unity .net8 suppot comming


Hello everyone, 大家好,

With the summer holidays upon us, It’s been a while since my last update, so I wanted to share some progress on our .NET Modernization effort.
暑假即將來臨,自從我上次更新以來已經有一段時間了,所以我想分享我們的 .NET 現代化工作的一些進展。

The transition to .NET 8/CoreCLR is moving along smoothly. We’re continuing to execute the plan I outlined in my previous post, and we’ve made good progress in several key areas:
向 .NET 8/CoreCLR 的過渡進展順利。我們正在繼續執行我在上一篇文章中概述的計劃,並且我們在幾個關鍵領域取得了良好進展:

  • The Unity Editor and Players are now fully running on .NET 8 CoreCLR, with Mono officially removed.
    Unity 編輯器和播放器現在完全在 .NET 8 CoreCLR 上執行,Mono 已正式刪除。
  • We’ve successfully converted over 80 assemblies to be loaded into a long-living Assembly Load Context (ALC) and have begun testing this in the Editor. However, converting all remaining assemblies requires collaboration with other Unity teams, and we’re planning to complete this work in the coming months.
    我們已成功轉換 80 多個程式集以載入到長期存在的程式集載入上下文 (ALC) 中,並已開始在編輯器中對此進行測試。然而,轉換所有剩餘的程式集需要與其他 Unity 團隊協作,我們計劃在未來幾個月內完成這項工作。
  • IL2CPP support for .NET 8 BCL is progressing well, with a significant portion of our integration tests now starting to run on key platforms.
    IL2CPP 對 .NET 8 BCL 的支援進展順利,我們的整合測試的很大一部分現在開始在關鍵平臺上執行。
  • We’ve also made considerable progress on MSBuild support for building user projects, which involved migrating several projects and packages. This feature is currently opt-in, as we’re still working towards making it the default.
    我們還在構建使用者專案的 MSBuild 支援方面取得了相當大的進展,其中涉及遷移多個專案和包。此功能目前是可選的,因為我們仍在努力將其設為預設功能。
  • The integration of Burst into the core of the Unity Editor/Engine is advancing steadily.
    Burst 與 Unity 編輯器/引擎核心的整合正在穩步推進。

As with any complex project, some aspects are time-consuming and may not be particularly exciting from an external perspective. For example, while we’ve converted over 30 additional modules, the work is meticulous and requires time. Additionally, software development can sometimes be affected by factors beyond our control (such as team changes), which can impact our pace.
與任何複雜的專案一樣,某些方面非常耗時,並且從外部角度來看可能並不特別令人興奮。例如,雖然我們已經轉換了 30 多個附加模組,但工作非常細緻且需要時間。此外,軟體開發有時會受到我們無法控制的因素(例如團隊變更)的影響,這可能會影響我們的進度。

At this stage, we still can’t provide a specific ETA. However, with Unite coming up soon, we hope to offer a glimpse into what’s ahead.
現階段,我們仍然無法提供具體的預計到達時間。然而,隨著 Unite 即將推出,我們希望能夠讓大家一睹未來的發展。

原文:Unity Future .NET Development Status - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
