Entity Framework版本歷史概覽

EF版本 .net framework和IDE版本 主要功能
EF(or EF3.5) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (.NET 3.5 SP1) 基本的O/R對映支援,使用DB First開發模式
EF 4 Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 4.0) 支援POCO實體
支援Model First開發模式
EF 4.1 NuGet 提供簡化的DbContext介面
支援Code First開發模式
EF 4.1.1 過渡版本 支援Power Tools工具
EF 4.2 過渡版本 解決bug並優化
EF 4.3 Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 4.0) 基於Code First開發模式的程式碼遷移策略 Migrations
EF 4.3.1 Visual Studio 2012 (.NET 4.5) 提供對 LocalDb 資料庫的支援
EF 5 Visual Studio 2012 (.NET 4.5) 提供對列舉型別的支援
Table-Valued functions表值函式
空間資料型別(spatial types)
EF 6 Visual Studio 2013 (.NET 4.5) Power Tools加強
EF脫離Visual Studio和.NET通過NuGet單獨釋出
支援.NET 4.5中基於Task的非同步程式設計模式 Async Query and Save
優化的配置選項 Code-Based Configuration
支援依賴注入和服務定位 Dependency Resolution
低階的EF攔截器及SQL日誌 Interception/SQL Loggin
using a mocking framework or writing your own test doubles
提升事務支援 Improved Transaction Support
優化LINQ to Entities查詢效能
優化(View Generation)效能
EF 6.0.1 Visual Studio 2013 (.NET 4.5) fix some performance issues during warm-up for EF models.
EF 6.0.2 Visual Studio 2013 (.NET 4.5) The tooling for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 is
available on the Microsoft Download Center. You only need to
install the tooling if you want to use Model First or Database First
EF 6.1 Visual Studio 2013 (.NET 4.5) Tooling consolidation provides a consistent way to create a new EF model. This feature extends the ADO.NET Entity Data Model wizard to support creating Code First models, including reverse engineering from an existing database. These features were previously available in Beta quality in the EF Power Tools.
Handling of transaction commit failures provides the CommitFailureHandler which makes use of the newly introduced ability to intercept transaction operations. The CommitFailureHandler allows automatic recovery from connection failures whilst committing a transaction
IndexAttributeallows indexes to be specified by placing an [Index] attribute on a property (or properties) in your Code First model. Code First will then create a corresponding index in the database
The public mapping API provides access to the information EF has on how properties and types are mapped to columns and tables in the database. In past releases this API was internal
