【課程簡介】HTML5 Game Development/基於HTML5的遊戲開發




Colt McAnlis

Colt McAnlis工作在Google,是Chrome遊戲和本地程式的倡導者;在這之前,他先後在暴雪、微軟以及Petroglyph擔任系統和圖形程式設計師。他還在南方衛理公會大學的Guildhall學院做了4年的遊戲開發兼職教授,講授數學、物理、圖形以及併發程式設計。工作之餘,Colt為應付外太空巨蟻入侵做準備。

Colt McAnlis is a Developer Advocate at Google focusing on Chrome Games and Native Client; Before that, he was a systems & graphics programmer in the games industry working at Blizzard, Microsoft (Ensemble), and Petroglyph. He also spent 4 years as an Adjunct Professor at SMU Guildhall's school for game development, where he taught classes on math, physics, graphics, and concurrent programming. When he's not working with partners, Colt spends his time preparing for an invasion of giant ants from outer space.

Peter Lubbers

Peter Lubbers工作在Google,是Chrome開發者關係團隊的專案經理,對HTML5有極大的興趣。他是《Pro HTML5 Programming (Apress)》一書的合作者,舊金山HTML5使用者組(世界上最大的HTML使用者組)的發起者。作為荷蘭人,他曾服役於荷蘭皇家綠色貝雷帽的特種部隊突擊隊。在業餘時間,Peter喜歡跳傘,笨豬跳以及超長馬拉松。

Peter Lubbers is a Program Manager at Google in the Chrome Developer Relations team and lives and breathes HTML5. He is the co-author of Pro HTML5 Programming (Apress) and the founder of the San Francisco HTML5 User Group, the largest HTML5 User Group in the world. A native of the Netherlands, Peter served as a Special Forces commando in the Royal Dutch Green Berets. In his spare time Peter likes jumping out of planes, bungee-jumping, and running ultra-marathons.

Sean Bennett

Sean Bennett是Udacity的課程設計師,熱衷於利用Web來提高可供全世界使用的教育質量。Sean以前在做Web程式設計,喜歡探索函式式Web程式設計。在改進教育的閒暇時間,Sean喜歡跑步、徒步旅行,為終將到來的殭屍做準備。

Sean Bennett is a Course Architect at Udacity and is passionate about using the web to improve the quality of education available worldwide. Sean's background is in web programming, and he likes to dabble in functional web programming. When he's not working to improve education, Sean likes running, hiking, and preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.



This course will walk you through the major components of building GRITS, an HTML5 game. We'll talk about how to take standard game development techniques, and use them to create high performance HTML5 applications.



Knowledge of HTML, Javascript, and how the web works is necessary for this course. There is an optional lesson on the specific parts of Javascript and the DOM that you'll need for this class as a refresher, but this is not an introductory course on Javascript.


通過本課程,你將學會如何開發HTML5遊戲。你會熟悉HTML5的特性,比如2D Canvas,以及如何提高程式效能。

At the end of this course, you'll understand how to develop an HTML5 game. You will gain familiarity with HTML5 features such as 2D canvas and techniques for improving performance.


課程0: HTML/Javascript速成(可選)
課程1: Canvas渲染簡介
課程2: 地圖集
課程3: 渲染地圖
課程4: 使用者輸入及事件處理
課程5: Entity層次結構
課程6: 物理引擎Box2D及如何使用外部庫
課程7: 新增聲音
課程8: 非同步載入

Lesson 0: Optional HTML/Javascript crash course
Lesson 1: Introduction to Canvas rendering
Lesson 2: Atlases
Lesson 3: Map rendering
Lesson 4: Basic Input, handling events
Lesson 5: The entity hierarchy
Lesson 6: Box2D, and using external libraries
Lesson 7: Adding sound
Lesson 8: Asynchronous Loading
