Touch Command Options
a, change the access time only
-c, if the file does not exist, do not create it
-d, update the access and modification times
-m, change the modification time only
-r, use the access and modification times of file
-t, creates a file using a specified time
# touch sheena
# touch sheena meena leena
3.只修改access time為現在的時間,-a
# touch -a leena
4.只修改modification time為現在的時間,-m
# touch -m leena
# touch -c leena
6.同時精確設定access and modification times,-t
# touch -c -t YYDDHHMM leena
sets the access and modification date and time to a file leena as 17:30 (17:30 p.m.) December 10 of the current year (2012).
# touch -c -t 12101730 leena
7.使用另一個指定文件的access and modifications times設定檔案的時間戳,-r
# touch -r leena meena
8.建立一個新檔案並指定精確的access and modifications times
# touch -t YYMMDDHHMM.SS tecmint
# touch -t 201212101830.55 tecmint
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