
// One of the big things callers will want to do with the sequential indices N
// is use them as part of an identifier, like f0 f1 f2 etc.
// Implement some logic to paste together any Ident followed by `~` followed by
// our loop variable into a single concatenated identifier.
// The invocation below will expand to:
//     fn f1() -> u64 { 1 * 2 }
//     fn f2() -> u64 { 2 * 2 }
//     fn f3() -> u64 { 3 * 2 }
// Optionally, also support more flexible arrangements like `f~N~_suffix` ->
// f0_suffix f1_suffix etc, though the test suite only requires `prefix~N` so
// you will need to add your own tests for this feature.
// Resources:
//     - Example of creating a new Ident from a string:

use seq::seq;

seq!(N in 1..4 {
    fn f~N () -> u64 {
        N * 2

// This f0 is written separately to detect whether your macro correctly starts
// with the first iteration at N=1 as specified in the invocation. If the macro
// incorrectly started at N=0 like in the previous tests cases, the first
// generated function would conflict with this one and the program would not
// compile.
fn f0() -> u64 {

fn main() {
    let sum = f0() + f1() + f2() + f3();

    assert_eq!(sum, 100 + 2 + 4 + 6);


impl crate::parser::SeqParser {
    pub(crate) fn process_prefix(
        idx: &mut usize,
        n: usize,
        prefix: &syn::Ident,
        buf: &Vec<proc_macro2::TokenTree>,
    ) -> std::option::Option<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
        // 還有解析的空間
        if *idx + 2 < buf.len() {
            if let proc_macro2::TokenTree::Punct(p) = &buf[*idx + 1] {
                // 核對識別符號
                if p.as_char() == '~' {
                    if let proc_macro2::TokenTree::Ident(ident) = &buf[*idx + 2] {
                        // 核對迴圈變數,並且需要緊密聯絡
                        if ident == &self.variable_ident
                            && prefix.span().end() == p.span().start()
                            && p.span().end() == ident.span().start()
                            // 新生成識別符號進行替換
                            let combine_ident_litral = format!("{}{}", prefix.to_string(), n);
                            let combine_ident =
                                syn::Ident::new(&combine_ident_litral, prefix.span());
                            *idx += 3;
                            return std::option::Option::Some(quote::quote! {



pub fn seq(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let parser = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as crate::parser::SeqParser);
    return parser.expend_repeat().into();
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