碼雲,git使用 教程



碼雲,git使用 教程

code cloud, git use tutorials





E-mail: 313134555 @qq.com




new project




There is no way to use Chinese.




Create a project like this



需要下載 安裝git。不會git 就有些煩了。

You need to download and install git.Not git is a bit boring.



Most of the tutorials on the web are the way to command, and it's annoying.


這裡用的是 視覺化的介面,簡單,體驗好。

This is a visual interface, simple, good experience.


電腦是64位, 所以

The computer is 64 bits, so


百度搜尋Git-2.8.2-64-bit.exe  下載 安裝【一路預設即可】。

Baidu search Git - 2.82-64-bit.exe for download installation.  [all the way by default]


搜尋 TortoiseGit-  下載 安裝【一路預設即可】。

Search for TortoiseGit - Msi download installation   [all the way by default]



Install the language pack tortoisegit-languagepack-  [all the way by default]



After installing tortoiseGIT, you do not need to restart your computer.


安裝完Git-2.8.2-64-bit.exe之後 可以發現 有Git Bash 這個功能,這個就可以敲寫 教程上的那些命令。

After you have installed Git - 2.8.2-64-bit.exe, you can find that you have Git Bash, which can be used to write the commands in the tutorial.


安裝完tortoiseGIT ,需要在設定裡改一下,切換語言,為簡體中文。

After installing tortoiseGIT, I need to change it in the Settings to switch the language to simplified Chinese.


這裡 可以用 視覺化的介面,不用敲命令。

Here you can use a visual interface without typing.






We can operate with commands. 

Copy these two line commands.


git config --global user.name "韓亞飛_韓夢飛沙"

git config --global user.email "313134555@qq.com"


 在我們的工程目錄下。選擇 git bash here

It's in our engineering catalogue 。Select git bash here



 貼上 命令

Paste command




Then, like this, the command executes directly.



我們可以在 設定中看到 全域性 已經有命令執行後的資料了。

We can see in Settings that the global command has been executed.



這兩個資料,我們可以在提交的時候用到。 用來設定作者。

These two data, we'll use it at the time of submission.Used to set the author.




選擇 Git 在這裡建立版本庫

Select Git submission (C) - > "master"...



點選確定 確定

Click ok



選擇 Git 提交(C)->”master”…

Select Git submission (C) - > "master"...



在這個頁面可以選擇 未版本控制, 選中全部檔案,然後提交。

On this page you can select the unversioned control, select all the files, and submit.



After the submission is successful, we can click on the push.



選擇 管理

Choose management



彈出這樣的視窗。 我們填寫 遠端專案的url 地址。可以起個名字。類似這樣。

Pop-up Windows like this.We fill in the url of the remote project.You can have a name.Like this 

開啟網站。複製 遠端專案的url 地址 連結。類似我這個

Open the site. Copy the url of the remote project url. Like me




新增好了,然後選擇 遠端的 專案。

Add it, and then select the remote project.


點選確定。我們推送到 遠端 。

Click ok.We push it to the far end.


然後像這樣 代表成功了。這個資訊框裡面的內容 注意一下。

And then it would be successful.Notice the contents of this information box.



推送成功後,我們可以在網站上重新整理後 看到類似這樣的效果。

After the push is successful, we can see similar results after we refresh the site.



我們可以也選擇git同步…   來 提交,推送 等。

We can choose git synchronization...   To submit, push, etc.




建立分支  。 類似這樣

Create a branch.Like this



切換分支。 類似這樣。

Switch branches.Something like that.



現在提交 變成了提交到我們新建立的那個分支。 類似這樣。

Now the submission becomes the branch submitted to our newly created branch.Something like that.



Commit to the branch.




Submission of success.We can click on the push to update the corresponding branch of the project on our website.



引用框 下的 遠端 填寫 我們要在遠端 用的分支 名字。

 The far end of the reference box fills out the branch name we want to use at the remote end.




Like this.




A success.Let's see if the site works.



網站 有這樣的效果。成功。

The website has this effect.Success.


拉請求 我們用網站上的 就行了。不用軟體上的 拉請求。

We use the pull request on the website.No software pull requests.


像這樣已經建立好了一個 拉請求。

 A pull request has been created like this. 



拉請求,就是建立一個 請求,用於將某個分支合併到另一個分支上。 請求通過之後,就合併了。 像這樣。

The pull request is to create a request to merge one branch to another.After the request is passed, the merge is done.Like this.


Tags 我們也用網站上的就行了。不用軟體上的標籤。

Tags we use the website.Don't use software labels.




The label is the version number.

We create a label, which is v1.0.






After the creation is complete, we download it.The default is this.We need this effect.



在網站的 開源專案 下,我們可以選擇 最新更新, 看到我們的專案。

Under the open source project of the website, we can choose the latest update and see our project.




通過 碼雲 我們可以檢視動態。

We can view the dynamic through the code cloud.


