cd /sapmnt/BIP/profile
hostname:bipadm 5> jcmon pf=BIP_J01_hostname
JCMon is an internal tool for interactive usage.
Suspending it or running it in the background may have unexpected and undesirable effects.
Do you understand these restrictions? (y/n): y
[Thr 01] Thu Apr 16 10:51:34 2015
[Thr 01] MtxInit: -2 0 0
JControl Monitor Program - Main Menu
0 : exit
10 : Cluster Administration Menu
20 : Local Administration Menu
30 : Solid Rock Administration Menu
command => 20
Can't open shared memory administration (rc = 3)
JControl Monitor Program - Main Menu
0 : exit
10 : Cluster Administration Menu
20 : Local Administration Menu
30 : Solid Rock Administration Menu
command => 10
JControl Monitor Program - Cluster Admin Menu
0 : exit
1 : Display Instance List
2 : Shutdown Cluster
3 : Shutdown Cluster (Async)
4 : Shutdown Cluster and wait for Restart
5 : Shutdown Cluster and wait for Restart (Async)
6 : Start waiting Cluster
7 : free Cluster wait lock without Restart
8 : Shutdown Cluster and wait for Restart without SDM
9 : Shutdown Cluster and wait for Restart without SDM (Async)
10 : Shutdown Instance
11 : Shutdown Instance (Async)
12 : Shutdown Instance with Restart
13 : Shutdown Instance with Restart (Async)
14 : Restart Instance
15 : Enable processes with specified process type
16 : Disable processes with specified process type
17 : Enable processes excluding specified process type
18 : Disable processes excluding specified process type
19 : Shutdown and Restart Instance (Async)
21 : Process Administration Menu (remote)
30 : Enable all processes with specified process type
31 : Disable all processes with specified process type
32 : Enable all processes excluding specified process type
33 : Disable all processes excluding specified process type
40 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes with specified process type
41 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes excluding specified process type
50 : Shutdown and Restart Cluster (Async)
98 : Display monitor clients
99 : Display process types
command => 21
List of known instances
|Index|SID|SNR|Hostname |Status |
| 0|BIP|01 |
Instance index (cancel = -1):
SAP System Name : BIP
SAP System : 01
MS Host :
MS Port : 3902
Process Count : 3
PID of JControl : 29425886
State of JControl : All processes running
State inside MS : All processes running
Admin URL :
|Idx|Name |PID |State |Error|Restart|
| 0|debugproxy | 0|Initial | 0|no |
| 1|icm |20447604|Running | 0|yes | //正常
| 2|server0 |28770432|Running | 0|yes | //正常
JControl Monitor Program - Administration Menu (Remote)
Instance : JC_it00m002_BIP_01
0 : back to main menue
1 : Refresh list
2 : Shutdown instance
3 : Enable process
4 : Disable process
5 : Restart process
6 : Enable bootstrapping on restart
7 : Disable bootstrapping on restart
8 : Enable debugging
9 : Disable debugging
10 : Dump stacktrace
11 : Process list
12 : Port list
13 : Activate debug session
14 : Deactivate debug session
15 : Increment trace level
16 : Decrement trace level
17 : Enable process restart
18 : Disable process restart
19 : Restart instance
40 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes with specified process type
41 : Enable bootstrapping for all processes excluding specified process type
99 : Extended process list on/off
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/9522838/viewspace-2284972/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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