Matt Heusser 和Chris McMahon在2010年4月的STP雜誌仿照CMM模型提出了軟體測試的“釣魚成熟度模型”,用釣魚比喻軟體測試:
1 Chaotic(混亂階段).
Fishing is a seat-of-the-pants, ad hoc,made-up-as-we-go, improvised process.
2 Planned(已計劃級).
The location and timing of your daily fishing expeditions is scheduled. With knowledge of how you did for the past two weeks, knowing you will go to the same places, you can predict the size of your catch.
3 Managed(已管理級).
By taking your fishing process and standardizing processes for how fast to drive the boat, how deep and how quickly to let out the nets and so on, you can improve your estimates over time.
4 Measured(已度量級).
You track your results over time, to determine exactly how many pounds of fish are delivered at what time with what processes.
5 Optimizing(優化級).
Now, you experiment with different techniques to see which technique yields more fish and which does not. This is continuous improvement.
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