GCC:GNU(Gnu's Not Unix)編譯器套裝(GNU Compiler Collection,GCC),指一套程式語言編譯器,以GPL及LGPL許可證所發行的自由軟體,也是GNU專案的關鍵部分,也是GNU工具鏈的主要組成部分之一。GCC(特別是其中的C語言編譯器)也常被認為是跨平臺編譯器的事實標準。1985年由理查德·馬修·斯托曼開始發展,現在由自由軟體基金會負責維護工作。GCC原本用C開發,後來因為LLVM、Clang的崛起,它更快地將開發語言轉換為C++。
GCC支援的語言:原名為GNU C語言編譯器(GNU C Compiler),因為它原本只能處理C語言。GCC在釋出後很快地得到擴充套件,變得可處理C++。之後也變得可處理Fortran、Pascal、Objective-C、Java、Ada,Go與其他語言。
許多作業系統,包括許多類Unix系統,如Linux及BSD家族都採用GCC作為標準編譯器。蘋果電腦預裝的Mac OS X作業系統也採用這個編譯器。
GCC目前由世界各地不同的數個程式設計師小組維護。它是移植到最多中央處理器架構以及最多作業系統的編譯器。由於GCC已成為GNU系統的官方編譯器(包括GNU/Linux家族),它也成為編譯與建立其他作業系統的主要編譯器,包括BSD家族、Mac OS X、NeXTSTEP與BeOS。
Clang:是一個C、C++、Objective-C和Objective-C++程式語言的編譯器前端。它採用了底層虛擬機器(LLVM)作為其後端。它的目標是提供一個GNU編譯器套裝(GCC)的替代品。作者是克里斯·拉特納(Chris Lattner),在蘋果公司的贊助支援下進行開發,而原始碼授權是使用類BSD的伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校開原始碼許可。Clang主要由C++編寫。
Clang專案包括Clang前端和Clang靜態分析器等。這個軟體專案在2005年由蘋果電腦發起,是LLVM(Low Level Virtual Machine)編譯器工具集的前端(front-end),目的是輸出程式碼對應的抽象語法樹(Abstract Syntax Tree, AST),並將程式碼編譯成LLVM Bitcode。接著在後端(back-end)使用LLVM編譯成平臺相關的機器語言。
GCC特性:除支援C/C++/ Objective-C/Objective-C++語言外,還是支援Java/Ada/Fortran/Go等;當前的Clang的C++支援落後於GCC;支援更多平臺;更流行,廣泛使用,支援完備。
Clang vs GCC(GNU Compiler Collection):Pro's of GCC vs clang:
(1)、GCC supports languages that clang does not aim to, such as Java, Ada, FORTRAN, Go, etc.
(2)、GCC supports more targets than LLVM.
(3)、GCC supports many language extensions, some of which are not implemented by Clang. For instance, in C mode, GCC supports nested functions and has an extension allowing VLAs in structs.
Pro's of clangvs GCC:
(1)、The Clang ASTs and design are intended to be easily understandable by anyone who is familiar with the languages involved and who has a basic understanding of how acompiler works. GCC has a very old codebase which presents a steep learning curve to new developers.
(2)、Clang is designed as an API from its inception, allowing it to be reused by source analysis tools, refactoring, IDEs (etc) as well as for code generation. GCC is built as a monolithic static compiler, which makes it extremely difficult to use as an API and integrate into other tools. Further, its historic design and current policy makes it difficult to decouple the front-end from the rest ofthe compiler.
(3)、Various GCC design decisions make it very difficult to reuse: its build system is difficult to modify, you can't link multiple targets into one binary, you can't link multiple front-ends into one binary, it uses a custom garbage collector, uses global variables extensively, is not reentrant or multi-threadable, etc. Clang has none of these problems.
(4)、Clang does not implicitly simplify code as it parses it like GCC does. Doing so causes many problems for source analysis tools: as one simple example, if you write"x-x" in your source code, the GCC AST will contain "0",with no mention of 'x'. This is extremely bad for a refactoring tool that wants to rename 'x'.
(5)、Clang can serialize its AST out to disk and read it back into another program, which is useful for whole program analysis. GCC does not have this. GCC's PCH mechanism(which is just a dump of the compiler memory image) is related, but is architecturally only able to read the dump back into the exact same executable as the one that produced it (it is not a structured format).
(6)、Clang is much faster and uses far less memory than GCC.
(7)、Clang has been designed from the start to provide extremely clear and concise diagnostics(error and warning messages), and includes support for expressive diagnostics.Modern versions of GCC have made significant advances in this area,incorporating various Clang features such as preserving typedefs in diagnostics and showing macro expansions, but GCC is still catching up.
(8)、GCC is licensed under the GPL license. clang uses a BSD license, which allows it to be embedded in software that is not GPL-licensed.
(9)、Clang inherits a number of features from its use of LLVM as a backend, including support for a bytecode representation for intermediate code, pluggable optimizers, link-time optimization support, Just-In-Time compilation, ability to link in multiple code generators, etc.
(10)、Clang's support for C++ is more compliant than GCC's in many ways.
(11)、Clang supports many language extensions, some of which are not implemented by GCC. For instance, Clang provides attributes for checking thread safety and extended vector types.
以上內容主要整理自: GCC維基百科 、 Clang維基百科 、 clang.llvm.org
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