[@more@]File uploadForm Validation
Form - Select Box stuff
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List
Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.
3 state radio buttons
jQuery Focus Fields
Time, Date and Color Picker
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin
Rating Plugins
Search Plugins
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting
Inline Edit & Editors
jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor
Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc
jQuery Image Strip
jQuery slideViewer
Interface Imagebox
Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions
jQuery ScrollShow
jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin
jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly
Google Map
Tables, Grids etc.
jQuery Grid Plugin
Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI
jQuery Bubble
jQuery charToTable Plugin
Charts, Presentation etc.
Border, Corners, Background
Nifty jQuery Corner
Gradient Plugin
Text and Links
Menus, Navigations
another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin)
Sliding Menu
Lava Lamp jQuery Menu
CSS Dock Menu
Sliding Menu
Accordions, Slide and Toggle stuff
haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery
Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de
jQuery Accordion Example
Showing and Hiding code Examples
Drag and Drop
Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links
Background Iframe
Alert, Prompt, Confirm Windows
jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules
DOM, Ajax and other jQuery plugins
jQuery Loggin
Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript jQuery Plugin
Undo Made Easy with Ajax
Live Query
jQuery Puffer
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/25261409/viewspace-1055426/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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