《Pro Android Graphics》讀書筆記之第六節
Android UI Layouts: Graphics Design Using the ViewGroup Class
Android ViewGroup Superclass: A Foundation for Layouts
The ViewGroup LayoutParams Class: Layout Parameters
Deprecated Layouts: AbsoluteLayout and SlidingDrawer
absoluteLayout 3 version 1.5
SlidingDrawer 17 version 4.2(DrawerLayout can replace)
Android’s Experimental Layout: SlidingPaneLayout
logical UI design usage of the SlidingPaneLayout container should include pairings of panes with logical use bindings. An example of this would be a phone number list with related dial or tagging features, a city or street list with related map features, a contact list and UI allowing interaction with the contact, or a recent e-mail list with a content pane displaying the message in the selected e-mail.
support the use of weight layout parameter android:layout_weight
Android RelativeLayout Class: Designing Relative Layouts
Android LinearLayout Class: Designing Linear Layouts
To set a weight, use a zero if the layout container is not to be stretched or use a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 to prorate any of those extra pixels amongst all of the UI elements (child tags) within the container.
Android FrameLayout Class: Designing Frame Layouts
It is important to note that child tags (View widgets) that are currently invisible because they’ve been specified via an Android View.GONE constant instead of using View.INVISIBLE will be utilized for FrameLayout container sizing purposes only if the .setConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring() method is called using a true parameter.
Android GridLayout Class: Designing UI Layout Grids
add in level 14
The Android Space class is a lightweight View subclass that can be used to create empty space between user interface elements in layout containers like GridLayout
does not currently provide support for the parameter called weight(如果需要,請使用LinearLayout)
you should not need to use either of the Android size value constants WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_PARENT when you are configuring the child tags (UI elements) within your GridLayout container.
As I mentioned earlier, basic FrameLayout configurations can be nested and accommodated inside the cells of a GridLayout because a single cell can contain multiple View or ViewGroup objects.
To switch between two View or ViewGroup objects, you would place both of them into the same cell, and then leverage each via a visibility parameter by using the constant GONE in order to switch between one ViewGroup to the other ViewGroup (or View) from inside your Java code.
The DrawerLayout Class: Designing UI Drawer Layouts
package:android.support. v4.widget
correspond to the side of the screen from which you want your UI Drawer to dragged out from
使用左右,而不能使用上下(Make absolutely sure not to use the TOP or BOTTOM (or any other constants) layout_gravity settings, as this class is not intended to provide vertical drawers, only horizontal ones, and will likely throw an exception.)
you would next use the fixed width that you want to use for the UI Drawer width, specified using a DIP value
Java code can do things when the drawer is open, closed, or being dragged.
Adding Menu Items to Access the UI Layout Container
Creating a Table of Contents Activity for Your UI Design
Creating an XML Table of Contents LinearLayout UI Design
Adding Text UI Widgets to the TOC UI Layout Container
Using onOptionsItemSelected( ) to Add Menu Functionality
Testing the Table of Contents Activity on the Nexus One
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