1.C++ to pb
1.1 map巢狀物件結構
//pb資料結構 message Inner { repeated string codes = 1; map<string, string> ext = 2; }; message Outer { map<int32, Inner> uint2Inner = 1; map<string, string> ext = 2; };
賦值程式碼 :
Outer req; req.mutable_ext()->insert({"keyA", "valueA"}); // uint2Inner auto uint2inner = req.mutable_uint2Inner();// 複雜的map成員新增元素 uint32_t a=5; auto inner = (*uint2inner)[a];// map複雜物件新增成員 for (const auto& code : codes) { inner.add_codes(code); // repeated型別迴圈新增成員 } inner.mutable_ext()->insert({"lat", "123"}); //map簡單型別的直接mutable&insert就行
1.2 巢狀map
// pb型別 message InnerStrMap { map<string, string> value = 1; }; message PullLiveRoomListReq{ map<string, string> ext = 1; map<string, InnerStrMap> ext2= 2; repeated uint32 keys = 3; };
2.pb to C++