min_element 函式的 STL 範例
template<class InputIterator> inline InputIterator min_element(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
min_element 演演算法傳回的最小的專案位置中序列 [first, last)。min_element-述詞版本會使用運運算元 < 進行比較。
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Compile options needed: /GX // // min_element.cpp : Illustrates how to use the min_element // function. // // Functions: // // min_element - Return the minimum element within a range. // // Written by Kalindi Sanghrajka // of Microsoft Product Support Services, // Software Core Developer Support. // Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 character, // okay to ignore #pragma warning(disable: 4786) #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <vector> using namespace std; void main() { const int VECTOR_SIZE = 8 ; // Define a template class vector of int typedef vector<int, allocator<int> > IntVector ; //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIt ; IntVector Numbers(VECTOR_SIZE) ; IntVectorIt start, end, it, location ; // Initialize vector Numbers Numbers[0] = 4 ; Numbers[1] = 10 ; Numbers[2] = 10 ; Numbers[3] = 30 ; Numbers[4] = 69 ; Numbers[5] = 70 ; Numbers[6] = 96 ; Numbers[7] = 100 ; start = Numbers.begin() ; // location of first // element of Numbers end = Numbers.end() ; // one past the location // last element of Numbers // print content of Numbers cout << "Numbers { " ; for(it = start; it != end; it++) cout << *it << " " ; cout << " }\n" << endl ; // return the minimum element in the Numbers location = min_element(start, end) ; cout << "The minimum element in Numbers is: " << *location << endl ; }
數字 {4 10 10 30 69 70 96 100}
數字中最小的專案是: 4
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