本文為美國卡內基·梅隆大學(作者:Sanjiban Choudhury)的博士論文,共255頁。
Mobile robots are increasingly beingdeployed in the real world in response to a heightened demand for applicationssuch as transportation, delivery and inspection. The motion planning systemsfor these robots are expected to have consistent performance across the widerange of scenarios that they encounter. While state-of-the-art planners, withprovable worst-case guarantees, can be employed to solve these planningproblems, their finite time performance varies across scenarios. This thesisproposes that the planning module for a robot must adapt its search strategy tothe distribution of planning problems encountered to achieve real-timeperformance. We address three principal challenges of this problem. Firstly, weshow that even when the planning problem distribution is fixed, designing anonadaptive planner can be challenging as the performance of planningstrategies fluctuates with small changes in the environment. We characterizethe existence of complementary strategies and propose to hedge our bets byexecuting a diverse ensemble of planners. Secondly, when the distribution isvarying, we require a meta-planner that can automatically select such anensemble from a library of black-box planners. We show that greedily training alist of predictors to focus on failure cases leads to an effectivemeta-planner. For situations where we have no training data, we show that wecan learn an ensemble on-the-fly by adopting algorithms from online pagingtheory. Thirdly, in the interest of efficiency, we require a white-box plannerthat directly adapts its search strategy during a planning cycle. We propose anefficient procedure for training adaptive search heuristics in a data-drivenimitation learning framework. We also draw a novel connection to Bayesianactive learning, and propose algorithms to adaptively evaluate edges of agraph. Our approach leads to the synthesis of a robust real-time planningmodule that allows a UAV to navigate seamlessly across environments andspeed-regimes. We evaluate our framework on a spectrum of planning problems andshow closed-loop results on 3 UAV platforms - a full-scale autonomoushelicopter, a large scale hexarotor and a small quadrotor. While the thesis wasmotivated by mobile robots, we have shown that the individual algorithms arebroadly applicable to other problem domains such as informative path planningand manipulation planning. We also establish novel connections between thedisparate fields of motion planning and active learning, imitation learning andonline paging which opens doors to several new research problems.
1 引言
2 專案背景
3 探索結構的規劃演算法
4 專家策劃的多元化組合
5 專家策劃的自適應組合
6 線上意外規劃器
7 基於模仿學習的資料驅動規劃
8 貝葉斯主動邊緣評估
9 統一的無人機規劃體系架構
10 結論
附錄A 無人機規劃問題
附錄B 動態投影濾波器
附錄C 無人機專家策劃庫
附錄D 黑盒規劃器的特徵提取
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