






<div class="tree_box " >                    <div v-for="(item,index) in tree_arr">                      <div class="tree_parent row_flex al_flex ">                        <i                          v-if="item.child_show"                          class="el-icon-caret-right"                          @click="GoMoreShowChild(index,item.column_id)"                        ></i>                        <i                          v-else                          class="el-icon-caret-bottom"                          @click="GoMoreShowChild(index,item.column_id)"                        ></i>
                        <img                          v-if="item.sel"                          class="tree_sel"                          src="../img/tree_seled.png"                          alt=""                          @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                        />                        <img                          v-else                          class="tree_sel"                          src="../img/tree_sel.png"                          alt=""                          @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                        />                        <span @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                          >{{ item.column_name }}{{ item.sel }}</span                        >                      </div>                      <el-collapse-transition>                        <div v-show="item.child_show">                          <div                            class="tree_children row_flex al_flex"                            v-for="(c_item,c_idx) in item.children"                            @click="GoTreeChild(index,c_idx,c_item.column_id)"                          >                            <img                              v-if="c_item.sel"                              class="tree_sel"                              src="../img/tree_seled.png"                              alt=""                            />                            <img                              v-else                              class="tree_sel"                              src="../img/tree_sel.png"                              alt=""                            />                            <span                              >{{ c_item.column_name }}-{{ c_item.sel }}</span                            >                          </div>                        </div>                      </el-collapse-transition>                    </div>                  </div>複製程式碼


 tree_arr: [], // 欄目的樹形控制元件    tree_one: [], // 一級欄目 文章編輯時賦值    tree_two: [], // 二級欄目 文章編輯賦值    default_arr: [], // 編輯設定預設欄目    default_checked_keys: [] // 編輯設定預設欄目複製程式碼



/**     * 查詢欄目的樹形列表     */    GoColumnTree() {      const that = this;      var op_data = {        that: that,        _url: pub._url,        ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list_tree, // 具體介面        cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list_tree, // 回撥        data: {} // 形參      };      // console.log(op_data);      pub._InitAjax(op_data);    }複製程式碼


 /**     * 欄目樹形列表回撥     * @param {*} res     */    cb_module_column_find_list_tree(res) {      const that = this;      console.log("欄目樹形列表回撥", res);      if (res.stateCode == "200") {        that.tree_arr = [];        if (that.page_fg) {          // 編輯 雙層迴圈設定 已知的一級與二級欄目          console.log("編輯對應的二級欄目", that.tree_two);          for (var x = 0; x <; x++) {            that.$set([x], "sel", false);            that.$set([x], "child_show", false);            for (var y = 0; y < that.tree_one.length; y++) {              if (that.tree_one[y] ==[x].column_id) {                that.$set([x], "sel", true);              }            }
            for (let w = 0; w <[x].children.length; w++) {              that.$set([x].children[w], "sel", false);              for (var z = 0; z < that.tree_two.length; z++) {                if ([x].children[w].column_id == that.tree_two[z]) {                  that.$set([x].children[w], "sel", true);                } else {                }              }            }          }        } else {          // 新建的狀態下          for (var n = 0; n <; n++) {            that.$set([n], "sel", false);            that.$set([n], "child_show", false);            if ([n].children.length) {              for (var c = 0; c <[c].children.length; c++) {                that.$set([n].children[c], "sel", false);              }            }          }        }
        // 資料        for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {          that.tree_arr.push([i]); // 頁面大樹形資料陣列          that.default_arr.push([i]); // 編輯設定預設欄目使用        }      }    },複製程式碼


