BW: How To Delete Workbook
To delete a workbook, use function module RRMX_WORKBOOKS_DELETE (execute using Transaction SE37 and Test).
Give the parameters workbook ID (I_WORKBOOKID) and object version (I_OBJVERS).
To get these, goto se11, table RSRWORKBOOK and get these details.
源文件 <>
In Bex Analyzer, first, you don't see the technical name of a workbook, you also can't delete them.
In our system, several workbooks are created from a common workbook template, and save in a folder of an user workbook role.
To save the new workbook, the old workbook need to be deleted from the Role. Then, those unused workbooks should be deleted from workbook table.
To delete the old workbooks from the role, first of all, make sure this role is a production role which would not be transported from Dev again. Then, go to pfcg — enter the role — go to the menu tab — delete the workbook from the folder.
To delete unused workbooks, go to SA38 – RSWB_ROLES_REORG — check the workbooks you want to delete and click on "Delete All". The button is a little misleading, it's called "Deselect all" in some version, and it really means "delete all selected". Also, when clicking on it, you might lost the SAPGui session temporarily. It will come back in a few seconds/minutes.
If you want to delete the query that is used by some workbooks, you can't do it through "Query Designer". In this case, t-code RSZDELETE can be used to delete the query as well as the dependent workbooks. You'll get a message when you delete the query:
Dependent Workbooks, Crystal Reports, and Views May Exist
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