Jenkins安裝 CentOS 7.2
安裝過程直接參考官網, 預設安裝穩定版 2.32.2-1.1。
yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk* --skip-broken
systemctl enable jenkins.service
systemctl start jenkins.service
vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
Jenkins--Run shell command in jenkins as root user?
You need to modify the permission for jenkins
user so that you can run the shell commands. You can install the jenkins as as service (download the rpm package), You might need to change the ports because by default it runs http on 8080 and AJP on 8009 port. Following process is for CentOS
Open up the this script (using VIM or other editor):
vim /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
Find this $JENKINS_USER and change to “root”:
Then change the ownership of Jenkins home, webroot and logs:
chown -R root:root /var/lib/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/cache/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/log/jenkins
- Restart Jenkins and check the user has been changed:
service jenkins restart
ps -ef | grep jenkins
Now you should be able to run the Jenkins jobs as the root user and all the shell command will be executed as root
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