tell application "System Events"
-- 要排除的應用程式名稱
set appNames to {"iTerm2"}
-- 獲取所有活動的視窗
set allProcesses to (every process whose visible is true)
repeat with appProcess in allProcesses
set appName to name of appProcess
-- 列印日誌輸出當前的 appName
log "Checking app: " & appName
-- 判斷 appName 是否在排除列表中
if appName is not in appNames then
-- 獲取當前程序的視窗列表
tell appProcess
set windowList to every window
repeat with aWindow in windowList
-- 移動視窗到 (0, 0)
set position of aWindow to {0, 0}
end repeat
end tell
end if
on error errMsg
-- 處理出錯情況
end try
end repeat
end tell