




1. Create A Wooden House Icon in Photoshop | 在Photoshop中製作小木屋圖示

2. Create Beautiful Abstract Female Art in Photoshop | 在Photoshop中創作完美抽象派女性藝術畫

3. How to Paint an Impressive Artwork Using Photoshop | 如何用Photoshop繪製令人印象深刻的插圖

4. How to Create a Proper Portrait in Photoshop | 如何用Photoshop繪製恰到好處的肖像

5. Extreme Digital Painting for a Japanese Lady | 日本女性的極端數字繪畫

6. Making of Fire Dragon | 製作火龍

7. Drawing Creation – Funny Bird Pecking at a Tree | 繪圖創作——奇異鳥啄樹

8. Create a Multicolored Effect for Hexagon Shapes | 創作六邊形的多色染效應

9. Create an Awesome Design Effect for Numbers | 創作超棒的數字設計效果

10. How to create a burning flower in Photoshop | 在Photoshop中製作燃燒花

11. Develop a Fantastic Cartoon Drawing using Photoshop | 用Photoshop製作奇妙的卡通圖片

12. Making of Live Water: Photorealism and Fantasy | 活水製作:超現實主義與幻想主義

13. Create a Medieval Fantasy Castle Gate in Photoshop | 在Photoshop中創作中世紀幻想城堡門

14. Advance Tutorial Act 1 | 進階教程行動1

15. Painting a Dramatic Human Portrait | 繪製戲劇人物肖像

16. Create a Fabulous Rose in Photoshop Tutorial | 創作完美精緻玫瑰的Photoshop教程

17. High Level Painting Techniques in Photoshop Tutorial | Photoshop的高階著色技巧

18. Design a Fashion Model using Photoshop | 在Photoshop中設計時尚模特兒

19. Create Colorful Composition in Photoshop | 在Photoshop中創作多彩構圖

20. Draw a Nice Bamboo Artwork using Photoshop | 用Photoshop繪製精美竹藝術

21. Remarkable Creation – Colourful Human Out of Bottle | 非凡創作——多彩人出甁

22. Amazing Avatar Creation | 神奇阿凡達創作

23. Draw a Realistically Beautiful Flower Paint | 繪製逼真精美的花卉圖片


原文:Smashinghub 翻譯:伯樂線上 敏捷翻譯 – 王迎亞

