

Although RCA updates the Academic Regulations annually before the start of an academic year, students will normally be examined in accordance with the Academic Regulations in force at the point of registration. On occasion, RCA may adopt new Academic Regulations during the course of a student's programme, as long as the student is not disadvantaged by the updated Academic Regulations.


  計算的新時代已經開始。你一定已經注意到,網際網路技術在過去十年中發展得非常迅速,變得越來越精密和複雜。物聯網(IoT)、3D數字孿生、區塊鏈、擴增實境和其他技術已經擴大了機會,以至於舊的Web 2.0術語不再描述新的網際網路現實。Web 3.0現在正在進入詞彙表,儘管它的含義仍然存在不確定性。


  for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)




  const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];


  if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION


  && txout.IsAnonOutput())




  const CScript &s = txout.scriptPubKey;


  CKeyID ckidD = CPubKey(&s[2+1], 33).GetID();


  if (wallet->HaveKey(ckidD))




  TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);


  sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number = txout.nValue;


  sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvButterfly;


  sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(ckidD).ToString();


  //sub.address = wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD]


  snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);


  mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);


  if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())


  sub.narration = mi->second;








  Web 3.0使網際網路通訊更加透明,分散和高效,這意味著它在商業,金融,治理和其他領域具有巨大的潛力。為了跟上快速的技術發展,本文試圖定義Web 3.0並檢查其線上上業務中的作用


  if (wtx.IsCoinStake()) // lomocoin: coinstake transaction




  TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::StakeMint, "", -nDebit, wtx.GetValueOut());


  CTxDestination address;


  CTxOut txout = wtx.vout[1];


  if(ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))


  sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();





來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
