9. 用Rust手把手編寫一個wmproxy(代理,內網穿透等), HTTP2改造篇之HPACK示例, 瞭解http2頭資訊如何處理


9. 用Rust手把手編寫一個wmproxy(代理,內網穿透等), HTTP2改造篇之HPACK示例, 瞭解http2頭資訊如何處理

專案 ++wmproxy++

gite: https://gitee.com/tickbh/wmproxy

github: https://github.com/tickbh/wmproxy



  • 將10進行編碼,10小於2^5-1,故
  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| X | X | X | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |   10 stored on 5 bits
  • 將1337進行編碼
  1. 1337大於2^5-1,故前5位填充
  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| X | X | X | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |  31
  1. 1337 - 31 = 1306,大於128,故需要二次填充,用1306 mod 128 = 21,首位填充1,故8位填充為,當前偏移值為7
  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  26
  1. 對1301-21=1280,1280 / 128 = 10, 10 < 128,故已經完成,首位填0
  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  10


  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| X | X | X | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |  Prefix = 31, I = 1306
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  1306>=128, encode(154), I=1306/128
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  10<128, encode(10), done




:method: GET

十六進位製表示值82,二進位製表示10000010,表示取靜態表2的值,查表為(:method, GET)



custom-key: custom-header


400a 6375 7374 6f6d 2d6b 6579 0d63 7573 | @.custom-key.cus
746f 6d2d 6865 6164 6572                | tom-header


40                                      | == 01開頭請求索引 ==
0a                                      |   name (長度 10)
6375 7374 6f6d 2d6b 6579                | custom-key
0d                                      |   value (長度 13)
6375 7374 6f6d 2d68 6561 6465 72        | custom-header
                                        | -> custom-key:
                                        |   custom-header

動態表 (解碼之後):

[ 1] (佔用 55) custom-key: custom-header
佔用長度: 10+13+32=55



:path: /sample/path


040c 2f73 616d 706c 652f 7061 7468      | ../sample/path


04                                      | == 0000開頭,請求不索引 ==
                                        |   name從索引取 (idx = 4)
                                        |   值為:path
0c                                      |   value (長度12)
2f73 616d 706c 652f 7061 7468           | /sample/path
                                        | -> :path: /sample/path



password: secret


1008 7061 7373 776f 7264 0673 6563 7265 | ..password.secre
74                                      | t


10                                      | == 0001開頭不索引 ==
08                                      |   name (長度8)
7061 7373 776f 7264                     | password
06                                      |   value (長度6)
7365 6372 6574                          | secret
                                        | -> password: secret



第一次請求. 示例如下

:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com


8286 8441 0f77 7777 2e65 7861 6d70 6c65 | ...A.www.example
2e63 6f6d                               | .com


82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
86                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 6
                                        | -> :scheme: http
84                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 4
                                        | -> :path: /
41                                      | == 01開頭請求索引 indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 1)
                                        |     :authority
0f                                      |   Literal value (長度15)
7777 772e 6578 616d 706c 652e 636f 6d   | www.example.com
                                        | -> :authority: 
                                        |   www.example.com

動態列表 (解碼後):

[ 1->62] (s = 57) :authority: www.example.com
列表長度: 57

第二次請求. 示例如下,新加了cache-control欄位,其它和第一次一樣

:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com
cache-control: no-cache


8286 84be 5808 6e6f 2d63 6163 6865      | ....X.no-cache


82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
86                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 6
                                        | -> :scheme: http
84                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 4
                                        | -> :path: /
be                                      | == Indexed - 動態表,索引值62及以上的為動態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 62
                                        | -> :authority:
                                        |   www.example.com
58                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 24)
                                        |     cache-control
08                                      |   Literal value (8)
6e6f 2d63 6163 6865                     | no-cache
                                        | -> cache-control: no-cache

動態列表 (解碼後):

[ 1->62] (s = 53) cache-control: no-cache
[ 2->63] (s = 57) :authority: www.example.com
總長度: 110

第三次請求. 示例如下

:method: GET
:scheme: https
:path: /index.html
:authority: www.example.com
custom-key: custom-value