 /**     * 一級欄目的展開     * @param {*} idx 下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoMoreShowChild(idx, c_id) {      const that = this;      that.$set(        that.tree_arr[idx],        "child_show",        !that.tree_arr[idx].child_show      );    },複製程式碼


/**     * 點選一級欄目事件     * @param {*} idx 下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoTreeParent(idx, c_id) {      const that = this;      console.log("點選一級欄目", that.tree_arr[idx]);      that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "sel", !that.tree_arr[idx].sel);      if (!that.tree_arr[idx].sel) {        //放棄一級欄目 同時設定所屬二級為不選中        that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "child_show", false);        // if (that.tree_arr[idx].children.length) {        //   for (var c = 0; c < that.tree_arr[idx].children.length; c++) {        //     that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx].children[c], "sel", false);        //     // 同時將已經選中的二級欄目從陣列中刪除        //     for (var d = 0; d < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; d++) {        //       if (        //         that.art_form.column_two_id[d] ==        //         that.tree_arr[idx].children[c].column_id        //       ) {        //         that.art_form.column_two_id.splice(d, 1);        //       }        //     }        //   }        // }        that.EditParent(that.tree_arr[idx].sel, c_id);      } else {        // 儲存id        that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "child_show", true);        console.log("儲存一級", c_id);        that.EditParent(that.tree_arr[idx].sel, c_id);      }    },複製程式碼


 /**     * 儲存或者刪除一級欄目 新增需要去重     * @param {*} fg 狀態 true儲存 false 刪除     * @param {*} id 欄目column_id     */    EditParent(fg, id) {      const that = this;      var flag = false;      if (fg) {        for (var i = 0; i < that.art_form.column_one_id.length; i++) {          if (that.art_form.column_one_id[i] == id) {            flag = true;          }        }        if (!flag) {          that.art_form.column_one_id.push(id);        }      } else {        for (var di = 0; di < that.art_form.column_one_id.length; di++) {          if (that.art_form.column_one_id[di] == id) {            that.art_form.column_one_id.splice(di, 1);          }        }      }      console.log("編輯一級陣列", that.art_form.column_one_id);    },


/**     * 點選二級欄目的事件 新增需要去重     * @param {*} p_idx 所屬一級欄目的下標     * @param {*} idx 點選二級的下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoTreeChild(p_idx, idx, c_id) {      console.log("點選二級欄目", p_idx, idx, c_id);      const that = this;      that.$set(        that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx],        "sel",        !that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel      );      if (that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel) {        console.log("儲存二級欄目", c_id);        that.EditChild(that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel, c_id);      } else {        that.EditChild(false, c_id);      }    },
    /**     * 儲存 刪除 二級欄目     * @param {*} fg 狀態 true儲存 false 刪除     * @param {*} id 欄目column_id     */    EditChild(fg, id) {      const that = this;      var flag = false;      if (fg) {        for (var i = 0; i < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; i++) {          if (that.art_form.column_two_id[i] == id) {            flag = true;          }        }        if (!flag) {          that.art_form.column_two_id.push(id);        }      } else {        for (var di = 0; di < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; di++) {          if (that.art_form.column_two_id[di] == id) {            that.art_form.column_two_id.splice(di, 1);          }        }      }      console.log("編輯二級欄目", that.art_form.column_two_id);    },



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                        <img                          v-if="item.sel"                          class="tree_sel"                          src="../img/tree_seled.png"                          alt=""                          @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                        />                        <img                          v-else                          class="tree_sel"                          src="../img/tree_sel.png"                          alt=""                          @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                        />                        <span @click="GoTreeParent(index,item.column_id)"                          >{{ item.column_name }}{{ item.sel }}</span                        >                      </div>                      <el-collapse-transition>                        <div v-show="item.child_show">                          <div                            class="tree_children row_flex al_flex"                            v-for="(c_item,c_idx) in item.children"                            @click="GoTreeChild(index,c_idx,c_item.column_id)"                          >                            <img                              v-if="c_item.sel"                              class="tree_sel"                              src="../img/tree_seled.png"                              alt=""                            />                            <img                              v-else                              class="tree_sel"                              src="../img/tree_sel.png"                              alt=""                            />                            <span                              >{{ c_item.column_name }}-{{ c_item.sel }}</span                            >                          </div>                        </div>                      </el-collapse-transition>                    </div>                  </div>
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    /**     * 查詢文章所屬二級欄目的第一個二級欄目父級的回撥     */    cb_column_two_parent(res) {      console.log("第一個二級欄目父級的回撥", res);      const that = this;      if (res.stateCode == "200") {        that.art_form.column_two_arr =;      } else {        that.$message({          message: res.stateMsg,          type: "info",          duration: 3000        });      }    },
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    /**     * 查詢一級欄目     */    // GoColumnOne() {    //   const that = this;    //   var op_data = {    //     that: that,    //     _url: pub._url,    //     ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list, // 具體介面    //     cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list, // 回撥    //     data: {    //       column_type: "column_1"    //     } // 形參    //   };    //   // console.log("查詢一級欄目列表", op_data);    //   pub._InitAjax(op_data);    // },
    /**     * 查詢一級欄目的回撥     * @param {*} res     */    // cb_module_column_find_list(res) {    //   console.log("查詢一級欄目回撥", res);    //   const that = this;    //   if (res.stateCode == "200") {    //     that.art_form.column_one_arr =;    //     if (!that.page_fg) {    //       //新建的時候預設執行查詢第一個欄目的二級欄目    //       that.GoDefaultColumnTwo();    //     }    //   } else {    //     that.$message({    //       message: res.stateMsg,    //       type: "info",    //       duration: 3000    //     });    //   }    // },    /**     * 一級欄目的選中事件     * 一級欄目的id 就是 pid     * @param {*} el 所有選中的一級欄目     */    // GoColumnTwo(el) {    //   console.log(el);    //   const that = this;    //   var one_len = el.length - 1;    //   var c_id = el[one_len];
    //   var c_pid;    //   for (var i = 0; i < that.art_form.column_one_arr.length; i++) {    //     if (c_id == that.art_form.column_one_arr[i].column_id) {    //       c_pid = that.art_form.column_one_arr[i].column_pid;    //     }    //   }
    //   var op_data = {    //     that: that,    //     _url: pub._url,    //     ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list, // 具體介面    //     cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list_two, // 回撥    //     data: {    //       column_type: "column_2",    //       column_pid: c_pid    //     } // 形參    //   };    //   console.log("查詢二級欄目引數", op_data);    //   pub._InitAjax(op_data);    // },    /**     * 通過一級查詢二級欄目的回撥     * @param {*} res     */    // cb_module_column_find_list_two(res) {    //   console.log("二級欄目回撥", res);    //   const that = this;    //   if (res.stateCode == "200") {    //     that.art_form.column_two_arr =;    //   } else {    //     that.$message({    //       message: res.stateMsg,    //       type: "info",    //       duration: 3000    //     });    //   }    // },    /**     * 二級欄目的選擇事件     * @param {*} el     */    GoColumnTwoChange(el) {      // console.log(el);    },    GoDefaultColumnTwo() {      const that = this;      // var op_data = {      //   that: that,      //   _url: pub._url,      //   ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list, // 具體介面      //   cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list_two, // 回撥      //   data: {      //     column_type: "column_2",      //     column_pid: that.art_form.column_one_arr[0].column_pid      //   } // 形參      // };      // console.log("新建狀態下預設查詢二級欄目引數", op_data);      // pub._InitAjax(op_data);      // setTimeout(function(){      //   var op_data = {      //     that: that,      //     _url: pub._url,      //     ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list, // 具體介面      //     cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list_two, // 回撥      //     data: {      //       column_type: "column_2",      //       column_pid: that.art_form.column_one_arr[0].column_pid      //     } // 形參      //   };      //   console.log("新建狀態下預設查詢二級欄目引數", op_data);      //   pub._InitAjax(op_data);      // },2000)    },    // 選擇欄目相關事件結束    // 封面事件    /**     * 封面彈框的左側的上下切換事件     * @param {*} tab     * @param {*} event     */    GoCoverTabHandleClick(tab, event) {      // console.log(tab, event)      // console.log(;      const that = this;      if ( == "system_data") {        that.GoResource();      }    },
