[20181112]11g 日誌傳輸壓縮模式.txt
[20181112]11g 日誌傳輸壓縮模式.txt
SCOTT@book> @ ver1
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
SCOTT@book> show parameter log_archive_dest_2
------------------ ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SCOTT@book> alter system set log_archive_dest_2='SERVICE=bookdg LGWR ASYNC AFFIRM compression=enable VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=bookdg';
System altered.
SCOTT@book> alter system set log_archive_trace=16;
ystem altered.
SCOTT@bookdg> alter system set log_archive_trace=16;
System altered.
SYS@book> alter system archive log current;
System altered.
$ ps -ef | egrep "ns[a]|UI[D]"
oracle 44236 1 0 09:05 ? 00:00:24 ora_nsa2_book
$ ls -l *44236*.trc
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 46407479 2018-11-12 15:10:24 book_nsa2_44236.trc
SYS@book> alter system set log_archive_trace=1;
System altered.
$ tail -f book_nsa2_44236.trc
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:36.093
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:36.093 1274 krsu.c
RFS message number 23059 (RFSWRITE)
RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 81%
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:37.094
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:37.094 1274 krsu.c
RFS message number 23060 (RFSWRITE)
RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 82%
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:38.095
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:38.095 1274 krsu.c
RFS message number 23061 (RFSWRITE)
RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 80%
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:39.096
*** 2018-11-12 15:11:39.096 1274 krsu.c
RFS message number 23062 (RFSWRITE)
RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 81%
$ grep "RTC:" book_nsa2_44236.trc | sort|uniq -c
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 77%
5 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 79%
16 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 80%
50 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 81%
26 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 82%
3 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 83%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 85%
SCOTT@book> create table t as select * from dba_objects ;
Table created.
SCOTT@book> update t set OBJECT_NAME=lower(OBJECT_NAME);
86993 rows updated.
SCOTT@book> commit ;
Commit complete.
$ grep "RTC:" book_nsa2_44236.trc | sort|uniq -c
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 46%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 48%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 50%
4 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 55%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 56%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 57%
3 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 58%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 59%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 63%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 64%
2 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 68%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 69%
4 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 72%
3 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 74%
1 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 75%
5 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 76%
5 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 77%
6 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 78%
20 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 79%
66 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 80%
99 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 81%
50 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 82%
19 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 83%
21 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 84%
4 RTC: Compression ratio for this I/O is 85%
SYS@bookdg> @ &r/dg/dg
--------- ------- ------------ -------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
RFS 28207 IDLE ARCH N/A 0 0 0 0 0
ARCH 28364 CONNECTED ARCH N/A 0 0 0 0 0
RFS 28205 IDLE LGWR 1 1 731 251 1 0
ARCH 28362 CLOSING ARCH 4 1 727 1 513 0
ARCH 28360 CLOSING ARCH 5 1 728 73728 1902 0
ARCH 28366 CLOSING ARCH 5 1 730 88064 1750 0
MRP0 28162 APPLYING_LOG N/A N/A 1 731 251 102400 0
7 rows selected.
--//可以確定接收的程式當前是28205. 備庫:
$ grep RTC: bookdg_rfs_28205.trc | less
RTC: decompressed 232440 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 785 bytes to 3072 bytes
RTC: decompressed 222314 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 1396 bytes to 5120 bytes
RTC: decompressed 217892 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 1564 bytes to 5632 bytes
RTC: decompressed 223295 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 115 bytes to 512 bytes
RTC: decompressed 189832 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 2941 bytes to 14848 bytes
RTC: decompressed 192267 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 610 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 192315 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 531 bytes to 2048 bytes
RTC: decompressed 191932 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 597 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 193008 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 655 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 5732 bytes to 28160 bytes
RTC: decompressed 194474 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 591 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 174682 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 505 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 4911 bytes to 27648 bytes
RTC: decompressed 159418 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 249 bytes to 1024 bytes
RTC: decompressed 4773 bytes to 27648 bytes
RTC: decompressed 162834 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 532 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 162426 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 566 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 4941 bytes to 28160 bytes
RTC: decompressed 160794 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 279 bytes to 1024 bytes
RTC: decompressed 5578 bytes to 32256 bytes
RTC: decompressed 163626 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 561 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 4761 bytes to 27136 bytes
RTC: decompressed 159520 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 559 bytes to 2560 bytes
RTC: decompressed 4918 bytes to 28672 bytes
RTC: decompressed 160996 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 281 bytes to 1024 bytes
RTC: decompressed 159494 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 160961 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 13209 bytes to 84992 bytes
RTC: decompressed 159411 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 154267 bytes to 836608 bytes
RTC: decompressed 205968 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 192858 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 201346 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 15110 bytes to 78336 bytes
RTC: decompressed 202438 bytes to 1048576 bytes
RTC: decompressed 204217 bytes to 1048576 bytes
--//RTC應該表示redo transport compression
SCOTT@book> alter system reset log_archive_trace;
System altered.
SYS@bookdg> alter system reset log_archive_trace;
System altered.
SYS@book> alter system set log_archive_dest_2='SERVICE=bookdg LGWR ASYNC AFFIRM VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=bookdg';
System altered.
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