Step-to-Step Installation of 10G RAC on RedHat AS 3.0 – Single Node(二)
- Hardware Cluster Installation Mode:
Select "Cluster Installation"
Click "Select All" to select all servers: dbtest1
- Installation Type:
Select "Standard Edition".
- Product-specific Prerequisite Checks:
Make sure that the status of each Check is set to "Succeeded".
If openmotif shows a warning, ignore it.
- Database Configuration:
Select "Do not create a starter database".
[@more@]- Setup Privileges Window:
VIP Configuration Assistant Tool:
(This Assistant tool will come up only once when is executed the
first time in your RAC cluster)
- Network Interfaces: Selected both interfaces, eth0.
- Virtual IPs for cluster notes:
Node Name: dbtest1
IP Alias Name: dbvip
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
l Download and Apply Oracle 10G Software Patch
Stop all services
1. Stop listener.
2. Stop instances on all nodes.
3. Stop ASM instance by: $ srvctl stop asm –n dbtest1
4. Stop node apps by: $ srvctl stop nodeapps –n dbtest1
5. Stop CRS by: # /etc/init.d/ stop
l Creat a standalone database.
Setting Oracle environment variables.
$ echo export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.1.0/db_1 >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin >> ~/.bash_profile
$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ dbca
- Welcome Screen:
Select "Oracle Single Instance Database"
- Operations:
Select "Create Database"
- Database Templates:
Select "General Purpose".
- Database Identification:
Global Database Name: orcl
SID: orcl1
- Management Option:
Select "Use Database Control for Database Management".
- Database Credentials:
Select "Use the Same Password for All Accounts". Enter the password and
make sure the password does not start with a digit number.
- Storage Options:
Select "Automatic Storage Management (ASM)".
- Create ASM Instance:
Enter the SYS password for the ASM instance.
Select the default parameter file (IFILE):
At this point DBCA will create and start the ASM instance on all RAC nodes.
Click OK to create and start the ASM instance.
- ASM Disk Groups:
- Click "Create New"
Create Disk Group Window:
- Click "Change Disk Discovery Path".
- Enter "ORCL:VOL*" for Disk Discovery Path.
The discovery string for finding ASM disks must be prefixed with "ORCL:", and in my example the ASM disks VOL1.
- Enter Disk Group Name: ORCL_DATA1
- Check the candidate: "ORCL:VOL1".
- Check the new created disk group "ORCL_DATA1".
- Database File Locations:
Select "Use Oracle-Managed Files"
Database Area: +ORCL_DATA1
- Recovery Configuration:
Don’t select any recovery options.
- Database Services:
Click "Add" and enter a Service Name: I entered "orcltest".
Select TAF Policy "Basic".
l Convert Database to RAC
Shutdown database orcl1
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ mv initorcl1.ora initorcl.ora
Edit initorcl.ora as following:
*.shared_pool_size = 65M
*.cluster_database = TRUE
*.cluster_database_instances = 4
orcl1.instance_name = orcl1
orcl2.instance_name = orcl2
orcl1.instance_number = 1
orcl2.instance_number = 2
*.service_names = "orcl"
orcl1.thread = 1
orcl2.thread = 2
orcl1.local_listener = "(address=(protocol=tcp)(host="
orcl1.remote_listener = "(address=(protocol=tcp)(host="
orcl2.local_listener = "(address=(protocol=tcp)(host="
orcl2.remote_listener = "(address=(protocol=tcp)(host="
orcl1.undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1
orcl2.undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS2
$ ln –s initorcl.ora initorcl1.ora
$ ln –s initorcl.ora initorcl2.ora
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl1
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> startup
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catclust.sql
Recreate control file if you defined maxinstances to be 1 when you created the single instance database.
SQL> alter database add logfile thread 2 group 4 size 10M, group 5 size 10M, group 6 size 10M;
SQL> alter database enable public thread 2;
SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile size 25MB;
SQL> exit;
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl2
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> startup
SQL> exit;
l Patch Oracle 10G Standard Edition for TAF
Shutdown all instances (orcl1 and orcl2).
Shutdown ASM instance by run /u01/crs/oracle/product/10.1.2/crs/bin/crs_stop –all.
Download patch 2617419 and 3549731 from metalink.
$ cd /tmp
$ unzip
$ cp –r OPatch $ORACLE_HOME
$ unzip
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