- name 自定義資料庫的欄位名稱
- nullable 是否為空
- length: 如果是字元型,可以限定長度
- unqiue 是否為唯一性
- precision/scale 對於小數的精度控制
- insertable/updatable 可插入/可更新設定
* Specifies the mapped column for a persistent property or field.
* If no <code>Column</code> annotation is specified, the default values apply.
* <blockquote><pre>
* Example 1:
* @Column(name="DESC", nullable=false, length=512)
* public String getDescription() { return description; }
* Example 2:
* @Column(name="DESC",
* columnDefinition="CLOB NOT NULL",
* table="EMP_DETAIL")
* @Lob
* public String getDescription() { return description; }
* Example 3:
* @Column(name="ORDER_COST", updatable=false, precision=12, scale=2)
* public BigDecimal getCost() { return cost; }
* </pre></blockquote>
* @since Java Persistence 1.0
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface Column {
* (Optional) The name of the column. Defaults to
* the property or field name.
String name() default "";
* (Optional) Whether the column is a unique key. This is a
* shortcut for the <code>UniqueConstraint</code> annotation at the table
* level and is useful for when the unique key constraint
* corresponds to only a single column. This constraint applies
* in addition to any constraint entailed by primary key mapping and
* to constraints specified at the table level.
boolean unique() default false;
* (Optional) Whether the database column is nullable.
boolean nullable() default true;
* (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT
* statements generated by the persistence provider.
boolean insertable() default true;
* (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE
* statements generated by the persistence provider.
boolean updatable() default true;
* (Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when
* generating the DDL for the column.
* <p> Defaults to the generated SQL to create a
* column of the inferred type.
String columnDefinition() default "";
* (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column.
* If absent the column is assumed to be in the primary table.
String table() default "";
* (Optional) The column length. (Applies only if a
* string-valued column is used.)
int length() default 255;
* (Optional) The precision for a decimal (exact numeric)
* column. (Applies only if a decimal column is used.)
* Value must be set by developer if used when generating
* the DDL for the column.
int precision() default 0;
* (Optional) The scale for a decimal (exact numeric) column.
* (Applies only if a decimal column is used.)
int scale() default 0;
Date: @Temperal(TemperalType.TIMESTAMP/DATE/TIME)
@Column(name = "created_time")
private Date createdTime;
定義列舉類, 其有兩個值:Male/Female
public enum Gender {
Female, Male
@Column(name="t_gender", nullable=false)
private Gender gender;
上述列定義中EnumType支援String/Ordinal型別, String是列舉的字元描述值,Ordinal是其位置資訊,例如Female其位置為0, Male的位置為1,其存入資料庫的值即為0/1.
如果需要自定義列舉的值,例如Female之時,存入10, Male之時,存入20.該如何來處理呢?
public enum Gender {
Male("Male", 20), Female("Female", 10);
private String name;
private Integer index;
private Gender(String name, Integer index) { = name;
this.index = index;
public static Gender fromInteger(Integer indexNum) {
if (indexNum.intValue() == Female.index.intValue()) {
return Female;
return Male;
public class GenderConverter implements AttributeConverter<Gender, Integer> {
public Integer convertToDatabaseColumn(Gender attribute) {
return attribute.getIndex();
public Gender convertToEntityAttribute(Integer dbData) {
return Gender.fromInteger(dbData);
注意這裡的範型使用<Gender, Integer>,第一個是列舉類,第二個是Index型別。
@Column(nullable=false, name="gender")
@Convert(converter = GenderConverter.class)
private Gender gender = Gender.Male;
@Lob: 用來宣告欄位需要大的儲存空間。
如果宣告瞭String型別, 則在資料庫中預設對映為LongText。
對於二進位制資料,domain物件使用byte/Byte[], 則資料庫中型別對映為LongBlob。
private Byte[] file;
@Transient 欄位名稱
預設使用欄位對映, 通過@Transient設定,不用資料庫欄位的對映。
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