在CentOS 5.x 或者 6.x 上安裝最新版的EPEL(比網易的源更新)yum源
Installing RHEL EPEL Repo on 5.x or 6.x
How to install RHEL EPEL repository on Centos 5.x or 6.x
The following article will describe how to configure a CentOS 5.x-based or Centos 6.x-based system to use Epel repos and third party remi package repos. These package repositories are not officially supported by CentOS, but they provide much more current versions of popular applications like PHP or MYSQL.
Install the extra repositories
The first step requires downloading some RPM files that contain the additional YUM repository definitions. The instructions below point to the 64-bit versions that work with our Cloud Server instances.
下面根據自己的版本挑選指令碼去執行,比如你是CentOS 6.4 就用 CentOS 6.x
Centos 5.x
sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-5*.rpm epel-release-5*.rpm
Centos 6.x
sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm
Once installed you should see some additional repo definitions under the /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
安裝完畢後去 remi.repo看下,如果出現以下三個檔案就正常
$ ls -1 /etc/yum.repos.d/epel* /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
Enable the remi repository 開啟remi源
The remi repository provides a variety of up-to-date packages that are useful or are a requirement for many popular web-based services. That means it generally is not a bad idea to enable the remi repositories by default.
First, open the /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo repository file using a text editor of your choice:
sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
Edit the [remi] portion of the file so that the enabled option is set to 1. This will enable the remi repository.
name=Les RPM de remi pour Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch
You will now have a larger array of yum repositories from which to install.
CentOS 5/6.X 使用 EPEL YUM源
如何在CentOS 5/6上安裝EPEL 源
更多CentOS相關資訊見 專題頁面
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29819001/viewspace-1392121/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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