Important directory for OBIEE 11g for system component and java component
OBIEE has changed a lot with the 11g version. Many directory of the prior version we have get used to has been moved to the new location. And here ‘s some important directory for the new OBIEE 11g ( version.
With the new OBIEE 11g, all of the OBIEE background processes has been divided into two major category:
System component
system component compose of the traditional OBIEE server process :
- Presentation Service
- BI Server
- Java host
- Cluster controler
system component is deployed under instance directory which is defined as INSTANCE_HOME
And these components is controled using Oracle OPMN
The most important files for OBIEE is stored in the bifoundation sub directory under INSTANCE_HOME
Here we could find the RPD files
And we can also create catalog file here
For system components problems troubleshooting, we will have to look at log files for each component which ic located at the following directory
Java component
Since Weblogic has become the default running platform of OBIEE, Some of OBIEE’s server process is deployed into weblogic server and run as a standard J2EE application.
- BI Office plugin
- BI Publisher
- …
Java component is deployed into weblogic managed server and is control using the weblogic command:
And java component could be managed using the traditional weblogic console and FMW control at
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