    /**     * 輸入框搜尋封面     */    GoIptSearchCover() {      const that = this;      var parm_data = {        that: that,        _url: pub._url,        ur: pub._DetailApi.module_explorer_list, // 具體介面        cbk: that.cb_module_explorer_list, // 回撥        data: {          explorer_type: "img",          explorer_name: that.search_cover_name,          pageNum: "1",          pageSize: "99999"        } // 形參      };      console.log("搜尋封面引數", parm_data);      pub._InitAjax(parm_data);    },
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      if (!isJPG) {        this.$message.error("上傳頭像圖片只能是 jpg 格式!");      }      if (!isLt2M) {        this.$message.error("上傳頭像圖片大小不能超過 2MB!");      }      return isJPG && isLt2M;      // const isJPG = file.type === "image/jpeg";      // const isGIF = file.type === "image/gif";      // const isPNG = file.type === "image/png";      // const isBMP = file.type === "image/bmp";      // const isLt2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2;
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    /**     * 刪除封面     * @param {*} file     * @param {*} fileList     */    goRemoveCover(file, fileList) {      console.log("刪除封面上傳圖片");      console.log(file, fileList);    },
    /**     * 封面上傳圖片的成功 同時設定封面連結     * @param {*} res     * @param {*} file     */    goSuccessCover(res, file) {      console.log("上傳成功", res, file);      const that = this;      // this.imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file.raw);      // that.art_form.article_img = res;      if (that.cover_fg < 0) {        // 封面        console.log("設定封面");        that.art_form.additional_cover = res;      } else {        // 選擇圖片        console.log("設定圖片");        that.art_form.article_picture[that.cover_fg].file_img = res;      }    },
    /**     * 封面圖片的預覽     * @param {*} src     */    GoCoverGellaryLook(src) {      console.log("圖片庫預覽連結", src);      const that = this;      that.photo_look_cover_url = src;      that.photo_look_cover = true;    },
    // 封面事件結束    // 圖片陣列事件開始    /**     * 新增圖片     * @param {*} idx 圖片資料下標     */    GoSelPicture(idx) {      const that = this;      that.GoResource();      that.coverVisable = true;      that.cover_fg = idx;    },
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    /**     * 刪除 圖片條目     * @param {*} idx     */    DelPictureItem(idx) {      // this.art_form.article_picture.splice(idx, 1);      const that = this;      console.log(        "刪除圖片",        that.art_form.article_picture.length,        that.art_form.article_picture      );      if (that.art_form.article_picture.length == "1") {        that.art_form.article_picture[0].file_id = "";        that.art_form.article_picture[0].file_img = "";      } else {        this.art_form.article_picture.splice(idx, 1);      }    },    // 圖片陣列事件結束    // 視訊事件開始    /**     * 視訊     * 資源管理的左側的使用者上傳與圖片的切換     * @param {*} tab     * @param {*} event     */    VideoTabHandleClick(tab, event) {      console.log(, event, "點選視訊的左側");
      const that = this;      if ( == "system_data") {        that.GoResource();      }    },
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      if (!isLt100M) {        this.$message.error("上傳視訊大小不能超過100MB哦!");        return false;      }    },
    /**     * 視訊的滑鼠移入移出事件     * @param {*} id 編號id     */    mouseMoveVideo(id) {      // console.log('滑鼠移入',id)      var that = this;      for (var i = 0; i < that.video_arr.length; i++) {        that.$set(that.video_arr[i], "pan_show", false);        if (that.video_arr[i].explorer_id == id) {          that.$set(that.video_arr[i], "pan_show", !that.video_arr[i].pan_show);        }      }    },
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    /**     * 選擇封面     * @param {*} id 編號id     */    GoAddVideoCheck(id) {      var that = this;      for (var i = 0; i < that.video_arr.length; i++) {        if (that.video_arr[i].explorer_id == id) {          that.$set(that.video_arr[i], "sel", !that.video_arr[i].sel);          if (that.video_arr[i].sel) {            that.art_form.article_vedio[that.video_fg].file_img =              that.video_arr[i].explorer_path;          } else {            that.art_form.article_vedio[that.video_fg].file_img = "";          }        } else {          that.$set(that.video_arr[i], "sel", false);        }      }    },
