- 定義:
type tagKeyValueEntry struct {
m map[uint64]struct{} // series id set
a seriesIDs // lazily sorted list of series.這兩個欄位儲存的是相同的series id的集合
- 獲取series id集合
func (e *tagKeyValueEntry) ids() seriesIDs {
if e == nil {
return nil
if len(e.a) == len(e.m) {
return e.a
a := make(seriesIDs, 0, len(e.m))
for id := range e.m {
a = append(a, id)
e.a = a
return e.a
- tag value到tagKeyValueEntry的對映,也就是記錄了tag value到對應的所有series id的對映
- 定義:
type tagKeyValue struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
entries map[string]*tagKeyValueEntry
表示一個series, 包括其tagset, series key, 屬於哪一個measurement
type series struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
deleted bool// immutable
ID uint64
Measurement *measurement
Key string // 這個就是 series key
Tags models.Tags //當前series包括的tag key 和 tag value集合
- 包含了一個measurement對應的所有series資訊
- 定義:
type measurement struct {
Database string
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
NameBytes []byte // cached version as []byte
mu sync.RWMutex
fieldNames map[string]struct{} //儲存了當前measurement的所有欄位
// in-memory index fields
seriesByID map[uint64]*series // series id到series的對映
seriesByTagKeyValue map[string]*tagKeyValue // tagkey -> tag value -> series id set
// lazyily created sorted series IDs
sortedSeriesIDs seriesIDs // sorted list of series IDs in this measurement
// Indicates whether the seriesByTagKeyValueMap needs to be rebuilt as it contains deleted series
// that waste memory.
dirty bool
- 獲取當前measurement包含的所有tag key,且是按string排序的
func (m *measurement) TagKeys() []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m.seriesByTagKeyValue))
for k := range m.seriesByTagKeyValue {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
- 獲取當前measurement包含的所有tag value
func (m *measurement) TagValues(auth query.Authorizer, key string) []string {
values := make([]string, 0, m.seriesByTagKeyValue[key].Cardinality())
m.seriesByTagKeyValue[key].RangeAll(func(k string, a seriesIDs) {
if query.AuthorizerIsOpen(auth) {
values = append(values, k)
} else {
for _, sid := range a {
s := m.seriesByID[sid]
if s == nil {
if auth.AuthorizeSeriesRead(m.Database, m.NameBytes, s.Tags) {
values = append(values, k)
return values
- 獲取tag key對應的所有series id
func (m *measurement) SeriesIDsByTagKey(key []byte) seriesIDs {
tagVals := m.seriesByTagKeyValue[string(key)]
if tagVals == nil {
return nil
var ids seriesIDs
tagVals.RangeAll(func(_ string, a seriesIDs) {
ids = append(ids, a...)
return ids
*獲取tag value對應的所有 series id
func (m *measurement) SeriesIDsByTagValue(key, value []byte) seriesIDs {
tagVals := m.seriesByTagKeyValue[string(key)]
if tagVals == nil {
return nil
return tagVals.Load(string(value))
- 包括了若干個measurement的index資訊
- 定義:
type Index struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
database string //資料庫名字
sfile *tsdb.SeriesFile //_series 目錄下series file
fieldset *tsdb.MeasurementFieldSet
// In-memory metadata index, built on load and updated when new series come in
measurements map[string]*measurement // measurement name to object and index
series map[string]*series // map series key to the Series object
seriesSketch, seriesTSSketch estimator.Sketch
measurementsSketch, measurementsTSSketch estimator.Sketch
// Mutex to control rebuilds of the index
rebuildQueue sync.Mutex
- 包含了Index的集合,所有這些Index都屬於同一個DB,每個shard對應一個Index
type IndexSet struct {
Indexes []Index // The set of indexes comprising this IndexSet.
SeriesFile *SeriesFile // The Series File associated with the db for this set.
fieldSets []*MeasurementFieldSet // field sets for _all_ indexes in this set's DB.
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