more
General options:
-h [ --help ] show this usage information
--version show version information
# mongod --version
db version v3.2.1
git version: 1ef45a23a4c5e3480ac919b28afcba3c615488f2
是一個介於關係資料 庫和非關聯式資料庫之間的產品,是非關聯式資料庫當中功能最豐富,最像關聯式資料庫的。他支援的資料結構非常鬆散,是類似json的bson格式,因此可以儲存 比較複雜的資料型別。Mongo最大的特點是他支援的查詢語言非常強大,其語法有點類似於物件導向的查詢語言,幾乎可以實現類似關聯式資料庫單表查詢的絕大 部分功能,而且還支援對資料建立索引。
MongoDB 是目前在IT行業非常流行的一種非關係型資料庫(NoSql),其靈活的資料儲存方式備受當前IT從業人員的青睞。MongoDB很好的實現了物件導向的 思想(OO思想),在MongoDB中 每一條記錄都是一個Document物件。MongoDB最大的優勢在於所有的資料持久操作都無需開發人員手動編寫SQL語句,直接呼叫方法就可以輕鬆的 實現CRUD操作。本文介紹瞭如何快速安裝mongodb供大家參考。
useradd mongodb
Step 1: 設定系統環境及確保預設埠27107可用
cat /etc/issue
# vi /etc/selinux/config
Step 2: 下載安裝檔案
curl -O
Step 3: 解壓下載的檔案
# pwd
# tar -xvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.1.gz ###注,本文直接從網站下載,所以檔案為.gz
[mongo@mysql ~]$ tar -xvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1.tgz
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/README: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:17 is 48732.469243332 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:17 is 48732.468806195 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/MPL-2: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:17 is 48732.468729339 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/GNU-AGPL-3.0: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:17 is 48732.468416571 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongodump: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:30 is 48745.395380045 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongorestore: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:28 is 48743.308178108 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongoexport: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:25 is 48740.256976344 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongoimport: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:26 is 48741.205864231 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongostat: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:23 is 48738.158042438 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongotop: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:31 is 48746.110027909 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/bsondump: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:21 is 48736.074523763 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongofiles: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:24 is 48739.014639938 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongooplog: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:37:33 is 48747.960322499 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongoperf: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:49:50 is 49484.63946251 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongod: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:49:50 is 49484.277970529 s in the future
tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongos: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:49:49 is 49483.120921568 s in the future
- tar: mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1/bin/mongo: time stamp 2016-01-12 02:49:50 is 49483.896681132 s in the future
Step 4: 複製解壓檔案到執行目錄
[mongo@mysql ~]$ pwd
[mongo@mysql ~]$ mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1 mongo
[mongo@mysql ~]$ ll
total 55108
drwxrwxr-x. 3 mongo mongo 4096 Jan 11 13:05 mongo
-rw-r-----. 1 mongo mongo 56419937 Jan 21 2016 mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.2.1.tgz
[mongo@mysql ~]$
Step 5: 設定環境變數
[mongo@mysql ~]$ vi .bash_profile
export PATH
Step 6: 建立資料目錄
# mkdir -p /data/mongodata
# mongod --dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data
[mongo@mysql ~]$ mongod -dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data/
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=12579 port=27017 dbpath=/home/mongo/mongo/data/ 64-bit host=mysql
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.2.1
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: a14d55980c2cdc565d4704a7e3ad37e4e535c1b2
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment:
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64
2016-01-11T13:08:33.684+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { storage: { dbPath: "/home/mongo/mongo/data/" } }
2016-01-11T13:08:33.725+0800 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=1G,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0),
2016-01-11T13:08:33.828+0800 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/home/mongo/mongo/data/diagnostic.data'
2016-01-11T13:08:33.829+0800 I NETWORK [HostnameCanonicalizationWorker] Starting hostname canonicalization worker
2016-01-11T13:08:33.844+0800 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
###停止mongo,直接使用ctrl + c
f^C2016-01-11T13:09:46.734+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] got signal 2 (Interrupt), will terminate after current cmd ends
2016-01-11T13:09:46.734+0800 I FTDC [signalProcessingThread] Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] now exiting
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 5
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 6
2016-01-11T13:09:46.735+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.737+0800 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down
2016-01-11T13:09:46.781+0800 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2016-01-11T13:09:46.781+0800 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] dbexit: rc: 0
# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
# mongod --dbpath /home/mongo/mongo/data &
# ps -ef|grep mongo
# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1
> help
db.help() help on db methods
db.mycoll.help() help on collection methods
sh.help() sharding helpers
rs.help() replica set helpers
help admin administrative help
help connect connecting to a db help
help keys key shortcuts
help misc misc things to know
help mr mapreduce
show dbs show database names
show collections show collections in current database
show users show users in current database
show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
show logs show the accessible logger names
show log [name] prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
use set current database
db.foo.find() list objects in collection foo
db.foo.find( { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1
it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x set default number of items to display on shell
exit quit the mongo shell
> db.getCollection("version");
> exit
# more /usr/local/mongodb/README
Welcome to MongoDB!
bin/mongod - The database process.
bin/mongos - Sharding controller.
bin/mongo - The database shell (uses interactive javascript).
bin/mongodump - MongoDB dump tool - for backups, snapshots, etc..
bin/mongorestore - MongoDB restore a dump
bin/mongoexport - Export a single collection to test (JSON, CSV)
bin/mongoimport - Import from JSON or CSV
bin/mongofiles - Utility for putting and getting files from MongoDB GridFS
bin/mongostat - Show performance statistics
For command line options invoke:
$ ./mongod --help
To run a single server database:
$ mkdir /data/db
$ ./mongod
$ # The mongo javascript shell connects to localhost and test database by default:
$ ./mongo
> help
Client drivers for most programming languages are available at mongodb.org. Use the
shell ("mongo") for administrative tasks.
# --help
# mongod --help|more
General options:
-h [ --help ] show this usage information
--version show version information
# mongod --version
db version v3.2.1
git version: 1ef45a23a4c5e3480ac919b28afcba3c615488f2
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/9034054/viewspace-2064060/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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