Machine learning terms_01
Supervised learning
The machine learning program is both given the input data and the corresponding labelling. This means that the learn data has to be labelled by a human being beforehand.
Unsupervised learning
No labels are provided to the learning algorithm. The algorithm has to figure out the a clustering of the input data.
Reinforcement learning
A computer program dynamically interacts with its environment. This means that the program receives positive and/or negative feedback to improve it performance.
weak AI and strong AI
weak AI:
- deals with specific application problems
- Supporting human thinking in certain areas
- capable of learning in sub-areas
- no awareness
strong AI:
- "general intelligence" (reason, logical thinking, use strategy, solve puzzles, and make judgments under uncertainty)
- Comparable to human intelligence, but need not be the same, could be different
- making plans
- generally capable of learning
- Communication skills, natural language
- Awareness?
- sentience, emotions?
- self-perception?
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