
  什麼是Design Patten?
  簡單來說,Design Patten 就是一個常用的方案。在我們的開發過程中,經常會遇到一些相同或者相近的問題,每次我們都會去尋找一個新的解決方法,為了節省時間提高效率,我們提供一些能夠解決這些常見問題的,被證實可行的方案,構成一個統一的資源庫。
  一個Design Patten描述了一個被證實可行的方案。這些方案非常普通,是有完整定義的最常用的模式。這些模式可以被重用,有良好的伸縮性,而這些Design Patten的優勢將在設計J2EE應用時得到體現。
  1. Model-View-Controller
  a. 問題
  b. 建議的解決方法
  Model-View-Controller (MVC) 開發模式被證明是有效的處理方法之一。它可以分離資料訪問和資料表現。你可以開發一個有伸縮性的,便於擴充套件的控制器,來維護整個流程。如圖1所示為整個模式的結構。MVC模式可以被對映到多層企業級的J2EE應用上。
  c. 要點
  2. Front Controller
  a. 問題
  b. 建議的解決方法
  c. 要點
  d. 樣例
  §RequestMappings.xml 檔案對映了傳入的請求,處理器以及下一個頁面。
  requiresSecurityCheck="true" nextScreen="screen2.jsp">
  §FrontControllerImpl.java 利用上面的XML實現了控制器
  // all required imports
  // exceptions to be caught appropriately wherever applicable
  public class FrontControllerImpl extends HttpServlet {
  // all required declarations, definitions
  private HashMap requestMappings;
  public void init() {
  // load the mappings from XML file into the hashmap
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException
  doGet(request, response);
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  String currentPage= request.getPathInfo();
  // get all mapping info for "currentPage" from the hashmap
  // if "securityCheckRequired = true", do the security check
  // if "useRequestHandler = true", pass on the incoming request to the specified handler
  // forward the results to the given "nextScreen"
  3. Session Fa?ade
  a. 問題
  A servlet that does the workflow required for placing an order
  // all required imports;
  // exceptions to be caught appropriately wherever applicable;
  // This servlet assumes that for placing an order the account and
  // credit status of the customer has to be checked before getting the
  // approval and committing the order. For simplicity, the EJBs that
  // represent the business logic of account, credit status etc are
  // not listed
  public class OrderHandlingServlet extends HttpServlet {
  // all required declarations, definitions
  public void init() {
  // all inits required done here
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  // other logic as required
  // Get reference to the required EJBs
  InitialContext ctxt = new InitialContext();
  Object obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/UserAccount");
  UserAccountHome acctHome = (UserAccountHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, UserAccountHome.class);
  UserAccount acct = acctHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CreditCheck");
  CreditCheckHome creditCheckHome = (CreditCheckHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, CreditCheckHome.class);
  CreditCheck credit = creditCheckHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Approvals");
  ApprovalsHome apprHome = (ApprovalsHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, ApprovalsHome.class);
  Approvals appr = apprHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CommitOrder");
  CommitOrderHome orderHome = (CommitOrderHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, CommitOrderHome.class);
  CommitOrder order = orderHome.create();
  // Acquire the customer ID and order details;
  // Now do the required workflow to place the order
  int result = acct.checkStatus(customerId);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  result = credit.checkCreditWorth(customerId, currentOrder);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  result = appr.getApprovals(customerId, currentOrder);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  // Everything OK; place the order
  result = order.placeOrder(customerId, currentOrder);
  // do further processing as required
  b. 建議的解決方法
  解決這個問題的方法是,把客戶端和他們使用的EJB分割開。建議適用Session Fa?ade模式。這個模式通過一個Session Bean,為一系列的EJB提供統一的介面來實現流程。事實上,當客戶端只是使用這個介面來觸發流程。這樣,所有關於EJB實現流程所需要的改變,都和客戶端無關。
  // All imports required
  // Exception handling not shown in the sample code
  public class OrderSessionFacade implements SessionBean {
  // all EJB specific methods like ejbCreate defined here
  // Here is the business method that does the workflow
  // required when a customer places a new order
  public int placeOrder(String customerId, Details orderDetails)
  throws RemoteException {
  // Get reference to the required EJBs
  InitialContext ctxt = new InitialContext();
  Object obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/UserAccount");
  UserAccountHome acctHome = (UserAccountHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, UserAccountHome.class);
