2020年 11 月 05 日 16:24:11 , N CRM2 2 C rash
full picture
2020-11-05 15:05:00 節點 1 開始出現 IP fragments dropped
2020-11-05 16:17:09 udp overflow 29741 to 231111
2020-11-05 16:18:08 LCK1 (ospid: 11324) waits for event
~16:20:29 'libcache interrupt action by LCK' for 216 secs <<<<< 16:20:29 減去 216 秒為 16:16:53 約為網路 udp overflow 的時間點。
2020-11-05 16:22:39 節點 1 LMD0 (ospid: 16620) has detected no messaging activity from instance 2 。
2020-11-05 16:22:57 節點 1 IPC Send timeout detected. Sender: ospid 16620 。
2020-11-05 16:24:10 節點 1 : Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 8) 。
2020-11-05 16:24:11 節點 2 : Instance terminated by LMSh, pid = 11314 。
2020-11-05 16:23:14 Initiating reconfig, reason=3 。
2020-11-05 16:24:39 Reconfiguration complete (total time 28.5 secs) .
2 、 osw 分析
N etstat 中在故障時間點存在嚴重的 UDP socket overflows :
6:14:08 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:14:38 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:15:08 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:15:38 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:16:08 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:16:38 udp: 29741 socket overflows
16:17:09 udp: 231111 socket overflows
16:17:39 udp: 231114 socket overflows
16:18:09 udp: 231121 socket overflows
16:18:39 udp: 231121 socket overflows
16:19:09 udp: 231121 socket overflows
16:19:39 udp: 231121 socket overflows
16:20:10 udp: 231121 socket overflows
3 、 A lert log
節點2的LCK1 hung了216秒,之後crash ; 節點1檢測到之後,發起reconfiguration
節點 1:
Thu Nov 05 16:22:39 2020
LMD0 (ospid: 16620) has detected no messaging activity from instance 2
Thu Nov 05 16:22:57 2020
IPC Send timeout detected. Sender: ospid 16620 [oracle@ncrmdb21 (LMD0)]
Receiver: inst 2 binc 1349400 ospid 165544
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ncrmdb2/crmdb21/trace/crmdb21_lmd0_16620.trc:
ORA-27508: IPC error sending a message
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
IPC Send timeout to 2.0 inc 4 for msg type 65518 from opid 14
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
Communications reconfiguration: instance_number 2 by ospid 16620
Thu Nov 05 16:24:03 2020
Detected an inconsistent instance membership by instance 1
Evicting instance 2 from cluster
Waiting for instances to leave: 2
Thu Nov 05 16:24:10 2020
Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 8)
List of instances (total 1) :
Dead instances (total 1) :
My inst 1
節點 2 :
Thu Nov 05 16:18:08 2020
LCK1 (ospid: 11324) waits for event 'libcache interrupt action by LCK' for 75 secs.
Thu Nov 05 16:18:08 2020
LCK1 (ospid: 11324) is hung in an acceptable location (libcache 0x41.02).
Thu Nov 05 16:20:29 2020
LCK1 (ospid: 11324) waits for event 'libcache interrupt action by LCK' for 216 secs.
Thu Nov 05 16:20:29 2020
LCK1 (ospid: 11324) is hung in an acceptable location (libcache 0x41.02).
Thu Nov 05 16:24:03 2020
Detected an inconsistent instance membership by instance 1
Thu Nov 05 16:24:04 2020
Received an instance abort message from instance 1
Thu Nov 05 16:21:02 2020
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (20468) as a result of ORA-609
Thu Nov 05 16:22:39 2020
LMD0 (ospid: 16620) has detected no messaging activity from instance 2
Thu Nov 05 16:22:57 2020
IPC Send timeout detected. Sender: ospid 16620 [oracle@ncrmdb21 (LMD0)]
Receiver: inst 2 binc 1349400 ospid 165544
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ncrmdb2/crmdb21/trace/crmdb21_lmd0_16620.trc:
ORA-27508: IPC error sending a message
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
IPC Send timeout to 2.0 inc 4 for msg type 65518 from opid 14
Thu Nov 05 16:23:14 2020
Communications reconfiguration: instance_number 2 by ospid 16620
Thu Nov 05 16:24:03 2020
Detected an inconsistent instance membership by instance 1
Evicting instance 2 from cluster
Waiting for instances to leave: 2
Thu Nov 05 16:24:04 2020
LMSh (ospid: 11314): terminating the instance due to error 481
ashdump 分析
( 1 )故障時間點的 ashdump 存在缺失,資料庫整體 hang :
5. Lmon trace
lmon trace中顯示reson為3(reconflguration reason is 3 - which suggested a communication issue)
*** 2020-11-05 16:23:14.943
2020-11-05 16:23:14.943607 : kjxgrrcfg: done (device ok) - ret = 3 hist 0x1679a (initial rsn: 3, cachd rsn: 0)
kjxgrrcfgchk: Initiating reconfig, reason=3
kjxgrrcfgchk: COMM rcfg - Disk Vote Required
kjfmReceiverHealthCB_CheckAll: Recievers are healthy.
2020-11-05 16:23:14.943885 : kjxgrnetchk: start 0x8c02716f, end 0x8c0327b9
2020-11-05 16:23:14.943901 : kjxgrnetchk: Network Validation wait: 46 sec
kjxgrnetchk: ce-event: from inst 1 to inst 2 ver 0x149939
kjxgrrcfgchk: prev pstate 6 mapsz 512
kjxgrrcfgchk: new bmp: 1 2
kjxgrrcfgchk: work bmp: 1 2
kjxgrrcfgchk: rr bmp: 1 2
Reason 0 = No reconfiguration
Reason 1 = The Node Monitor generated the reconfiguration.
Reason 2 = An instance death was detected.
Reason 3 = Communications Failure
Reason 4 = Reconfiguration after suspend
Reason 3: Communications Failure. This can happen if:
a) The LMON processes lose communication between one another.
b) One instance loses communications with the LMS, LMD, process of another instance.
c) The LCK processes lose communication between one another.
d) A process like LMON, LMD, LMS, or LCK is blocked, spinning, or stuck and is not responding to remote requests.
本次節點 2的crash是因為 IPC Send timeout 導致,而IPC Send timeout又和主機上的UDP socket overflows激增的時間點匹配,判斷為網路上的UDP socket overflows導致節點驅逐。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:https://blog.itpub.net/31547506/viewspace-3001396/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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