    /**     * 視訊的新增事件     * @param {*} idx 視訊陣列下標     */    GoSelectVideo(idx) {      console.log("顯示選擇視訊的彈框", idx);      const that = this;      that.video_fg = idx;      that.addVisibleVideo = true;    },    /**     * 視訊新增事件     */    AddViewItem() {      const that = this;      this.art_form.article_vedio.push({        file_img: ""      });    },    /**     * 刪除視訊事件     * @param {*} idx 視訊陣列下標     */    DelViewItem(idx) {      const that = this;      if (that.art_form.article_vedio.length == 1) {        that.art_form.article_vedio[0].file_id = "";        that.art_form.article_vedio[0].file_img = "";      } else {        this.art_form.article_vedio.splice(idx, 1);      }    },    // 視訊事件結束    // 附件 事件開始    /**     * 附件     * 附件彈框的左側的切換     * @param {*} tab     * @param {*} event     */    DocTabHandleClick(tab, event) {      const that = this;      if ( == "system_data") {        console.log("執行附件的系統事件");        that.GoResource();      }    },
    /**     * 新增附件彈框     * @param {*} idx 下標     */    GoSelectDoc(idx) {      const that = this;      that.doc_fg = idx;      that.addVisibleDoc = true;    },    /**     * 新增  附件條目     */    AddDocItem() {      this.art_form.article_file.push({        file_url: ""      });    },    /**     * 刪除 附件條目     * @param {*} index 陣列下標     */    DelDocItem(index) {      const that = this;      if (that.art_form.article_file.length == 1) {        that.art_form.article_file[0].file_id = "";        that.art_form.article_file[0].file_img = "";      } else {        this.art_form.article_file.splice(index, 1);      }    },
    /**     * 附件 上傳成功     * @param {*} res     * @param {*} file     */    goSuccessDoc(res, file) {      // 需要建立一個陣列 存放已經上傳的檔案列表      // console.log("附件上傳成功");      // console.log(res, file);      const that = this;      that.art_form.article_file[that.doc_fg].file_url = res;    },    /**     * 刪除附件檔案     * @param {*} file     * @param {*} fileList     */    goRemoveDoc(file, fileList) {      console.log("刪除檔案", file, fileList);    },    /**     * 上傳附件檢查     * @param {*} file     */    goUploadDoc(file) {      var FileExt =\./, "");      if (        [          "doc",          "docx",          "xls",          "txt",          "xlsx",          "ppt",          "pptx",          "pdf",          "zip",          "rar"        ].indexOf(FileExt.toLowerCase()) === -1      ) {        this.$message({          type: "warning",          message:            "請上傳字尾名為[doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,pdf,zip,rar]的附件!"        });        return false;      }      const isLt100M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 100;      if (!isLt100M) {        this.$message.error("上傳視訊大小不能超過100MB哦!");        return false;      }    },    /**     * 選擇附件     * @param {*} id 附件id     */    goDocSelItem(id) {      const that = this;      for (var di = 0; di < that.doc_arr.length; di++) {        if (that.doc_arr[di].explorer_id == id) {          that.$set(that.doc_arr[di], "sel", !that.doc_arr[di].sel);          if (that.doc_arr[di].sel) {            that.art_form.article_file[that.doc_fg].file_url =              that.doc_arr[di].explorer_path;          } else {            that.art_form.article_file[that.doc_fg].file_url = "";          }        } else {          that.$set(that.doc_arr[di], "sel", false);        }      }    },    /**     * 搜尋附件     */    GoIptSearchDoc() {      const that = this;      var parm_data = {        that: that,        _url: pub._url,        ur: pub._DetailApi.module_explorer_list, // 具體介面        cbk: that.cb_module_explorer_list, // 回撥        data: {          explorer_type: "attachment",          explorer_name: that.search_doc_name,          pageNum: "1",          pageSize: "99999"        } // 形參      };      console.log("搜尋附件引數", parm_data);      pub._InitAjax(parm_data);    }, // 附件事件結束
    /**     *     * @param {*} sta 標註刪除的哪一個欄位     */    GoDelCover(sta) {      const that = this;      switch (sta) {        case "additional_cover": // 封面          that.art_form.additional_cover = "";          break;        case "additional_thumbnail": // 縮圖          that.art_form.additional_thumbnail = "";          break;        case "additional_background": // 背景          that.art_form.additional_background = "";          break;        case "additional_bannar": // 橫幅          that.art_form.additional_bannar = "";          break;      }    },
    /**     * 一級欄目的展開     * @param {*} idx 下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoMoreShowChild(idx, c_id) {      const that = this;      that.$set(        that.tree_arr[idx],        "child_show",        !that.tree_arr[idx].child_show      );    },
    /**     * 欄目樹形列表回撥     * @param {*} res     */    cb_module_column_find_list_tree(res) {      const that = this;      console.log("欄目樹形列表回撥", res);      if (res.stateCode == "200") {        that.tree_arr = [];        if (that.page_fg) {          // 編輯 雙層迴圈設定 已知的一級與二級欄目          console.log("編輯對應的二級欄目", that.tree_two);          for (var x = 0; x <; x++) {            that.$set([x], "sel", false);            that.$set([x], "child_show", false);            for (var y = 0; y < that.tree_one.length; y++) {              if (that.tree_one[y] ==[x].column_id) {                that.$set([x], "sel", true);              }            }