8287 85bf 400a 6375 7374 6f6d 2d6b 6579 | ....@.custom-key
0c63 7573 746f 6d2d 7661 6c75 65        | .custom-value


82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
87                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 7
                                        | -> :scheme: https
85                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 5
                                        | -> :path: /index.html
bf                                      | == Indexed - 動態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 63
                                        | -> :authority:
                                        |   www.example.com
40                                      | == Literal indexed ==
0a                                      |   Literal name (長度10)
6375 7374 6f6d 2d6b 6579                | custom-key
0c                                      |   Literal value (長度12)
6375 7374 6f6d 2d76 616c 7565           | custom-value
                                        | -> custom-key:
                                        |   custom-value

動態列表 (解碼後):

[ 1->62] (s = 54) custom-key: custom-value
[ 2->63] (s = 53) cache-control: no-cache
[ 3->64] (s = 57) :authority: www.example.com
總長度: 164



第一次請求. 示例如下

:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com


8286 8441 8cf1 e3c2 e5f2 3a6b a0ab 90f4 | ...A......:k....
ff                                      | .



82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
86                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 6
                                        | -> :scheme: http
84                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 4
                                        | -> :path: /
41                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 1)
                                        |     :authority
8c                                      |   Literal value (長度12)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
f1e3 c2e5 f23a 6ba0 ab90 f4ff           | .....:k.....
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | www.example.com
                                        | -> :authority:
                                        |   www.example.com

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  57) :authority: www.example.com
      列表長度:  57

第二次請求. 示例如下,新加了cache-control欄位,其它和第一次一樣

:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com
cache-control: no-cache


8286 84be 5886 a8eb 1064 9cbf           | ....X....d..



82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
86                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 6
                                        | -> :scheme: http
84                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 4
                                        | -> :path: /
be                                      | == Indexed - 動態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 62
                                        | -> :authority:
                                        |   www.example.com
58                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 24)
                                        |     cache-control
86                                      |   Literal value (長度6)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
a8eb 1064 9cbf                          | ...d..
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | no-cache
                                        | -> cache-control: no-cache

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  53) cache-control: no-cache
[  2->63] (s =  57) :authority: www.example.com
      列表長度: 110

第三次請求. 示例如下

:method: GET
:scheme: https
:path: /index.html
:authority: www.example.com
custom-key: custom-value


8287 85bf 4088 25a8 49e9 5ba9 7d7f 8925 | ....@.%.I.[.}..%
a849 e95b b8e8 b4bf                     | .I.[....



82                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 2
                                        | -> :method: GET
87                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 7
                                        | -> :scheme: https
85                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 5
                                        | -> :path: /index.html
bf                                      | == Indexed - 動態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 63
                                        | -> :authority:
                                        |   www.example.com
40                                      | == Literal indexed ==
88                                      |   Literal name (長度8)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
25a8 49e9 5ba9 7d7f                     | %.I.[.}.
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | custom-key
89                                      |   Literal value (長度9)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
25a8 49e9 5bb8 e8b4 bf                  | %.I.[....
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | custom-value
                                        | -> custom-key:
                                        |   custom-value

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  54) custom-key: custom-value
[  2->63] (s =  53) cache-control: no-cache
[  3->64] (s =  57) :authority: www.example.com
      總長度: 164





第一次返回. 示例如下

:status: 302
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
location: https://www.example.com


4882 6402 5885 aec3 771a 4b61 96d0 7abe | H.d.X...w.Ka..z.
9410 54d4 44a8 2005 9504 0b81 66e0 82a6 | ..T.D. .....f...
2d1b ff6e 919d 29ad 1718 63c7 8f0b 97c8 | -..n..)...c.....
e9ae 82ae 43d3                          | ....C.


