IBM X3850 X5連線儲存後,Linux作業系統無法正常啟動


        伺服器:IBM X3850 X5
        FC HBA卡:兩塊QLogic 4Gb PCIe FC Single-port HBA for IBM
        儲存裝置:HDS USP V
        作業系統:Redhat Enterprise 5.5 x86_64bit
        在為伺服器分配儲存之前,作業系統能夠正常的重啟。伺服器有兩塊FC HBA卡透過光纖線連線到儲存。為伺服器連線好光纖線,分配好相應的儲存之後,伺服器無法正常重啟。在系統啟動的過程中必須將一個HBA卡上的光纖線拔掉,系統才能順利的啟動。如果不拔掉一個HBA卡的光纖線,伺服器在尋找引導裝置的時候會出現類似:"Hdisk0 Failed”的提示(Hdisk0通常為本地磁碟的引導盤,類似於Windows的C盤),之後開始無限制的重啟,直到拔掉其中一個HBA的光纖線才能順利啟動。

        本以為是因為韌體版本的問題,在升級韌體版本之前同事撥打了IBM 800電話,得到了大概如下的解釋:由於此伺服器較新,採用了新的啟動技術,叫做UEFI,這種技術預設首先從儲存查詢磁碟引導裝置,但由於儲存上並沒有相應的引導裝置,所以啟動會失敗。解決的辦法就是將最新的系統啟動技術UEFI修改為傳統的啟動技術,修改方法如下:
1. Power on or restart the system and press F1 when prompted to enter Setup.
2. Select System Settings and press Enter.
3. Select Devices and I/O Ports and press Enter.
4. Select Enable/Disable Legacy Option ROMs and press Enter.
5. Under Enable/Disable Legacy Option ROMs select the slot number in which the HBA is installed and press Enter.
6. Select Disabled and press Enter.
7. Under Enable/Disable UEFI Option ROMs select the slot number in which the HBA is installed and press Enter.
8. Select Disabled and press Enter.
9. Press Esc 3 times to return to the System Configuration main menu, select Save Settings and press Enter.
10. Select Boot Manager and press Enter.
11. Select Add Boot Option and press Enter.
12. Select Legacy Only and press Enter.
13. Press Esc to return to Boot Manager.
14. Select Change Boot Order and press Enter.
15. Select the existing Boot Order and press Enter.
16. Select Legacy Only and press the + key to promote it to a position above the local device which contains the operating system . Typically, this would be above Hard Disk 0. Press Enter.
17. Select Commit Changes and press Enter.
18. Press Esc to return to Boot Manager.
19. Select Reset System and press Enter.

注意:在設定啟動順序的時候將"Legacy Only"設定在"Hard Disk 0"前面,且"Hard Disk 0"要緊跟在"Legacy Only"啟動項後面!


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