            for (let w = 0; w <[x].children.length; w++) {              that.$set([x].children[w], "sel", false);              for (var z = 0; z < that.tree_two.length; z++) {                if ([x].children[w].column_id == that.tree_two[z]) {                  that.$set([x].children[w], "sel", true);                } else {                }              }            }          }        } else {          // 新建的狀態下          for (var n = 0; n <; n++) {            that.$set([n], "sel", false);            that.$set([n], "child_show", false);            if ([n].children.length) {              for (var c = 0; c <[c].children.length; c++) {                that.$set([n].children[c], "sel", false);              }            }          }        }
        // 資料        for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {          that.tree_arr.push([i]); // 頁面大樹形資料陣列          that.default_arr.push([i]); // 編輯設定預設欄目使用        }      }    },
    /**     * 點選一級欄目事件     * @param {*} idx 下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoTreeParent(idx, c_id) {      const that = this;      console.log("點選一級欄目", that.tree_arr[idx]);      that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "sel", !that.tree_arr[idx].sel);      if (!that.tree_arr[idx].sel) {        //放棄一級欄目 同時設定所屬二級為不選中        that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "child_show", false);        // if (that.tree_arr[idx].children.length) {        //   for (var c = 0; c < that.tree_arr[idx].children.length; c++) {        //     that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx].children[c], "sel", false);        //     // 同時將已經選中的二級欄目從陣列中刪除        //     for (var d = 0; d < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; d++) {        //       if (        //         that.art_form.column_two_id[d] ==        //         that.tree_arr[idx].children[c].column_id        //       ) {        //         that.art_form.column_two_id.splice(d, 1);        //       }        //     }        //   }        // }        that.EditParent(that.tree_arr[idx].sel, c_id);      } else {        // 儲存id        that.$set(that.tree_arr[idx], "child_show", true);        console.log("儲存一級", c_id);        that.EditParent(that.tree_arr[idx].sel, c_id);      }    },
    /**     * 儲存或者刪除一級欄目 新增需要去重     * @param {*} fg 狀態 true儲存 false 刪除     * @param {*} id 欄目column_id     */    EditParent(fg, id) {      const that = this;      var flag = false;      if (fg) {        for (var i = 0; i < that.art_form.column_one_id.length; i++) {          if (that.art_form.column_one_id[i] == id) {            flag = true;          }        }        if (!flag) {          that.art_form.column_one_id.push(id);        }      } else {        for (var di = 0; di < that.art_form.column_one_id.length; di++) {          if (that.art_form.column_one_id[di] == id) {            that.art_form.column_one_id.splice(di, 1);          }        }      }      console.log("編輯一級陣列", that.art_form.column_one_id);    },
    /**     * 點選二級欄目的事件 新增需要去重     * @param {*} p_idx 所屬一級欄目的下標     * @param {*} idx 點選二級的下標     * @param {*} c_id 欄目column_id     */    GoTreeChild(p_idx, idx, c_id) {      console.log("點選二級欄目", p_idx, idx, c_id);      const that = this;      that.$set(        that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx],        "sel",        !that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel      );      if (that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel) {        console.log("儲存二級欄目", c_id);        that.EditChild(that.tree_arr[p_idx].children[idx].sel, c_id);      } else {        that.EditChild(false, c_id);      }    },
    /**     * 儲存 刪除 二級欄目     * @param {*} fg 狀態 true儲存 false 刪除     * @param {*} id 欄目column_id     */    EditChild(fg, id) {      const that = this;      var flag = false;      if (fg) {        for (var i = 0; i < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; i++) {          if (that.art_form.column_two_id[i] == id) {            flag = true;          }        }        if (!flag) {          that.art_form.column_two_id.push(id);        }      } else {        for (var di = 0; di < that.art_form.column_two_id.length; di++) {          if (that.art_form.column_two_id[di] == id) {            that.art_form.column_two_id.splice(di, 1);          }        }      }      console.log("編輯二級欄目", that.art_form.column_two_id);    },
    /**     * 查詢欄目的樹形列表     */    GoColumnTree() {      const that = this;      var op_data = {        that: that,        _url: pub._url,        ur: pub._DetailApi.module_column_find_list_tree, // 具體介面        cbk: that.cb_module_column_find_list_tree, // 回撥        data: {} // 形參      };      // console.log(op_data);      pub._InitAjax(op_data);    }  }});
