Python 對文件內容TFIDF處理
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2014-9-8
@author: guaguastd
from tfIdf import tf, tf_idf, idf
# Enter in a query term from the corpus variable
QUERY_TERMS = ['mr.', 'green']
corpus = \
{'a': 'Mr. Green killed Colonel Mustard in the study with the candlestick. \
Mr. Green is not a very nice fellow.',
'b': 'Professor Plum has a green plant in his study.',
'c': "Miss Scarlett watered Professor Plum's green plant while he was away \
from his office last week."}
for (k, v) in sorted(corpus.items()):
print k, ':', v
# Score queries by calculating cumulative tf_idf score for each term in query
query_scores = {'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':0}
for term in [t.lower() for t in QUERY_TERMS]:
for doc in sorted(corpus):
print 'TF(%s): %s' % (doc, term), tf(term, corpus[doc])
print 'IDF: %s' % (term, ), idf(term, corpus.values())
for doc in sorted(corpus):
score = tf_idf(term, corpus[doc], corpus.values())
print 'TF-IDF(%s): %s' % (doc, term), score
query_scores[doc] += score
print "Overall TF-IDF scores for query '%s'" % (' '.join(QUERY_TERMS), )
for (doc, score) in sorted(query_scores.items()):
print doc, score
a : Mr. Green killed Colonel Mustard in the study with the candlestick. Mr. Green is not a very nice fellow.
b : Professor Plum has a green plant in his study.
c : Miss Scarlett watered Professor Plum's green plant while he was away from his office last week.
TF(a): mr. 0.105263157895
TF(b): mr. 0.0
TF(c): mr. 0.0
IDF: mr. 2.09861228867
TF-IDF(a): mr. 0.220906556702
TF-IDF(b): mr. 0.0
TF-IDF(c): mr. 0.0
TF(a): green 0.105263157895
TF(b): green 0.111111111111
TF(c): green 0.0625
IDF: green 1.0
TF-IDF(a): green 0.105263157895
TF-IDF(b): green 0.111111111111
TF-IDF(c): green 0.0625
Overall TF-IDF scores for query 'mr. green'
a 0.326169714597
b 0.111111111111
c 0.0625
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