48                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 8)
                                        |     :status
82                                      |   Literal value (長度2)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
6402                                    | d.
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | 302
                                        | -> :status: 302
58                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 24)
                                        |     cache-control
85                                      |   Literal value (長度5)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
aec3 771a 4b                            | ..w.K
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | private
                                        | -> cache-control: private
61                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 33)
                                        |     date
96                                      |   Literal value (長度22)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
d07a be94 1054 d444 a820 0595 040b 8166 | .z...T.D. .....f
e082 a62d 1bff                          | ...-..
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21
                                        | GMT
                                        | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013
                                        |   20:13:21 GMT
6e                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 46)
                                        |     location
91                                      |   Literal value (長度17)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
9d29 ad17 1863 c78f 0b97 c8e9 ae82 ae43 | .)...c.........C
d3                                      | .
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | https://www.example.com
                                        | -> location:
                                        |   https://www.example.com

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  63) location: https://www.example.com
[  2->63] (s =  65) date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
[  3->64] (s =  52) cache-control: private
[  4->65] (s =  42) :status: 302
      Table size: 222

第二次請求. 示例如下,只是狀態碼發生了變更

:status: 307
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
location: https://www.example.com


4883 640e ffc1 c0bf                     | H.d.....


48                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 8)
                                        |     :status
83                                      |   Literal value (長度3)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
640e ff                                 | d..
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | 307
                                        | - evict: :status: 302
                                        | -> :status: 307
c1                                      | == Indexed - Add ==
                                        |   idx = 65
                                        | -> cache-control: private
c0                                      | == Indexed - Add ==
                                        |   idx = 64
                                        | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013
                                        |   20:13:21 GMT
bf                                      | == Indexed - Add ==
                                        |   idx = 63
                                        | -> location:
                                        |   https://www.example.com

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  42) :status: 307
[  2->63] (s =  63) location: https://www.example.com
[  3->64] (s =  65) date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
[  4->65] (s =  52) cache-control: private
      Table size: 222

由於(:status, 302)的長度為42,且42+222=264>256,所以捨棄最大值

第三次請求. 示例如下

:status: 200
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT
location: https://www.example.com
content-encoding: gzip
set-cookie: foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1


88c1 6196 d07a be94 1054 d444 a820 0595 | ..a..z...T.D. ..
040b 8166 e084 a62d 1bff c05a 839b d9ab | ...f...-...Z....
77ad 94e7 821d d7f2 e6c7 b335 dfdf cd5b | w..........5...[
3960 d5af 2708 7f36 72c1 ab27 0fb5 291f | 9`..'..6r..'..).
9587 3160 65c0 03ed 4ee5 b106 3d50 07   | ..1`e...N...=P.



88                                      | == Indexed - 靜態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 8
                                        | -> :status: 200
c1                                      | == Indexed - 動態表 ==
                                        |   idx = 65
                                        | -> cache-control: private
61                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 33)
                                        |     date
96                                      |   Literal value (長度22)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
d07a be94 1054 d444 a820 0595 040b 8166 | .z...T.D. .....f
e084 a62d 1bff                          | ...-..
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22
                                        | GMT
                                        | - evict: cache-control:
                                        |   private
                                        | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 
                                        |   20:13:22 GMT
c0                                      | == Indexed - Add ==
                                        |   idx = 64
                                        | -> location:
                                        |   https://www.example.com
5a                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 26)
                                        |     content-encoding
83                                      |   Literal value (長度3)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
9bd9 ab                                 | ...
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | gzip
                                        | - evict: date: Mon, 21 Oct
                                        |    2013 20:13:21 GMT
                                        | -> content-encoding: gzip
77                                      | == Literal indexed ==
                                        |   Indexed name (idx = 55)
                                        |     set-cookie
ad                                      |   Literal value (長度45)
                                        |     Huffman encoded:
94e7 821d d7f2 e6c7 b335 dfdf cd5b 3960 | .........5...[9`
d5af 2708 7f36 72c1 ab27 0fb5 291f 9587 | ..'..6r..'..)...
3160 65c0 03ed 4ee5 b106 3d50 07        | 1`e...N...=P.
                                        |     Decoded:
                                        | foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQ
                                        | WEOIU; max-age=3600; versi
                                        | on=1
                                        | - evict: location:
                                        |   https://www.example.com
                                        | - evict: :status: 307
                                        | -> set-cookie: foo=ASDJKHQ
                                        |   KBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; ma
                                        |   x-age=3600; version=1

動態列表 (解碼後):

[  1->62] (s =  98) set-cookie: foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU;
                 max-age=3600; version=1
[  2->63] (s =  52) content-encoding: gzip
[  3->64] (s =  65) date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT
總長度: 215



