




 * 16-way Or: 
 * out = (in[0] or in[1] or ... or in[15])

module Or16Way(input[15:0] in,output out);
    // your code here
wire out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7,out8,out9,out10,out11,out12,out13,out14;
     Or g1(in[0],in[1],out1);
    Or g2(out1,in[2],out2);
    Or g3(out2,in[3],out3);
    Or g4(out3,in[4],out4);
    Or g5(out4,in[5],out5);
    Or g6(out5,in[6],out6);
    Or g7(out6,in[7],out7);
    Or g8(out7,in[8],out8);
    Or g9(out8,in[9],out9);
    Or g10(out9,in[10],out10);
    Or g11(out10,in[11],out11);
    Or g12(out11,in[12],out12);
    Or g13(out12,in[13],out13);
    Or g14(out13,in[14],out14);
    Or g15(out14,in[15],out);



module IsNeg(input[15:0] in, output out);
  // your code here
 Or g1(in[15],1'b0,out);



 * The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).
 * Computes one of the following functions:
 * x+y, x-y, y-x, 0, 1, -1, x, y, -x, -y, !x, !y,
 * x+1, y+1, x-1, y-1, x&y, x|y on two 16-bit inputs, 
 * according to 6 input bits denoted zx,nx,zy,ny,f,no.
 * In addition, the ALU computes two 1-bit outputs:
 * if the ALU output == 0, zr is set to 1; otherwise zr is set to 0;
 * if the ALU output < 0, ng is set to 1; otherwise ng is set to 0.

// Implementation: the ALU logic manipulates the x and y inputs
// and operates on the resulting values, as follows:
// if (zx == 1) set x = 0        // 16-bit constant
// if (nx == 1) set x = !x       // bitwise not
// if (zy == 1) set y = 0        // 16-bit constant
// if (ny == 1) set y = !y       // bitwise not
// if (f == 1)  set out = x + y  // integer 2's complement addition
// if (f == 0)  set out = x & y  // bitwise and
// if (no == 1) set out = !out   // bitwise not
// if (out == 0) set zr = 1
// if (out < 0) set ng = 1

module ALU(input[15:0] x, y, input zx,nx,zy,ny,f,no, output[15:0] out, output zr, ng);
  wire[15:0] x1, notx1, x2, y1, noty1, y2, andxy, addxy, o1, noto1, o2;
  wire notzr;
  // your code here, use Mux16,Not16,Add16,And16,Or16Way,IsNeg to implement
  // if (zx == 1) set x = 0  
	Mux16	g1(x,16'h0,zx,x1);
  // if (nx == 1) set x = !x
	Not16   g2(x1,notx1);
	Mux16   g3(x1,notx1,nx,x2);

  // if (zy == 1) set y = 0
  	Mux16	g4(y,16'h0,zy,y1);

  // if (ny == 1) set y = !y
	Not16   g5(y1,noty1);
	Mux16   g6(y1,noty1,ny,y2);	

  // addxy = x + y
  	Add16   g7(x2,y2,addxy);

  // andxy = x & y
  	And16   g8(x2,y2,andxy);

  // if (f == 1)  set out = x + y else set out = x & y
  	Mux16   g9(andxy,addxy,f,o1);

  // if (no == 1) set out = !out
  	Not16   g10(o1,noto1);
	Mux16   g11(o1,noto1,no,out);

  // zr
	Or16Way g12(out,notzr);	
	Not g13(notzr,zr);
  // ng
	IsNeg g14(out,ng);
