

use bookms
select * from Student

select Sno,Sname,ddept from Student

--重新命名的幾個方式,1.新名 = 舊名 2.舊名 as 新名 3.舊名 新名
select 書名 = Bname,Bbookconcern as 出版社,Bwriter 作者 from Book

select distinct ddept from Student

select top 3 * from Book
select top 50 percent * from Book

select Sno,Cno,Cgrade = Cgrade * 1.1 from Sc
select Cgrade = Cgrade * 0.5 from Sc

select Sno,Cno,Cgrade from Sc where Cgrade >= 70
select Sno,Cno,Cgrade from Sc where Cgrade < 70

select * from Student where ddept = 'J01' and/or Ssex = '男'

select Sno,Cno,Cgrade from Sc where Cgrade between 80 and 90

select * from Student where Sname like'張%'
--like ‘ab%' 返回以“ab”開始的任意字串。
--like '%abc' 返回以“abc”結束的任意字串。
--like '%abc%' 返回包含“abc”的任意字串。
--like '_ab' 返回以“ab”結束的三個字元的字串。
--like '[ACK]%' 返回以“A”、“C”或“K”開始的任意字串。
--like 'M[^c]%' 返回以“M”開始且第二個字元不是“c”的任意長度的字串。

select * from Student where Sno in (17010002,17010003,17020001,17020002)

--條件查詢——is null條件為空 (is not null條件不為空)
select * from Sc where Cgrade is null

select avg(Cgrade) 平均分 from Sc   
select avg(Cgrade) 平均分 from Sc where Sno = 17010003
select count(distinct ddept) 系部個數 from Student
select count(*) 個數 from Student
select count(ddept) 系部個數 from Student

select Sname,Sage from Student where Sage >= all(select Sage from Student)

--分組統計人數——group by 子句將查詢結果按某一列或多列的值分組,值相等的為一組:
select count(Sno) 人數,Ssex from Student group by Ssex
select Sno from Sc group by Sno having count(Sno) >= 2

--left join on(左聯接) 返回包括左表中的所有記錄和右表中聯結欄位相等的記錄
--right join on(右聯接) 返回包括右表中的所有記錄和左表中聯結欄位相等的記錄
--inner join on(等值連線) 只返回兩個表中聯結欄位相等的行
--join on 後面:表名.列名 = 表名.列名(例如:Sc.Cno = Course.Cno)是兩個表連線的條件,
select Bname,Sbbegindate from Sbook,Book where Sbook.Bno = Book.Bno
select Bname,Sbbegindate from Sbook inner join Book on Sbook.Bno = Book.Bno

select Sname,Bname,Sbbegindate from Student,Sbook,Book where Student.Sno = Sbook.Sno and Sbook.Bno = Book.Bno
select Sname,Bname,Sbbegindate from Student inner join Sbook on Student.Sno = Sbook.Sno inner join Book on Sbook.Bno = Book.Bno

select a.Sname,b.Ssex,a.ddept,b.Scardid from Student a,Student b where a.Sname = b.Sname and a.Sno != b.Sno
select a.Sname,b.Ssex,a.ddept,b.Scardid from Student a inner join Student b on a.Sname = b.Sname and a.Sno != b.Sno

select a.Cname,b.Cno from Course a,Course b where a.Cname = b.Cname and a.Cno != b.Cno
select a.Cname,b.Cno from Course a inner join Course b on a.Cname = b.Cname and a.Cno != b.Cno

--外連線查詢——left join,right join
select Student.*,Cgrade from Student left join Sc on Student.Sno = Sc.Sno

select Bname,Book.Bno,Sbbegindate from Book left join Sbook on Book.Bno = Sbook.Bno

--全連線(FULL JOIN)
select Cgrade,Sname,Cname from Student full join Sc on Student.Sno = Sc.Sno full join Course on Sc.Cno = Course.Cno

select Ddept from Student where Sname = '李勇'
select Sno,Sname,Ddept from Student where Ddept = 'J01'
select Sno,Sname,ddept from Student where ddept = (select ddept from Student where Sname = '李勇')
select b.Sno,b.Sname,a.ddept from Student a join Student b on a.ddept = b.ddept where a.Sname = '李勇'

select Sno,Sname from Student where Sage >= (select MAX(Sage) from Student)

select * from Student where Sage = any(select Sage from Student where ddept = 'J01')

select Sno,Cgrade from Sc where Cgrade >= any(select MAX(Cgrade) from Sc)

select Sname,Student.Sno,Cname,Cgrade into 成績單 from Student join Sc on Student.Sno = Sc.Sno join Course on Sc.Cno = Course.Cno
select * from 成績單
