oracle 10g rac叢集log日誌存放路徑
這裡記錄下10g rac crs下的log存放路徑,以便從log中解決問題
Log Directory Structure in Cluster Ready Services
To diagnose any problem, the first thing examined by Oracle Support are the installation log files. Anyone who knows anything about database administration knows the importance of the dump directories (bdump, udump, and cdump). Similarly, each component in the CRS stack has its respective directories created under the CRS home:
$ORA_CRS_HOME/crs/log Contains trace files for the CRS resources.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/crs/init Contains trace files of the CRS daemon during startup. Good place to start with any CRS login problems.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/css/log The Cluster Synchronization (CSS) logs indicate all actions such as reconfigurations, missed check-ins, connects, and disconnects from the client CSS listener. In some cases, the logger logs messages with the category of auth.crit for the reboots done by Oracle. This could be used for checking the exact time when the reboot occurred.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/css/init Contains core dumps from the Oracle Cluster Synchronization Service daemon (OCSSd) and the process ID (PID) for the CSS daemon whose death is treated as fatal. If abnormal restarts for CSS exist, the core files will have the format of core.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/evm/log Log files for the Event Volume Manager (EVM) and evmlogger daemons. Not used as often for debugging as the CRS and CSS directories.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/evm/init PID and lock files for EVM. Core files for EVM should also be written here.
$ORA_CRS_HOME/srvm/log Log files for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR), which contains the details at the Oracle cluster level.
$ORA_CRS_HOME//log Log files for Oracle Clusterware (known as the cluster alert log), which contains diagnostic messages at the Oracle cluster level. This is available from Oracle database 10g R2.
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