1、 起源
Java原生的呼叫本地函式(C/C++)的機制是JNI(JavaNative Interface),但是由於其使用的複雜,還需要寫C程式碼,對許多入門級程式設計師來說實在不是個好的選擇。JNA(Java Native Access)是Sun公司主導開發的基於JNI的java呼叫原生函式的機制,是對JNI的再次封裝。其優點是,使用簡單,只需要編寫一個包含指定函式的介面即可。JNA提供了動態的C 語言編寫的轉發器,可以自動實現Java 和C 的資料型別對映。而不必像使用JNI一樣完全自己去做資料型別對映,不再需要編寫那個煩人的C 動態連結庫。當然,JNA相比於JNI,效率不高,會有部分效能損失,畢竟是對JNI的擴充套件。類似的優秀框架還有JNative。
2、 資料型別對映(來源於JNA的官方JavaDoc文件首頁)
Java types must be chosen to match native types of the samesize. Following are the types supported by the JNA library. (簡單型別對映)
Java Type |
C Type |
Native Representation |
boolean |
int |
32-bit integer (customizable) |
byte |
char |
8-bit integer |
char |
wchar_t |
platform-dependent |
short |
short |
16-bit integer |
int |
int |
32-bit integer |
long |
long long, __int64 |
64-bit integer |
float |
float |
32-bit floating point |
double |
double |
64-bit floating point |
pointer |
platform-dependent (32- or 64-bit pointer to memory) |
<T>[] (array of primitive type) |
pointer |
32- or 64-bit pointer to memory (argument/return) |
In addition to the above types, which aresupported at the native layer, the JNA Java library automatically handles thefollowing types. All but
are converted to
before being passed to the native layer.(複雜型別對映)
char* |
NUL-terminated array (native encoding or jna.encoding) |
wchar_t* |
NUL-terminated array (unicode) |
char** |
NULL-terminated array of C strings |
wchar_t** |
NULL-terminated array of wide C strings |
struct* |
pointer to struct (argument or return) (or explicitly) |
union |
same as Structure |
struct[] |
array of structs, contiguous in memory |
<T> (*fp)() |
function pointer (Java or native) |
varies |
depends on definition |
long |
platform-dependent (32- or 64-bit integer) |
pointer |
same as Pointer |
3、 Eclipse中使用DLL
void add1(int a,int b);
void add2(int *a,int*b);//a和b是指向int型的指標
void add3(int *a,int *b);//a和b是指向int[]的指標
void add4(int a[],int b[]);
public interface JNATestextends Library {
JNATest JNATestIntance = (JNATest) Native.loadLibrary(
" MyDll ", JNATest.class);
//c中的函式void add1(int a,int b);
public void add1(int a,int b);
//void add2(int *a,int*b);//a和b是指向int型的指標
public void add2(IntByReference a,IntByReference b);
//void add3(int *a,int *b);//a和b是指向int[]的指標
public void add3(int []a,int []b);
//void add4(int a[],int b[]);
public void add4(int []a,int []b);
public static void main(String args[])
int a=9;
int b=4;
int array1={1,4,5};
int array2={3,1,5};
JNATest.JNATestIntance.add2(newIntByReference(a),new IntByReference(b));
JNATest.JNATestIntance. add4(array1,array2);
其中IntByReference在表示指向int型的指標,類似的還有ByteByReference, DoubleByReference,
FloatByReference,LongByReference, NativeLongByReference, PointerByReference,ShortByReference,
W32API.HANDLEByReference, X11.AtomByReference,X11.WindowByReference
PointerByReference 類表示指向指標的指標。
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
public interface JNATestextends Library {
JNATest JNATestIntance = (JNATest) Native.loadLibrary(
"Sense2020Dll", JNATest.class);
//c中的函式void add1(int a,int b);
public void add1(int a,int b);
//void add2(int *a,int*b);//a和b是指向int型的指標
public void add2(Pointer a,Pointer b);
public static void main(String args[])
int a=9;
int b=4;
JNATest.JNATestIntance.add2(newIntByReference(a). getPointer(),
newIntByReference(b). getPointer());
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