linux expect
expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh root@; expect { *(yes/no)* {send yes\r ;exp_continue;} *password* {send 123456\r ;exp_continue;} eof {exit 0 } }"; 透過expect工具,shell在while迴圈中完成服務期間的免密登入一鍵話指令碼 1.前提要安裝expect包 2.程式碼如下: #!/bin/sh #主伺服器密碼 password=123456 while read hostname ; do expect -c " set timeout -1; spawn ssh-copy-id ${hostname} ; expect { "*password:*" {send -- ${password}\r ;exp_continue;} "*\(yes/no\)*" {send -- yes\r ;exp_continue;} eof {exit 0;} }" echo "hosts:${hostname} done." #ipconf.cfg 中存放要與主伺服器要免密登入的使用者的ip 例如: root@1921.68.245.134 每一行的格式與該例相同 done < ipconf.cfg ifconf.cfg示例: root@ root@
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