使用Push方式安裝EM 12c Agent報Shell path is incorrect錯誤解決一例
EM 12c釋出也已經有一段時日了,從各方面的反饋情況來看,12c的評價都還不錯。大概一個月前單位也安裝了12c進行測試,從試用情況來看,個人感覺比10g,11g要好很多,12c介面簡潔、大方,不會像之前的那樣有點凌亂的感覺,而且資源佔用率也低,效能不錯。所以,綜合考慮權衡之後,準備在一臺非核心的生產機上進行部署12c Agent。
Shell path is incorrect or not defined.:/usr/bin/ksh(SH_PATH),-c(SH_ARGS) on host prderpdb570 and problem Shell Path validation failed and recommendation Check the property values in the following files in this order, ssPaths_
.properties or sPaths.properties or Paths.properties, in "/app/oracle/product/em/12.1.0/oms/oui/prov/resources" directory.For more details, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation Guide.
# which ksh /usr/bin/ksh
WARNING: Your password has expired.
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