  UserAccount acct = acctHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CreditCheck");
  CreditCheckHome creditCheckHome = (CreditCheckHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, CreditCheckHome.class);
  CreditCheck credit = creditCheckHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Approvals");
  ApprovalsHome apprHome = (ApprovalsHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, ApprovalsHome.class);
  Approvals appr = apprHome.create();
  obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CommitOrder");
  CommitOrderHome orderHome = (CommitOrderHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, CommitOrderHome.class);
  CommitOrder order = orderHome.create();
  // Now do the required workflow to place the order
  int result = acct.checkStatus(customerId);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  result = credit.checkCreditWorth(customerId, currentOrder);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  result = appr.getApprovals(customerId, currentOrder);
  if(result != OK) {
  // stop further steps
  // Everything OK; place the order
  int orderId = order.placeOrder(customerId, currentOrder);
  // Do other processing required
  // Implement other workflows for other order related functionalities (like
  // updating an existing order, canceling an existing order etc.) in a
  // similar way
  // all required imports
  // exceptions to be caught appropriately wherever applicable
  public class OrderHandlingServlet extends HttpServlet {
  // all required declarations, definitions
  public void init() {
  // all inits required done here
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  // other logic as required
  // Get reference to the session facade
  InitialContext ctxt = new InitialContext();
  Object obj = ctxt.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/OrderSessionFacade");
  OrderSessionFacadeHome facadeHome = (OrderSessionFacadeHome)
  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, OrderSessionFacadeHome.class);
  OrderSessionFacade facade = facadeHome.create();
  // trigger the order workflow
  int orderId = facade.placeOrder(customerId, currentOrder);
  // do further processing as required
  c. 要點
  §既然這種模式不涉及到資料訪問,就應該用Session Bean來實現。
  §所有和EJB有關的互動,都有同一個Session Bean來控制,可以減少客戶端對EJB的誤用。
  4. Data Access Object
  a. 問題
  An EJB that has SQL code embedded in it
  // all imports required
  // exceptions not handled in the sample code
  public class UserAccountEJB implements EntityBean {
  // All EJB methods like ejbCreate, ejbRemove go here
  // Business methods start here
  public UserDetails getUserDetails(String userId) {
  // A simple query for this example
  String query = "SELECT id, name, phone FROM userdetails WHERE name = " + userId;
  InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
  datasource = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/DataSource");
  Connection dbConnection = datasource.getConnection();
  Statement stmt = dbConnection.createStatement();
  ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(queryStr);
  // other processing like creation of UserDetails object
  b. 建議的解決方法
  A Data Access Object that encapsulates all data resource access code
  // All required imports
  // Exception handling code not listed below for simplicity
  public class UserAccountDAO {
  private transient Connection dbConnection = null;
  public UserAccountDAO() {}
  public UserDetails getUserDetails(String userId) {
  // A simple query for this example
  String query = "SELECT id, name, phone FROM userdetails WHERE name = " + userId;
  InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
  datasource = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/DataSource");
  Connection dbConnection = datasource.getConnection();
  Statement stmt = dbConnection.createStatement();
  ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(queryStr);
  // other processing like creation of UserDetails object
  // Other data access / modification methods pertaining to the UserAccountEJB
  An EJB that uses a DAO
  // all imports required
  // exceptions not handled in the sample code
  public class UserAccountEJB implements EntityBean {
  // All EJB methods like ejbCreate, ejbRemove go here
  // Business methods start here
  public UserDetails getUserDetails(String userId) {
  // other processing as required
  UserAccountDAO dao = new UserAccountDAO();
  UserDetails details = dao.getUserDetails(userId);
  // other processing as required
  c. 要點

