RK3568開發平臺Android 11強制所有應用橫屏展示
Android 11強制所有應用橫屏展示
// Edit by jgduan
int screenOrientation;
if(pkg.getSharedUserId() == null){
screenOrientation = 0;
} else {
screenOrientation = sa.getInt(R.styleable.AndroidManifestActivity_screenOrientation, SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED);
// End
* Change the desired orientation of this activity. If the activity
* is currently in the foreground or otherwise impacting the screen
* orientation, the screen will immediately be changed (possibly causing
* the activity to be restarted). Otherwise, this will be used the next
* time the activity is visible.
* @param requestedOrientation An orientation constant as used in
* {@link ActivityInfo#screenOrientation ActivityInfo.screenOrientation}.
public void setRequestedOrientation(@ActivityInfo.ScreenOrientation int requestedOrientation) {
if (mParent == null) {
try {
// Edit by jgduan
// mToken, requestedOrientation);
if(mApplication != null && mApplication.getApplicationInfo() != null
&& mApplication.getApplicationInfo().uid > 10000){
} else {
mToken, requestedOrientation);
// End
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Empty
} else {
// Edit by jgduan
// mParent.setRequestedOrientation(requestedOrientation);
if(mApplication != null && mApplication.getApplicationInfo() != null
&& mApplication.getApplicationInfo().uid > 10000){
// End
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